Should Caribbean Nations Increase Pressure for an End to the Israeli Occupation in Pursuit of Lasting Peace?


Question of the Day:
What steps should Caribbean nations take to support the realization of a lasting peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, especially considering their stance on a two-state solution and the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories?

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  1. As a supporter of Israel, I believe that security must come first. Caribbean nations need to understand that ending the occupation isn’t as simple as they think. Hamas is a terrorist group, and until Palestinian leadership is willing to truly recognize Israel’s right to exist, there can be no real peace.

  2. This conflict is incredibly complex. I’m not sure if small Caribbean nations can really influence major powers like the U.S. or Israel. However, diplomacy is always better than violence, and if CARICOM can add its voice to calls for peace, it might push the needle in the right direction.

  3. I’m tired of the blame game. Both Israel and the Palestinian leadership have committed terrible acts over the years. Instead of taking sides, Caribbean nations should focus on promoting dialogue and a ceasefire. The endless violence helps no one.

  4. Why should the Caribbean get involved in such a faraway conflict? We have our own issues to deal with. Let the big powers handle this, and let us focus on our local problems. We can’t afford to get dragged into a situation that has no easy solution.

  5. Its time for us to have(push for) the same pressure applied to Israel that was applied to apartheid South Africa. The fact is Israel is an apartheid state which is something especially people of African origin should not support. This fact has been stated by former US president(s) (Carter, , former Israeli PM’s, and Leading humanitarian groups (Yesh Din, B’Tselem, Human Rights Watch, and Amnesty International). I have heard South Africans point out that what is happening in Israel is worse than what they experienced (eg Desmond Tutu). Bob Marley’s song (which echoes a statement made by Haile Selassie) war “That until the basic human rights, are equally guaranteed to all without regard to race: dis a war” needs to be remembered

  6. Caribbean countries should just tell them to tap fight and work out some kind of solution for lasting peace. It’s not our place to tell them what the solution should be.

  7. They should take a stand having experience the same and worst under the nomenclature slavery, we should be sympathetic with any human suffering around the world, and we should stop being infantillised and emasculated by the white agenda when Israel comes to us to put up a facade of benevolence pretentiously in agriculture destroying our food production in agriculture by genetic modify organisms in plant seed and pesticide that kills our natural plants our parents has been planting and reaping for years, they come with Monsanto agricultural colonization agenda to prevent us from self reliance, attacking our sovereignty. Our leaders have to give up their love for white supervision in the commonwealth and OAS and the UN by coming to a common Caribbean ideology that benifit us black people, the white people and no one black get along in this world, we got it push down our brain that god and them is partners in enslaving humanity as they portray a white deity, stop looking for white supervision and tell USA and Israel they are damn well criminal.

  8. The Caribbean nations cannot add any real pressure – we are too small and do not have much to offer. The bigger nations that are suppling Israel with weapons, in particular the USA, has the leverage. The USA also has veto power at the UN and has vetoed several resolutions that were brought to the floor.

    The Caribbean countries would become effective the motions are brought before the UN General Assembly where no veto power is allowed. At such times, the Caribbean countries could vote to make a difference, as in the case where most countries voted to recognize Palestine and give them a rightful place in the UN.

    @PRO ISRAEL – What is your definition of a terrorist group? What terrorist act has the group committed? Different to Israel, which other country did the Hamas group attack? If you have a group of people oppressed for decades, don’t you think that the resist the occupation at some point? Is it wrong to fight for your freedom?

