The United Progressive Party (UPP) plans on investing millions of dollars in the public healthcare system once it is elected to public office.
Sean Bird, the Party’s Candidate for St. John’s Rural East, says that serious attention will be paid to the country’s lone public hospital and several of the clinics, including the one in his constituency.
The entire healthcare system needs to be fixed, Bird says, and the UPP will make a concerted effort to address the current problems and ensure that residents receive proper care and prompt attention.
Bird acknowledges that the doctors and nurses have been trying their best, but they do not have the resources required to deliver the best service.
To this end, he says the Emergency Room will be modernized to provide the type of healthcare that persons – both young and old – deserve.
Further, the UPP Candidate says, the waiting time for patients will be greatly improved with the addition of more doctors.
According to Bird, immediately upon taking office the UPP will inject $1 million into the healthcare system to upgrade equipment, and it work with the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) to improve all operational standards.
At present, he says the 25 community clinics, which treat mainly non-communicable diseases (such as diabetes and hypertension), are in a poor state.
Bird refers specifically to the Clare Hall Clinic, which he says is often without water, and asks how any healthcare facility can function properly without running water.
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good morning to Bro. ROY DAVIS!
“We must end BIRDISM once and for all….me nar gah feel good a work Inna any ministry wid fartee BIRD neargah round me…”
🐦 🗑
“Condemn the Bird to the DUSTBIN OF HISTORY”
Sean that chip on your shoulder has messed you up big time!
-Is this self-proclaimed “PRIEST for Rural East” married? -Does he owe anyone monies? 🤔
– Does he believe that it is dishonorable for any person to write bounced cheques?
– Will he follow his party to go back to the obeah man and write names to put in calabash at All Saints crossroads?
This god fearing man wrote bounced cheques….Knowingly so?
Wait ah all cooks and vagabonds this party yah attract?
you aint seen nothing yet. Which UPP candidate has the CONVICTED PEDOPHILE Ian Magic Hughes as their Campaign Manager?
Just take a wild guess who would want to partner with a CONVICTED PEDOPHILE/UPP-owned Crusader Radio Host
Is a Bird by another name still a bird? You should listen to Tanny Rose two Saturdays ago on the Browne and Browne show. Anyway Tanny may be just muttering because of his age.
Is a butch by any other name a butch?
Listen to comrade Tanny Rose on the Browne and Browne show on March 5th. Be careful I don’t embrace your daughter.
Nothing wrong with what he is proposing, however the present Government has been working on these very things, and will continue to do so. Is this guy looking for publicity or something?
his next plan is to fix Friars hill rd, save Scotiabank workers and open uwi five islands campus.
I am sure that Mr. Roy Davis would be glad to get the MONEY HE IS OWED so that he can use some towards his health-care bill.
Sean.Bird is a MAD MAN !!!
ERIC THE RED if BARB. is not you using another alias, then you have succeeded to get some one else to advocate your utter election results nonsense.
Charlie Barbie why don’t you comment on the actual article? Is Sean a FALSE PROPHET?? Or just a Helter Skelter WHIPPER SNAPPER radio station mismanager moonlighting as an undercover labour party loyalist infiltrating the vulnerable upp camp?
Do you owe any payments to the people who worked blood, sweat and tears to give you your Zest Determination and Know how in life?
The results of 2023 election as follows
Sean say he is a God-fearing man who loves the Word of God. Here u go sean……
“You shall not oppress your neighbor or rob him. The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning.” Leviticus 19:13
““The laborer deserves his wages.” 1 Timothy 5:17-18
“Now to the one who works, his wages are not counted as a gift but as his DUE.” Romans 4:4
“You shall GIVE HIM HIS WAGES on the same day, before the sun sets (for he is poor and counts on it), lest he cry against you to the Lord, and you be guilty of sin.” Deut 24:15
Harold Lovell for PM. He is Not a ‘spent force’ but an energised force attracting the masses
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 this is his LAST RIDE ON THE MERRY GO ROUND!!!! He wants to be bruised, battered and shipwrecked one last time.
KING LYADD LOVELL LIMPY JOE IMF ROMANTIC RHYTHMS WADADLI POWER CAN’T ABST HOTEL RIPOFF will have the worst track record in the region….perhaps the world.
Damani, Richard and Pringle can hardly wait for Limpy Joe King Lyadd Lovell to be kicked to the curb like a cheating ex (for the final time).
Do you have a job or is this your paid job to respond to every body’s postings
Do you have a life?
I have read most of the comments and I am amazed that in 2022, we are attacking people for wanting to improve our lives. It has even led to information that is even unrelated. No one can change their birth right but they can change the impact and outcome of their lives.
What Sean is proposing makes a lot of sense! How many of us have died because of poor and inefficient health care? Doctors and nurses are people too! If they are stressed out over things like proper equipment, little or no resources in addition to their personal and family lives, how can they provide good care?
We need to stop playing politics with everything and look at what is important for all of us. ABLP is not paying attention to the country. Coming to Antigua, many places look like rubbish heap. No water, no electricity, sub-standard health care! UPP representatives are not perfect people but they are people who care and are trying to make life better.
But no, the same gringy, beggy-beggy callous attitude and lack of concern for others and our nation is what’s driving these nonsensical comments. If Gaston and ABLP care so much about making our country better, they would have done something!! Empty promises don’t fill stomachs, put food on tables nor make a difference! How long water supposed to come so Granny can bathe? How long roads supposed to fix so people can have less car repair costs? How long they’re going to let town smell like raw sewage? Words without actions is intentional fodder for fools.
UPP and it’s candidates are the right choice to lead Antigua and Barbuda. Give them 8 years and you will see what they do!! Many of what ABLP boast about was initiated by UPP!
Boy bye! Sean is reinventing the wheel. What next? He going to open the first daycare in the history of Antigua??? Dude is a 🤡 at the Dumbo Circus. Watch him fly up in the sky in a play-play hot air balloon 🎈
🤡 🤡 🤡
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