Senator Samantha Marshall To Leave Senate


SOURCE- POINTE XPRESS: Samantha to Give Up Senate Post

Major changes are on the horizon for the Upper House of Parliament as two Senators are set to step down from their appointments.

The most notable of these is the departure of Samantha Marshall, who currently serves as the Leader of Government Business in the Senate.

Prime Minister Gaston Browne, during an address to members of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party at People’s Place last Friday, shared insight into the upcoming adjustments.

Marshall has not provided specific reasons for her decision to leave, but there are suggestions she plans to return to private law practice.

In her absence, a new Leader of Government Business will need to be appointed, and the Prime Minister revealed that the search for a replacement is underway.

The list of candidates has been narrowed to a few individuals, with the requirement that the Leader of Government Business must also hold a ministerial role.

One possible candidate for the position is Senator Shenella Govia, the Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Sports, and Creative Industries, who was commended by the Prime Minister for her diligent work.

In addition to Marshall’s departure, Senator Obert Frederick is expected to resign to take up the role of Speaker of the House of Representatives.

These changes will necessitate the appointment of two new Senators.

The Prime Minister hinted at potential new appointees, particularly mentioning the caretakers for St. John’s Rural West, Michael Joseph, and All Saints East and St. Luke, Lamin Newton, as likely candidates.

These appointments are expected to be confirmed within the coming weeks as the government adjusts its ranks to accommodate the shifts in the Senate.

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  1. A sending a warning out to the PM. Be very careful and be tactful in appointing the two persons you are going to.
    Look keep it real. Don’t appoint no new comer to the table. This is only my suggestion. Mr Mans-ore is could be a good pick, but please meet with your people and diligent choose the best one .
    Ms Marshall is a very nice and educated woman so please make sure you step up and not step down. Please have a good day.

  2. Samantha your days in politics done? Hope you had a good run? And did things you’re concious can live with.
    Now let us know why they putting out a old birdy for new chiclets?

  3. She did two terms and a year. So she’s safe. Samantha is resilient and will function wherever she’s placed. I know her. She’s not easily affected by changes in the party. If it’s one person you will never see quibble over appointments, Lady Sam. Good luck whomever replaces her. ABLP has a strong network from which to choose.

  4. Samantha could you please inform Us as to what your legacy, as a politician is? Please No BEWITCHING and #tonkz! OK here’s a suggestion. Can you donate fifty percent of your pension to school of your choice to establish a scholarship fund?

  5. Good for her. All the best in whatever you pursue. Now will the UPP finally follow suit and appoint the 25% YOUTH SENATORS it promised??? Get rid of the geriatric David Massiah and Shawn Nicholas is overworked…….Jonathan is daft but nah realize he dunce.

    (Jumbee Pickney too lub obeah and darkness.)

  6. She is a total waste of time. Gaston just totally fed up of her poor performance. She not pretty but very petty and brings nothing to the table


    The credits may have been rightly given to sourcing the news from another ‘…News Portal-Pointe Xpress.’

    Seemingly ‘…Mediocrity in News Reporting’ had the better part of both news portals.’

    Had they been diligent, they may have reminded readers of these two comments, reportedly made by the then ‘…CONTENDER REPRESENTATIVE.’

    (i) ‘…Seemingly forced to make way for ‘…Muscleman ‘…DWAYNE GEORGE,’ the apparent ‘…Embattled Senator’ reportedly announced in a ‘LETTER’ that she was ‘…WITHDRAWING’ from the race for ‘…FAMILY REASONS,’ and it was time for her to ‘…STEP ASIDE:

    (ii) …We live in a ‘…PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY,’ where the ‘…MAJORITY,’ speaks:

    (iii) …I must ‘…RECOGNISE’ the clear ‘…MESSAGE’ sent to me at the ‘POLLS’ [Observer:
    July 28, 2023].

    Be it at the:

    (a) ‘…POLLS: or

    (b) …ORGANIZATIONALLY,’ it could reasonably be inferred that from these perspectives, the

    Frowned as some may, ‘…When the ‘…LEADERSHIP/MAJORITY TALK,’ no darn Contenders/Senators bark.’


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