The Cabinet agreed that achieving herd immunity within the Secondary Schools is a lawful objective intended to keep all Students, Teachers and Staff safe.
Any secondary school student who has failed to receive the Covid-19 vaccine by this date shall not enter onto the premises of their Schools on Thursday November 11 2021, until vaccinated.
The Cabinet further examined the Education Act and the recent Covid Regulations. The law requires that parents prepare their children to attend schools.
Getting their sons and daughters who are 12 years and older vaccinated, and eligible to attend secondary schools, is the responsibility of parents.
If the children are not prepared, they shall not be allowed on the premises of the schools effective Thursday 11 November, 2021.
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This decision makes not sense whatsoever. Because,
1. The kids at the primary school are still going to school and they are not vaccinated.
2. If your are fully vaccinated, why are afraid of the unvaccinated?
3. And if you already had covid, why do you need to get vaccinated?
The people making this decision are not in school anymore and for sure the don’t care anymore about the students, but about their money.
This is really sad. Education is under treat because of a vaccine.
You seem unware that Primary school is only happening in person 2 days a week for most and 3 for grade 6. This is not sustainable long term and only happening because vaccination are not being offered here as yet for those age groups. Shortly that will change and the same rules for secondary will apply here
Wrong, my child goes to school 5 days a week. Get a grip!
So even if it is 2 days, Covid does not spread on those specific days? Are you so ignorant to make a post like this.
Tenman. You are the one who is very uneducated on what is going on in school. Island academy, st. Anthony’s, st Andrew’s and many other schools on island are operating daily with full capacity of students on campus! You come on here daily to spew nonsense out of your mouth and you know not what yiu speak of! Children under the age of 5 attend primary school. And they are exempt from taking the vaccine. You are making no sense and you need to cease and desist from coming under the people posts and lying your ass off! You need a solid dose of hush
One child dying is one too much.
A 12 year old girl in Germany died 2 days after taking the Pfizer vaccine. It is said she had a history of health issues. A decision was made to stop vaccinating children with underlying conditions, allowing parents to make that decision with advise of the children’s doctors. What is the position on kids in Antigua who have
underlying health issues that the vaccine could possibly exacerbate? The studies were done with healthy kids only. 12 year old Mattie who took part in the Pfizer trial is now paralyzed.
SugarApple, you are quoting a far right fake news publication, why are you spreading disinformation?ì
Because that’s what Sug does. That apple’s rotten.
Just because you can’t verify it from far left media doesn’t me it’s not true. Your sources are making sure that people aren’t hearing or seeing anything negative about these vaccines
Afronews.de and you may need to use a search engine other than google.
Sugarapple, continue to believe in your conspiracy theories.
Hopefully Antiguans will use common sense and question your mantra.
It not a conspiracy when it true. But you can’t handle the truth. So you keep believing in your illusion that these jabs don’t cause harm. Antiguans can go and read Afro Germany for themselves and see the truth.
Don’t be naive…. Anyone who is 12 and beyond should really be a secondary school student….. I will accept that there are several students who are in the post primary classes at the primary schools. However, these students should not be exempted from being vaccinated bcuz they are all in the same age group
Wonderful, because they can also died from the virus as well, good news …
People are dying from the vaccine is that good news?? Just asking cause am stupid
And what exactly are the rules for this elusive herd immunity? Are we still following criminal Fauci?
Homeschooling is best. No mixing No mandate No surprises in five years when my child has to do a physical to enter university. At 18 he can decide.
Black lives matter.
I like this
The government is getting money, things that don’t make sense are strictly enforce because one party is raking in big bucks. I wish they had the same love to make sure everybody have a meal to put on their table, they are only concerned with vaccines like it eradicates other issues that affects life.
When force and insults are used to get compliance people will naturally push back. Instead of letting health care professionals lead this from the get go you people who like photo ops and getting their egos stroked passing themself off as medical professionals.
No look at practical approaches to talk with the hesitant people to allay their fears. And today our youth are punished for not being vaccinated. So they prefer to have dumb young people who can’t reason well instead of finding a humane and practical way to ensure our children’s education is not comprised even further.
Shame and Gaston and the whole set a dem.
Oh, is this this Gaston the guy who said big and bold in parliament that he got a Moderna booster shot when no such thing existed? A liar will steal. If he steal he will also kill. Beware people.
Parents also myself it’s time to start using your senses, start being the snake in the grass, because what the governliardment is very DEMONIC. EVIL is rising and if us parents can’t see what they are doing well something is wrong. Can someone please tell me if people has to be in school to learn..? We are following a trend for m.any years and we never got to think for ourselves, now is the time parents be wise with what you do . The Most High Yah has never given us over to a deprived m.ind, use what he gave and just remember our hands will be in Blood for making that mistake. Repent Repent Repent all of you leaders and fellow Antiguans. Hebrews Chapter 3 & 4
For the past week and half when both vaccinated and unvaccinated students existed in the same space, did transmission of the virus take place?:
So, if unvaccinated individuals pose a serious health risk to the vaccinated, why did they allow vaccinated and unvaccinated students to mingle in the same space?
If covid is so dangerous and unvaccinated individuals are a serious health risk, common sense should dictate that they be kept a part.
So, how is it that the unvaccinated 12-17 year olds students are now being punished?
Even thought the vaccine is not available to the other age group, why should those students who fall in the 5-11 age group and attend secondary school be afforded the opportunity to continue to attend school?
They should be made to remain at home and learn remotely until they are vaccinated. After all, they still pose a serious health risk to the vaccinated students.
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