Relocation Of Magistrate’s Court Only Temporary – Gov’t


The relocation of the St. John’s Magistrate Court is only temporary, the government has announced.

The facility will be relocated to Herberts so that repairs  will shortly begin on the 1967 Court House on High and Temple Streets.

During the repair period, the Magistrate’s Court will be temporarily transferred to the Antigua and Barbuda Transport Board Headquarters in Herberts.

The Traffic Court will also be temporarily transferred to the ABTB Headquarters Building.

The repair period is not yet determined, but twelve weeks are likely. Furthermore, upon completion of the repairs at High Street, the Traffic Court is likely to remain at the Herberts’ building.

Staff at the Magistrate’s Court have complained about conditions in the building. Workhours were reduced to half-days, and many of the functions of the court were significantly reduced. The building at Herberts will allow for the return of all services to the public.

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