Radio host Algernon ‘Serpent’ Watts has won the United Progressive Party St. George Primary.
He defeated Jermaine ‘Buffy’ Kentish 74 to 22 votes in a primary held tonight. Serpent will now face Dean Jonas the incumbent Member of Parliament for St. George.
An election isn’t due until 2023 but Prime Minister Gaston Browne says he may call an early poll.
So far, the UPP has named eight candidates to contest the next General Election.
Last week, PM Browne said that Serpent had been parachuted into the role and will represent the UPP in that constituency.
Watts has been a thorn in the side of the Gaston Browne administration since it was first elected six years ago. He stated repeatedly that he would stay away from elective politics but has apparently had a change of heart.
Managing Director of Newsco, Watts has used his popular talk show, the ‘Snake Pit’ to criticise government’s policy.
He has also been one of the leaders of the anti-government group, The Movement.
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Snake pits and serpents is the last thing we need in this country. He just lost the religious community. We all know where snake pits and serpents come from.
Is there a religious community? With all the nonsense Gaston and the ABLP doing and not a peep from the “religious community”. I’d go further to say one member of the “religious community”, high up in the church in Clarehall was implicated in the Odebretch bribery scandal. The one that received the 3 mil, allegedly on behalf of the PM. What moral compass do they have to judge anyone? GTFOH.
Please Labor Party Kool-Aid drinkers don’t have a conniption fit.Serpent barn inna Antigua.He has all of the rights as Gaston Browne and all other Nationals.To run for any Political Offices in Antigua and Barbuda.Regardless of who feels one way or another.Because lakka me say.A Antigua he come fram.A right dey he come fram.
Serpent will not get back his election deposit . We in St. George DO NOT want to see Serpent face in the CONSTITUENCY.DEAN JONAS ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!
A snake in the grass in St. George? What has become of the mutineer George Whenner? Some folks think that notoriety translates to popularity, but I will assure you of this: Serpent is not likeable and cannot win in St. George as he is notorious but not likeable. An audience on the radio does not mean supporters. Remember that simple fact.
The UPP never ceases to amaze. The choice of candidates has been deflating, to say the least. I will call it now: Dean Jonas is going to step on the head of that venomous creature. Antiguans don’t support venomous creatures.
Serpent could never win in my Constituency of ST.GEORGE. Hon. Dean Jonas and His team are ready. We shall play the recording with Wilmoth Daniel …The names He called Serpent. Serpent you will never get back your deposit. Upp is FINISHED. DONE. Dean Jonas all the way.
We shall wait and see . I am not from St. George but it is very difficult to beat Labour Party in this RED Constituency. Serpent has to work very hard. This is an UPHILL battle for Serpent.
What the hell am I hearing….An LOSER CANDIDATE. Having a Radio Show does make you a Politician. You do not win election on the radio. You WIN election in the CONSTITUENCY. ABLP 17 seats…UPP 0.
THE MOVEMENT , FAITHFUL NATIONALS,UPP All the same. These Guys are bunch of LIARS. Next is Cleon Athill in St. Pauls. Serpent et Al. BUNCH OF LIARS.
Yawn, yawn, yaaaaawn! And so…..? This character has already shown to the public here and abroad that he is nothing more than an ignorant, obnoxious, condemned to forever crawl on its belly to eke out an existence from discarded land-fill waste and othert mindless, easily tempted beings. UPP is really at its lowest ebb going from the likes of Dr. Jaqui Quinn to this low-life snake-pit dweller. Shame on you, Buffy!!!!
Good. He would make an excellent Minister of Finance or Foreign Affairs.
I hate serpent he always a run he mouth about st he know nutten bout .
That cleon athill God why are the ppl taking up space On The earth
The contribution Cleon Athill has made to Antigua (and its young people) has surpassed more than what you could ever made. What have you done to help your country? I’m sure you are one of them feeding off the scraps that drop off Master Gaston’s table. Sensible my ass. Choose a proper puesdonymn.
Oh my GOD Serpent wake up the minions. Congratulations Boss ” when a Snake is asleep don’t touch it’s tail you wouldn’t like it” ALP political prostitutes.
Says the person who publicly declared that an Antigua and Barbuda passport is of no value to him because he has a U.S. passport and said that America doesn’t recognize dual citizenship.
Yeah you definitely have Antigua and Barbuda at heart MISSA Knight.
You Guys believe because you have a Radio Show that you can win election. St.George will teach Serpent a lesson. Hon.Dean Jonas and Team will TRAMPLE Him.
Knight I do not expect better from you. Knight is working hard for His Senate Seat which is promised to Him by UPP. Not in our lifetime. HYPOCRISY at its best. Wilmoth Daniel said that SERPENT is the most DISHONEST Person in Antigua.
Did Wilmoth Daniel REALLY say “that SERPENT is the most DISHONEST person in Antigua”??? That needs to be carefully explored. Why he would say that? Yes, I know, a snake is a snake is a snake.
YES ….Wilmoth Daniel did call Serpent ( MOST DISHONEST PERSON ) I heard the recording on POINTE FM RADIO.
Serpent would make a difference to the Nation.Good luck Serpent.I know you would not be going there to enrich yourself.At the expenses of the Constituents of St.George.You have what it takes to become a Leader in the country of your birth,Antigua and Barbuda.You are a people person.That is very important in personal and professional life.I for one would be supporting your CAMPAIGN.In the next elections.I would be seeking certain information and move forward from there.GOOD LUCK TO “THE SERPENT” IN THE SNAKE PIT.
Yes Ms Knight. The serpent is your boss. You are one of the depraved dwellers if the snake pit. You are exuberant about his “win” in the UPP polls. What does this say about you? Just go crawl back into your snake pit!
