Prime Minister Gaston Browne has been explaining the exact nature of the relationship between Pointe FM, a radio station he founded, and SHARE INC, his wife’s Charity.
He confirmed that the charity owned by his wife Maria Browne, has a rental arrangement with Pointe FM because the building is owned by SHARE.
SHARE Inc is also a shareholder in Pointe FM.
Browne was responding to questions in parliament by Opposition Leader Jamal Pringle.
We present his full response:
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This in my opinion is such a skulduggery. This is a conflict of interests. It reminded me of the Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos days in the Philippines. Where their hands were involved in almost everything. Share Inc,in my world is like a laundry. Where dirty clothes are brought and cleaned. That Radio Station and Share Inc. and the properties that surrounds that area needs to be Investigated. I did not realize that Share Inc was still active. I thought Gaston Browne did say it was out of business a few years ago. Those Politicians surely do know how to enrich themselves and family members. While the majority of the Citizenry stays in poverty. Gaston Browne and Maria Browne this for you and those who thinks like you.
If thou art rich,thou art poor. For like an ass whose backs with ingots bows. Thou bearest thy heavy riches but for a journey, and “DEATH” unloads thee. Take heed or else you would fall.
This is all part of the self enrichment scheme of the Prime Minister. It is just about he, his wife, his son’s mother and high society friends.
Meanwhile, pensioners, LIAT workers, Solid Waste workers bawling.
Gaston Browne you have no conscience, you have no soul, you have no heart.
You will burn in hell.
Gaston Maria Browne, the bamboozler, the land grabber, the most corrupt prime minister in the world.
His answers were so evasive. Even if a pliers were used to squeeze his nuts he would never tell the people of his wife’s association with Share Inc or the other private individuals mentioned were also their family members.
Btw maybe Gaston can tell the people how these lands and buildings were acquired by his family members and Share Inc.
I never see Gaston look so meek in answering a question! He look scared. The Port is transferring a part of the land to “private owners” who are his family members? Is that what he said? And the other part is owned by his wife’s charity? Is owning the land and building a charitable purpose?
That is exactly what he said. And pardon my french, but I nearly f*rt.
WTH is going on. Mr. PM people are dying snd suffering.
Is Pointe FM a charitable purpose? What specific purpose did Share say it would be used for??
Who are the private owners? When dem lub bad talk people in Parliament dem will call name big. Say mommy in law/former girlfriend or whoever it is.
Maria, what is this? Can you come tell us any clearer please?
I guess Point people supposed to be happy to be kicked out of their homes with no security, and look over the road and see PM family members booming.
What ah way of life we have here. Something about this seems off, and very barefaced too jack.
The opening batsman JUST SAYING and the number two batsman FROM THE SIDELINE are missing in action or perhaps they were both bowled first ball faced for nought. In any normal country where the Rule of Law and Good Governance are observed and respected both Maria Browne of SHARE and her husband Gaston Browne would be under serious investigation for conflict of interest. Also, by buying the land for a serious discounted price from government and then selling it to her husband the Prime Minister is beyond the pale. Moreover, SHARE as a Charity was not established to do what it did. SHARE was established to assist young entrepreneurs and in particular women. The last time i checked Gaston Browne was neither a young entrepreneur nor a woman. Can you recall the uproar in America when President Trump thought of having a G-7 Summit Meeting at his Mar-a-Largo property in Florida. Well SHARE selling property is bought from government to Gaston Browne the Prime Minister is a million time worse than what Trump intended to do. We are really a bunch of idiots in this country (or so Gaston Browne thinks), where he can try to dismiss the clear misfeasance and malfeasance in his government with mere words. He is still talking about SHARE and SHARE should have been struck from the Register of Companies since the last time they filed annual returns at the Intellectual Property Office was in 2015. We are really living in a CARTOON COUNTRY.
My buddy, Charlie,
Where is Eric ( THE RED ) Conrad ( THE RED ). Rupert Mann and the host of other names that this one ABLP operative calls himself. Have you noticed that when they make a comment, it is done on the same day at about the same time.
I guess the retainer ran out and he has not been paid. What a prostitute!
Wealth gotten by vanity shall deminish, the man want the cookie and still the crumbs
The grinch that stole independence, enrich himself and sell out his people .
And Sir Charles Tabor do you still think UPP is a credible opposition with all these delicious low hanging fruits, that HER MAJESTY’S LOYAL OPPOSITION could not address they just marching alongside the wagon.
DNA cone in clean RESCUE us UPABLP.
The point is about the conflict of interest concerning the Prime Minister and his wife. Why are you afraid to address that issue.
Where does the UPP and low hanging fruit come in. Do you agree with what is going on on lower North Street.
Come on.
@Melchesidec – This is not about UPP or DNA or Go-Green. I already know you are an intelligent individual, who is anti-UPP, but do me a favor and address the topic of this article and forget about taking your usual jab at the opposition UPP.
Happy to know that you, unlike the other ALP minions, like they know who they are, chose to make a comments despite this not looking too good for the PM.
Don’t you think a real opposition party would have these matters before the court?
These are straight forward corrupt acts.
The people need leadership vibrant and resolute with a dash of militancy.
The people are too dumbed down to reason independently…
If you have all the answers , why don’t you form your own party? You would rather stay behind your computer and throw stones.
The problem is about the corruption of the party that you support.
Address that issue!
@ Melchesidec – where is the precedent?
