RESIGNATION LETTER: Dr. Mansoor exited UPP over failed leadership of Chairperson and Political Leader Et Al


August 25, 2024

Senator Shawn Nicholas
General Secretary, United Progressive Party
c/o UPP Secretariat
St. John’s, Antigua

Dear Senator Nicholas,

I joined the United Progressive Party in May, 1994. For over 30 years, I have served the Party diligently and staunchly in several capacities at the branch level, at the level of the Central Executive, and as a senior strategist and senior member of the Campaign Management Committee for every general election since the 2004 general elections.


At this time, the Party is deeply divided, and the current Chairperson, the current Political Leader and certain members of the Central Executive have completely failed in their utterly important mandate to strategically reposition the Party after losing the 2023 general elections by a mere few votes.


Today, I had the opportunity to discuss the division in the Party and the sequel of the escalating disunity with the distinguished former Prime Minister and former Political Leader, Baldwin Spencer and with the distinguished former Political Leader, Harold Lovell as well as with senior personnel in the Party.

I am extremely grateful to these persons for permitting me to talk through the abundant complications that have arisen recently within the Party; many of these challenges have significantly impacted the Party’s political growth.

Given the high level of dissension and disunity, and given the complete failure of the current leadership to discharge their duties to strengthen the Party and all its units, and given my complete loss of confidence in the current leadership of the Party, I am resigning from the Party with immediate effect.

Dr. Edmond Mansoor


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  1. This is RIDICULOUS. I am at a loss that We the members of UPP are not OUTRAGED. Something must be done to stop this hemorrhaging. Where do We went wrong…Will there be a UPP next election ?These are questions to be answered.

  2. It seems that UPP is on the brink of disbanding, and it’s crucial for the current leadership and members to take a hard look at themselves. The fact that people are gradually leaving the party points to underlying issues that need addressing. It’s important for the party to reflect on why this exodus is happening. Maybe there are internal problems or leadership challenges that are driving people away. As a citizen of this country i to have loss confidence in the United Progressive Party.

  3. Politics is dynamic and people leave and join political parties all the time and for many different reasons. This is making headlines because of the other recent deflections from the UPP. Within a month or so its the normal run of the mill. Never curse people for the decisions that they make to leave/’join a party. It’s their right to so do. Switching parties has become almost a standard thing in Antigua and Barbuda. Both major parties today have benefited from ACLM, OND and DNA at one time or another. The cycle goes on.

  4. I did say that making Pringle the political leader would be the downfall of the party. So said so done. I foresee the PM making use of this disfunction and calling an early election again.

  5. This is the biggest problem in the UPP. The current Chairperson, the current Political Leader and certain members of the Central Executive have completely failed. And you too Jason M. Lol no last name am afraid of sue I have a bad knee I can’t run.

  6. Look how this woman just stay so and kill the UPP not even P.M Brown could do a better job and she on front page smiling like it’s a joke.

  7. I can tell you what’s happening here!! People are just hard to get along with in the first place and when money and power is in the mix it’s even worst.. thats why I say i trust everyone it’s the Devil inside them I don’t trust, Mr Mansoor you have a right to leave the party if its not representing what you stand for. BUT MY MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION! IS ABLP THE RIGHT FIT FOR YOU? … NOW repeat AFTER TO ME I trust everyone it’s the devil inside them. I don’t trust… Good luck …

  8. When the intention from the outset is about pulling a fast one on central body, these results are inevitable. No one at the top wishes to take responsibility for the games played by the leadership within the leadership.

    For the Hon Jamale Pringle to have emerged as the winner in the leadership race is still a mystery to me.
    The high quality of candidates that the UPP presented in 2004 to what represents disposition is lamentable, to put it mildly.

    Winning means forming the governing administration. Can you envision that in your mind’s eye?

    Dr. Mansoor is gentleman of high standards, and will not settle for mediocrity much less the elementary.

    I’m sure that bAnthony Smith now makes sense to many of you.

  9. Stop lying on the good lady pls. According to the die hard UPP supporters especially the main keyboard name calling gangsters all traitors were bought out by Gaston Browne. Well he can afford to since according to the said loud mouth name calling keyboard gangsters Gaston Browne allegedly have money can’t done like the $4 5 billion US that came on the plane. The loud mouth keyboard name calling gangster will continue to play delusional and refuse to accept the fact that time party in chaos but instead they will lay all the blame on anyone else except who is really the root cause of the problems. But let me just sit back and continue get my ki ki after all according to one of the name calling keyboard gangster I’m a child who cannot have a conversation as if these comment sections exist for that🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭

  10. UPP was forewarned…… The harder they come, the harder they will fall…..

    Soon & very soon there will be no more UPP.

    Dr. Mansoor owes the Labourites an apology by saying ” …….in the Dustbin of history “

  11. To the person who chose to use my name as his alias is an utter dotard. Everyone already knows that the insipid style of writing would not represent my style. How insensate!

  12. Stand firm UPP, stand firm!

    Look, the inner workings and machinations of the UPP gets the ABLP juices flowing – I get it!

    Never mind that our economy is tanking; pensioners aren’t being paid on time; poor housing stock; low wages and high prices; Gaston still refusing to adhere to a Freedom of Information Act request.

    Need I say more? Because I can …

    Stand firm UPP, stand firm!

  13. I knew it wasn’t you Dave. The same thing has happened to me, but these “dotards” as you put it, haven’t got our brilliant and distinct writing styles or cadences.

    I take it as a compliment my adversarial friend.

  14. It’s only so much a person can take. When you have a menopausal dictator wearing the pants, this is the outcome!

  15. wait! So even after discussing the issues with the Cooks Pond Water, John Ashe KICKBACKS, BRIBERY, GREEDY former PM and the IMF/Wadadli Power Cant/School Bus Registered in Personal Name/Worst Finance Minister……….Mr. Mansoor didn’t see even a glimmer of hope remaining in the IMF/John Ashe UPP??? wow! Says alot about the true state of affairs within the ELITIST party.

    Maybe upp can hire Miss Knight for some counselling sessions……..Miss Knight already said that the chairman shit in high grass! so recommend cutting the grass or give the chairman pampers to shit in instead jack. it STINKS to high heaven!!!!

  16. Possibly Senate bound. Watch out. His appointment to the Senate could be eminent. … replace Mary-Claire Hurst after Richie Richardson couldn’t take up the offer.

  17. I do not have a problem with people leaving, but when they are going to the very thing/party that they condemned and blasted, How can one be trusted? Wouldn’t it make more sense to do like Joanne? Form a new party. Why join with the (Corruption) then that means that they are just as corrupt!


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