SOURCE: Daily Observer — The first person likely to be tried next month during the January Criminal Assizes in the High Court, is a senior citizen who is accused of committing a sexual offence against a six-year-old child in 2018.
The man is one of five people who have been accused of committing a sexual crime against a minor.
Twelve of the 16 cases listed to be categorised on Tuesday were sexual offence-related matters which included four cases regarding incest, serious indecency and indecent assault on six-year-old children, and one case of indecent assault on a 10-year-old child.
The majority of these sexual assault cases are anticipated to take days to complete and have been listed for February 15th, when a fixed date for trials will be given.
In an effort to reduce the number of untried cases, murder cases such as those involving Kareem Richards and Kenroy Joseph have been set for the next assizes on April 20th, 2021.
Mikhail Gomes’ case – the man accused of killing his ex-girlfriend Vincia James in 2017 – was also traversed to the April assizes.
The story made headlines after the police said they had enough circumstantial evidence to pin Gomes to the disappearance of the 26-year-old mother, who was last seen leaving work around 1 pm on April 7th, 2017.
A total of 47 cases will be categorised this week and include the revision of cases that were not given trial dates in the last assizes.
Twenty-one cases will be heard today.
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The whole conscious and subconscious acceptance of this topic is shameful in Antigua .The age of consent is 16 years and I see no push to change that age . I guess some of us missed maths class but the number that comes before 16 is 15 . Do the visuals on this so a 50 year old male can have sex with a minor that just turned 16 . that is nauseating she is still a child .I guess this is one of those things if it happens to your family .
Where are all these pedophile perverts coming from? Under what rock are they hiding? Some of these cases appear to originate in the pit of hell. Judgement time. Must include casteration for all found guilty. Then send them to 1735. They know what to do with pedophiles there. Prison justice isn’t pretty.
@Kristi disturbingly some of the perpetrators may sit on top of the rock.
Time for Lodge and other societies to go public and decry such behaviour and advise members it will not be tolerated by the fraternity/club members.
Time for politicians & lawyers & religious big-ups to consistently behave honestly and not participate, or condone by their silence and eyes looking elsewhere.
Time for a general clean-up on half-truths, lies, moral ineptitude etc.etc.
However, until ‘we the people’ demand better & won’t continue to settle for less, nothing will change.
@Stay Alert! ☄👉🇦🇬😁😀😁even school children are aware, to beware of those houses, temples, lodges, churches since, they are the ones which house the #Wolves in sheep clothing(frocks), the #Foxes guarding the hen house(pullet quarters).
The many Court settlements, the policies(from the State & Church) fear of retribution and the hand to mouth culture make Our Society and culture, the perfect breeding, hunting and feeding grounds for these #Vultures…#JohnCrows…#Chicken(pullet) hawks.
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