You need a poke in the side to awake you from your dream so that you can realize that you are not in Washington on Capitol Hill. You are in Antigua where The legislative, the executive, the judicial bodies, GG, Pcomm, DPP, are all controlled by the ruling ALP and the PM. Oppositions have no power in Antigua. The people have the power but don’t realize it. They are too easily bought.
Did y’all expect anything less from a Zealot!
I marvel at comments on this forum to issues. We are so immature that we in 2021 see wrong and right through partisan political eyes. The only way things will change regardless of who is in power is for the loudest supporters call out wrong when their party do wrong. You actually get more respect from your opponents and can win over the independents. Come on. Grow up my people. This should be called out for what it is. It is the people who suffers from these corrupt acts. If you complain about lack of water, bad roads, late payments, underfunded health care and security apparatus, these are as a result of corruption.
Gaston and Maria Browne: Where the hell was Share the Charity Inc. To help the poor,down trodden Citizens and Residences of the Nation in 2020 to now. In the times that persons needed help most. Share Inc,played a disappearing act. They went into an underground cave to hide the money. Now you Gaston,resurrecting Share Inc,from that cave. All of self and family members none for anyone else.Greedy,greedy,sets of animals.
Most people in this country are no longer ABLP or UPP or DNA. The huge majority are now Independents, and they are watching everything very closely. Be careful.
This is so amusing. Where are all the regular bloggers? This Share inc topic poisoned all the RED rats.
Give them a call for me, Mr Tabor
You Guys should be ASHAMED of the POOR performance by JAMALE PRINGLE in Parliament and stop bigging up your chests. These questions were asked in 2018 and UPP get Their Asses kicked in the election. The same will happen in 2023.
Stop writing your long winded crap. You do not win elections on social media. Check out the following
This is what UPP be worried about and stop asking STUPID questions in Parliament.
ERIC (THE RED) you are not completely right about elections not being won on social media. Social media is one of the avenues of getting your message to the people that is why the ALP pay so many of you to print your rubbish every day. Anyway, we operate a first pass the post election system and you win by getting the majority to vote for you in every constituency. The tide is turning and so are the minds of the majority because of the corruption and nonperformance of the government so your usual election prediction might be just the opposite.
Ha! Even though they have not paid you, you come on to save face!
What happen to the other people that you pretend to be. So deceitful. So ABLP. So much like your boss who don’t give a broken China dish about you since all he cares about is self-enrichment. Yet like a dog you run behind him.
Dear Desert Rose, You sound so emotional or should we say emotionally disturbed. Are you okay?
Stop jealous Hon. Gaston Browne . Tabor and Desert not smart enough to be a MILLIONAIRE as Hon.Gaston Browne . They just have this jealousy in Their hearts for anyone who is successful . SHAME on Tabor and DEsert.
When you allow a thief and his wife to control all the resources of the country, he will find ways to enrich himself and family. How much Antigua lands he and his family owns since he made his wife minister of lands in name only? We know he is the real minister. One should never let a rat in a cheese factory. Who is jealous of ill gotten gains? Must be the poor constituents in pointe and villa and you P. Jamieson.
The same thing that happened in Haiti might happen here too. When a govt continuously steals from its people and lives high on the hog, people can snap and do whatever they think they need to do to fix the problem. World dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne and his septic tank gang only represent themselves and their bank accounts. We are their financial slaves. World dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne continues to compete with the local folks who are barely surviving while he lives high on the hog. Don’t forget he has stolen crown land from us too. While we are struggling to make ends meet, he and his septic tank gang are living a sweet life.
I would not be surprised if the same thing that happened in Haiti happens here. World dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne and his septic tank gang must all be brought to justice.
ERIC (THE RED) on the contrary it is all you guys who should be ASHAMED at how Gaston Browne has used the State’s resources to enrich himself and his family since becoming the Prime Minister. Even outright illegal activities such as the Odebrecht scandal is also pointing to his involvement. Those are the things you should be ASHAMED. Be assured that history will not absolve him even if we are long gone to witness it.
*Those are the things you should be ASHAMED of.
You’re fighting a LOSING BATTLE. DNA will be the OPPOSITION in 2028. UPP will be completely DESTROYED in 2023. DNA will be the OPPOSITION within 10 years.
Most comments on this medium are made along party lines and that is why the politicians and their cronies will continue to indulge in malfeasance/corrupted practices regardless of which party is in governance. What happened in the other Caribbean country the other day should not be to the leader alone; there are other players that will continue to engage in these practices until a STRONGER message is sent to politicians and their cronies that SOME/if not MOST of the people is fed up and will not tolerate that behaviour from elected officials. While those that exchange a friendly blog amongst each other, there are very serious issues/problems developing daily that will see of beloved country become the poorest country in the Western hemisphere. How many politicians are collecting over ten thousand dollars monthly from the Treasury for pensions, (that needs to be changed) five consecutive terms before eligible for pension, so many government vehicles in this electronic age. Covid-19 has shown/proven that travelling outside the country to conduct businesses on behalf of the country is not necessary.
ERIC (THE RED) I am sure you realized that instead of addressing the issues raised about SHARE and the impropriety of the whole affair you go off at tangents with irrelevant matters. Anyway, that is clear evidence that you or any of the other ALP apologists and propagandists can put forward a sensible response. In other normal countries Maria and Gaston would be in jail together so conjugal visits would be quite easy for them.
Stop jealous Hon. Gaston Browne . Tabor and Desert not smart enough to be a MILLIONAIRE as Hon.Gaston Browne . They just have this jealousy in Their hearts for anyone who is successful . SHAME on Tabor and DEsert.
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