  9. One thing I forget to mention is that there is a conflation of issues because our brains has being spiritually colonized, we believe it’s an Israel from their book that is physically existing today, but no, it’s a make up of Germans political opposition group to Hitler that has be rewarded by Rothschild family that owns the IMF bank that set them up and begged the Palestinian to take them in with the force of the UK army, and now they killing them and taking all the lands, they being conscious that the Arab Palestinian did the same to the original black Africans that were the true owners of the lands since there is no middle east, it’s a made up name after spoil of war with the victor taking over the lands, one and two original Africans remain in Palestine, but are treated as second class, so you people who really knows there is a god and willingly surrender yourself to these white religions that use you to celebrate hatred into perpetuity, stop and think and say , this ain’t no Israel as bible story theses are Hitler sympathizers. German ideology, they call the Palestinian monkeys and animals because their eyes not blue and no blond hair, what about we black Caribbean people whom they pretentiously come to help in agriculture, it’s just to create this benevolent imagery on the world stage knowing they are criminals.

  10. What Occupation? Gaza is not occupied.

    Lasting peace will only be achieved once Hamas, which is a proxy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, stops trying to annihilate the Jews. The Hamas covenant reads:

    “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and kill them. Then the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the rocks and trees will cry out: O’ Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind me, come and kill him.”

    This is a religious war, or Jihad which aims to establish a Caliphate, with its capital being Jerusalem. Its borders will expand further afield, with the West also submitting to this Islamic rule.

    Islam conquered much of the Middle East by way of the sword. It has failed with Israel, a land that is the Jewish ancestral homeland. The Jewish connection to Israel predates Islam. Check your Bible.

    The Ayatollahs in Iran have surrounded Israel with their proxy armies: Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza and the Houthis in Yemen. Their reign of terror destroys everything in its path. They wrecked Lebanon which was a country created to serve as a safe haven for Christians. Hezbollah occupy Lebanon, terrorising Christian and Druze communities. Hezbollah helped Assad butcher 500,000 Syrians.

    It is nauseating to witness people such as JBF imply that the terrorists are freedom fighters. Raping, capturing sex slaves, burning children alive, putting them in ovens, chopping limbs off their victims…all in front of their helpless loved ones.

    Hamas could release the 97 hostages that they are keeping in tunnels. But they choose not to. Instead they claim, as does the Islamic Republic of Iran, that they will repeat these atrocities again and again.

    I’ve seen comments about Israel being an apartheid state. Only an ignoramus could make such a statement. Israel is a country in which Israeli Arabs, Jews, Christians, Bahai and Druze live freely. More so than any other country in the region. People are free to practise their religions, unlike in many of the surrounding countries where minorities are persecuted. Arabs and Jews work alongside one another in all professions, as doctors, professors, teachers etc. Many Israeli Arabs serve in the army, brothers and sisters protecting their homeland.

    Pressure needs to be put upon Tehran to cease with its Islamic expansion. Sharia law cannot be forced upon the world. Hitler handed over the baton of Nazism to these Jihadists.

  11. I love the usage of big words, especially Apartheid.
    Can anyone who believes there is an apartheid in Israel, could you please name a single Black justice judge in apartheid South Africa? A Parliament member? A hospital that served both Whites and Blacks? A bus service with no separation based on skin colour? A Black international Rugby player?

    Israel has a Supreme Court Arab judge that have sent an ex president and ex prime minister to jail.
    Arab parliament members.
    Over representation for their part in the population of Arab doctors & Pharmacist.
    Full freedom of movement and occupation.
    Israeli Arabs like any other minority share with the jews the same public spaces, universities, public transportation and such.
    2 million Israeli Arabs live in Israel; The vast majority of them will refuse to leave Israel to “Palestine” or any other Arab country for any reason.
    They are the freest Arabs to live in the Middle East and in most muslim countries.

    The only place in Israel that has Apartheid is the Temple of the Dome where only MUSLIMS are allowed to pray at all times.
    The holiest of holies for the jews and they are not allowed to pray in order to respect the Muslims (Which consider the Temple of the Dome to be the 3rd holiest place for Muslims).

    Since I assume that anyone who is on this space is a curious person who wishes to expand their knowledge, before you use a word like Apartheid, I would recommend strongly that you learn the term Blood Libel.
    Understand what is the only thing that can be achieved by using such lies and big words. Understand what purpose you choose to serve.


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