You guys are pathetic. Lol. Let’s discuss the ABLP record instead of trying to sling dirt at people’s character. One of the casualties of social media is that cowards like you and the others can hide behind puesdonymns and sling mud at people. Grow up and let’s discuss issues. Bunch of clowns.
Miss. Knight ,Serpent et Al have been hiding behind the THE MOVEMENT and FAITHFUL NATIONALS. Now you Guys shown your true colors. You have LIED to ANTIGUANS for years. Serpent and Knight cannot be trusted. Serpent has been saying that He is NOT aligned to any Political Party. SUCH HYPOCRISY. Who can trust these Guys ?????.Dean Jonas ALL the way.
If the snake guy is saying “that He is NOT aligned to any political party”, then WHY is he running for one? The people want an explanation. Well???
@ MISS JIM:I would offer you a bet of US$10,000.That Serpent wins that Constituency over kissed backsides Dean Jonas.Bring it on.
You are not from St.George. Serpent will never win in ST.GEORGE. St.George is DEAN JONAS Family !!!
UPP attract RUNNERS not WINNERS. I have not seen a viable Candidate so Far that the UPP presented. Where is GLADYS POTTER ? I heard that UPP do not want Her on Their ticket. Where is Janice Samuel …Still in Jail ??? These are the Type of Persons UPP attract.
Where is DRIFTWOOD?? Lots of Questions !!!!!!
Driftwood is drifting. Last seen at Chet house and snitched on by a certain female radio host. Just watch Lovell badplay he too like he did Joanne Massiah.
Lovell BADPLAY Driftwood , Janice Potter and Others. What a Pity.
Oh my goodness! It would appear that this announcement has, shall we say, “bitten” the two or three (well compensated) partisans for the ABLP in their butts.
It seems as if the candidates released by the UPP to date are causing an uproar with the supporters, minions and sycophants of the ruing party, in particular the candidacy of Sean Bird and Serpent. If all these candidates are so bad and not electable why all the fuss. Anyway, all of you should just be ignored because even if Jesus Christ became a candidate for the UPP you would still have the same manner of evil to say about him. Dr. Cleon Athill has not been declared a candidate and you are ready to go after her. I hope sensible people see through all your lies and hypocrisy and do the right thing to save this country when the time comes.
There you go again Charlie. You running for something? Huh?
Tabor…Search your heart and HONESTLY tell me if any of the CANDIDATES presented so far by UPP can run this Country ? You know the UPP has been struggling for the past years. Politics is a ROUGH game. The attacks will be coming on Serpent and the Others. Tabor ..What are the reasons for so many Persons leavong UPP to join ABLP ? These are questions which must be answered before moving forward. Be Honest. ABLP all the wsy !!!!
A PM does not have the right to call early polls. That’s a dictator. If the citizens vote the dictator in again, they have no one but themselves to blame. By this time people should realise he’s in it for personal gain, the betterment of the people and this country.
As we stand tall no one will fall. We are not commenting on no negativity for they shall stay in the back and eat there own words. Stay positive let them talk and UPP continue to walk. I think that it’s time for us to stop listen to what people are pay to do and corrupting the UPP. We will show how a country is to run. The country had a (RESCISSION) when UPP was in power. Just look up the word and you will understand exactly what it really is. UPP never fired no one and there were so many project that they started and almost finish.
What kind of ground breaking those ABLP get done other than talking about borrowing millions and billions. This government in power I fine to be very selfish don’t care about no one and I think they should own there own vehicle, pay electricity and water, and getting to much freebies they bankrupting the country man. People do the right thing when election call.
Vote on (ISSUES) not HAM and TURKEY.
Now the opposition has trumped the government in media coverage……Observer, ZDK and Crusader………now that leaves Pointe FM to get most, if not all of the ABLP ads during election campaign. 2021 will be an interesting year. If the now President of the USA do not get re-elected then, then UPP will win the next election. Careful on interpretation!
This whole ting a joke, right? Serpent running for something? Chuptz.
This is LAUGHABLE…..Serpent is the Saviour for the UPP ??????. What bothers me with Serpent is because He keep telling Antiguans that He is NOT affiliated to any Political Party which I was happy to hear. He personally told me that He formed the MOVEMENT as a WATCHDOG over ALL Political Parties. Now I am very much DISAPPOINTED to learn that He running on a UPP ticket. Serpent you have lost credibility with Antiguans. You DO NOT practice what you preach. I could never vote for you in my Constituency. You know who is talking. We met in Pigotts Village Two months ago. Very Disappointed in you Serpent. Your credibility is FINISHED….DONE DONE.
MARTIN C. is life a static process? Have you never changed your mind about anything? So if Serpent said in the past that he was not affiliated with any political party or that he was not interested in electoral politics and he now changes his mind, what really turns on that. Does that mean he has no credibility or that he is dishonest? Prime Minister Gaston Browne has said many times before the 2014 general election that he was only interested in one term. Has he changed his mind about his one term?It seems to me that the candidacy of Serpent has sent shock waves throughout the ABLP. Please stay calm because the ultimate shock is coming.
MARTIN C. another example which just occurred to me of a change of position is that of the ACLM of which I was a member. For years the position of the ACLM was that they would not engage in Pappy Show Politics ie electoral politics. Didn’t they change that position and contested in general elections? As I said life is not static it is quite dynamic and if Serpent has changed his mind about party politics I cannot see why it is such a big deal to you.
TABOR !!!!!! Serpent and whole UPP will never win ELECTION in Antigua . Tabor put your that in your pipe and smoke it !!!!!
We in St. George’s will NEVER vote Serpent or any other UPP Candidate. We tried with Jaqui Quinn and it was a DISASTER. Not again with UPP !!!!
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