United Progressive Party’s Rural East Branch last night elected Sean Bird to be the party’s candidate in the next general election.
In a primary contest held last night Bird beat Vincent Cornelius by 31 to 10 votes. 41 persons voted in the primary.
“Bird has been a member of the UPP for some time now and he meets all our requirements for selection as a candidate,” UPP General Secretary, Shawn Nicholas, revealed.
He will still have to be confirmed at the party’s convention before he can run.
If confirmed Bird will run against Maria Bird-Browne his cousin and the sitting representative for the area.
Sean Bird – 31 votes
Vincent Cornelius – 10 votes
41 ballots in total with no spoilt ballots.
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Any way you twist and turn it, them birds everywhere. Smh
Is this a joke? It must be, otherwise Papa must be turning in his grave. There is no question, Maria Bird will win this one. UPP? You giving us one huge belly laugh.
Sean we use to campaign together but you will learn the hard way , sorry for you,
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 didnt know Sean Bird was that desprate. Good luck with that sinking ship. Lward me belly🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The low voter turnout .. is and always has been a problem in Antigua. Whether it’s primary or general. The last general elections, only a small percentage not even 50% of the population in Antigua voted. That should be a big red flag and neither party should feel good about that.
There is always a HIGH VOTER TURNOUT when the electorate is ready to CHANGE government. Take note of 2004 and 2014.
Your comment is grossly inaccurate. You’d have to go back to 1965 to find a voter turnout below 50%. 2018 (last election) turnout was 76.32%, 2014- 90.08%, 2009- 80.27%, 2004-91.19%, 1999-63.61%, 1994-62.32%, 1989-60.72%, 1984-61.12% 1980- 77.08%….. Indeed Antigua and Barbuda has one of the highest voter turnout records in Caricom. Perhaps limit your commentary to primary elections of specific political parties.
Sean ABLP then True Labour, then Upp next time you might be on DNA or ABLP turn again!!!😂🤣😅
Voter Turnout 76.32%
So sorry for Cornelius who got carried away by the fact that he top scored for the DNA, receiving the most votes of his party (less than 180 total!)So he jumps to the other failed party only to be snubbed again, this time by his new “friends” in the UPP. Sean Bird has managed to fool the fools into believing that with his Uncle Lester’s backing he will win the seat. How misguided!! Yes it is well known that Lester has never forgiven the current PM for daring to wrest power and leadership from him and, some say, is working with certain women’s groups in the constituency to secure Sean’s victory. That plus his appeal to so-called “born again” pretenders and hypocrites he hopes will secure his and his irrelevant uncle Lester’s drean of a return to Birdland. They y had better realize that Antigua had enough of them. Maria is fortunate. She does not have to depend on defunct family ties to earn her rightful place in Antigua’s political history and development.
Miss mention should it not be about the percentage of persons who are at least at the age to be able to vote or persons who are on the voter list? Utilizing the latter voter turnout in 2018 was 76.32% It is well known that as the electoral list gets older, voter turn out percentages gets lower due to persons on the list for eg not residing here anymore (whether A&B or this planet). In terms of votes for the UPP, 2018 saw them with less votes than they garnered when they first became a party. 14,440 in 2018, 17,868 in 2014;21,892 in 2004 . Note ALP in 2004 obtained 16,544 votes
I thought any aspiring politician has the rights to chose any Political Party he or she wishes.So if you supported the ABLP you cannot be an independently minded person.I do not know Sean Bird and or Maria Bird.She ran as a novice Politician and won her seat.Because of the Bird name not the Browne one,in my opinion.Before she ran and won.What did she do?Where did she work?What contributions did she make then to now? By the way she has a Charity called Share,Inc.In this time of a grave pandemic.Where has Share gone to hide.What has Share done to help the voices in the ghettos of Antigua.Sean Bird,good luck.I do hope if you were to win that seat.That you would be working for the people.Not enriching yourself at the expenses of those who voted you into Office.Antigua and Barbuda were not willed to ABLP,UPP,ALP,DNA,GO GREEN AND OR TRUE LABOR.It is owned by you the people.Take your damn islands back,by any means necessary.
Totally agree, within this diaspora, the leaders in our islands fail to show accountability and vision (especially my country of birth, Antigua). All the aristocrats regardless of party affiliation are just interested in enriching themselves. No one takes responsibility for their actions or inaction and their isn’t any punishment as a result of corruption. Let us take a look at countries such as Singapore which display zero tolerance for corruption even if the person is at the very top. Even in our very own St Kitts there is more accountability. How is money spent? why is infrastructure at an all time low? I am not even focusing on party rather I focus on issues at hand. Politicians need to display more accountability and a clear vision with regards to taking the country forward instead of empty promises before elections and bribes, then displaying a pompous attitude after election. My only allegiance is to the Lord Jesus
What is CCCHS? This is what happens when one feels entitled because of their surname. Why waste time running when you already know you won’t win? Added to that, I thought the goal of the UPP was to “GET RID OF BIRD-ISM ONCE AND FOR ALL”
This is the most ridiculous thing I am hearing / seeing. Sean Bird with UPP. ?????? This is NOT even LAUGHABLE. Just one word..Maybe two words SHAME. SHAME.
My good friend get another whopping!!!! As the LO said he is the one responsible for you changing party affiliation…..thought he would be able to flex his muscles (oh but he has none) and shoe you in. Rural East has shun you once more. Don’t give up….it is still my belief that you would have made better representation for the constituency that the now representative and this new person although he once lived in the constituency but rarely interacted with the members in the constituency.
This has to be a joke. The whole thing giving me a belly laugh. The spirit of Papa Bird is alive and well and walks among us. Those who are spiritual-minded will know what I am saying! Sean must know papa won’t be happy. And Lester ain’t gonna back this guy, for sure. Stop the lies.
Rural East is one of the largest constituent with over 5000 registered voters and 41 vote in a primary, what a joke
I imagine this has sent shivers down the spine of the ABLP. The people will decide.
LMAO!! What kind of shivers?????
2018 Sean want to run on the ABLP ticket but no one see him as a winner,Just a talk shop
Has the family kicked him out of ZDK yet?
The man has the freedoms to join any Political Party he so wishes.If you are a Bird.Does it means you cannot join any other Political Party but ABLP. We need to begin to think outside of the box.We need to stop being beholden to any one Political Party.Good luck Sean Bird.It would be a battle of the Birds versus the Bird- Browne.Cannot wait to see the battle on the field.
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