A relative of the last deceased COVID-19 patient is fighting for her life, according to Prime Minister Gaston Browne.
In a Facebook post Thursday morning, Browne said: “I was reliably informed, that a relative of the last deceased COVID patient is fighting for her life. She attended the infamous wedding, with several returning nationals, at least one of whom has COVID.”
The most recent report received by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment from the Mount St. John’s Medical Center (MSJMC) has revealed one new laboratory confirmed COVID-19 case in Antigua and Barbuda as of Tuesday 22nd December 2020 at 6pm.
Subsequent to the publication of the dashboard on Tuesday 22nd December 2020 with the cut off time of 6pm, one hundred and thirty-eight samples were processed at the Mount St. John’s Medical Center which increased the pending results from zero to one hundred and thirty-eight.
Of the one hundred and thirty-eight samples processed by MSJMC, one hundred and thirty-six were negative and two positive; one of which was a repeat case.
The other positive case was non-imported.
Meanwhile, two new recoveries have been recorded bringing that total to one hundred and forty-six. In addition, sixty-six samples are pending at MSJMC.
Consequently, the total number of persons with laboratory confirmed COVID-19 cases in Antigua and Barbuda is one hundred and fifty-four (154); which is inclusive of three (3) active cases.
The dashboard has been updated to reflect these changes.
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Which “infamous wedding” is he referring to ANR?
This clown is still trying to blame sick and dying people for their illnesses?
He didn’t learn his lesson last time?
At one point months ago, 39 infected visitors flew in over a 2 day period. After that Antigua just stopped testing visitors. That’s why we haven’t heard of another 2 days like that.
But you better believe thousands of infected visitors have been let in since the borders were reopened.
There are thousands of people from high COVID areas on island now. None tested or quarantined. You better believe a significant percentage are positive.
Wedding or no wedding there would be no COVID here if the government did its job and tested and quarantined ALL who enter.
The reason there is COVID in Antigua is because of the incompetence and greed of this government. It is all imported.
If we need to blame anyone look no further than this incompetent, greedy 🤡 of a PM
Greedy? The government is trying to get revenue so people like you can eat.
Why not move to Rhodonda if you feel we need to close our borders for any and everything to keep Covid out. That way you can be sure you do not get Covid and you cannot blame anyone for it. Hope the wind doesn’t blow it your way.
If people stop being so irresponsible and follow the protocols set, we sure would manage this pandemic. But this is not just a problem for Antigua, its a worldwide problem. Too many irresponsible ones amongst us. I see them every time I go in town. Or even in the restaurants or at the gas station. I had to tell a pump worker the other day not to come to my window without her mask on. Needless to tell you the kind of exchange we had. And this was at Dees Service Station. I was going to tell the management which I know very well, but I know she would have been fired and I didn’t want that to happen to her.
Stupid, stupid, stupid… if thousands of visitors were coming here with COVID-19, and the fact that locals seem to not understand the role of masks and social distancing, the island would be overwhelmed with cases by now and the resorts would all be closed. That’s not something you could hide on an island this small.
Just not who you think.
Most people who get COVID do not die. Plenty of people have been and are sick on this island right now with symptoms that could be COVID or could be flu, dengue, GI distress and a host of other things.
And those people usually recover (to some degree even if they have lasting issues that they are not yet aware of).
The public and those people will never know if they have/had COVID because the government will never test them.
Some minority of those folks will die. Again, the public will never be told someone died of COVID. They’ll never be tested. We’ll never be told.
So even if 1 person dies of COVID every month here or every week all we will hear is rumors. There has been and will be no official word because the strategy has been not to test, to hide cases and deaths.
But COVID will still spread as it has everywhere else that has lax protocols and open borders. People will still get sick and die as they have everywhere else that has lax protocols and open borders.
In Barbados they are catching positive folks at the border and isolating them from the population.
If those same people vacation in Antigua instead they are not caught and isolated. They are free to spread disease to the population.
But once again we’ll never be officially told about it. If you’re catch it and die, chances are they’ll say you died of natural causes or an MI or stroke.
The conspiracy theory of a fool. Too many watchdogs to see if our death rate is above average. And Barbados is not doing anything different than Antigua is doing. When you are faced with Limited Resources the WHO and the PAHO have guidelines for you. Antigua is following these guidelines. It would be a miracle for us to have hidden things for them so long. Someone could be negative today and positive in a week or so and therefore the best thing is to follow protocol. In the early stages of the virus I could swear I had the virus. When my doctor finally visited me he told me to stop worrying so much and put more pressure on my already stressed body. Even a little runny noose had me believing I had Covid. Blood Pressure running sky high. Anxiety can kill you as much as Covid can. People have to learn to take care of themselves. And I mean taking more home remedies like Turmeric and Ginger and Garlic. Fresh Oregano Tea and Moringa. What your theory also is suggesting is that we have herd immunity in Antigua. That would be a very good thing. In that way we can open the borders completely cause it would be like the flu. We are not dying from Covid and we’re not getting sick to the point of being hospitalized. Our healthcare systems are not overwhelmed. Your conspiracy theory doesn’t make any sense whatsoever.
Wow! You have said all the right stuff,however you must remember they are blind people who just look at the political and economical sides of this discussion and not the health side. St.kitts just announced the closure of there borders to flights out of UK for two weeks because of the new variant ,we are still open according to our PM “we are in a bubble with UK and USA . Smdh.
They have shown that it is possible to be a small island and still take care of their people
So far Antigua has been doing very well amidst of it all. if people adhere to the protocols we will be just fine. What does it means to close flights from the UK for two weeks. Is the virus going away in two weeks. Or will the two weeks allow you to put the right protocols in place. We do have close our borders for the Dominican Republic. Why is that. And when there was Ebola we also ensured we closed our borders for those African countries. Guess you guys like to distrust your own government but welcome any other foreign government policy and decision. I wonder what Kittitians think of their own government? All I know is that the government of Antigua was applauded regionally for its handling if the Covid crisis while opening its borders for tourists. And that speaks volumes. Acknowledgement by others however condemned and criticized by its own.
I wish the woman a full recovery from what ails her and strength to her family.
It is ok for people to travel from high risk countries full up the hotel but it is big problem to attend a wedding. They value tourist than the locals
You are so right … they don’t want to stop the foreign dollars so they will never blame tourist, they will forever say it’s locals
The tourist follow protocol. Stay in the hotel and don’t come and mingle with the local population. The Local returning national refuse to stay in quarantine for 14 days. That is the biggest problem. And family and friends that should know better encouraging them to break the protocols in place.
Hotel workers are trained to protect themselves from these tourists. And we trust them to follow the protocols they have been trained for. I watch waitresses at a restaurant breaking the protocol each time. They do not sanitize the seats when new customers are coming in a seat previously used by another customer. That tells me I have to bring out my own sanitizer when I left and make sure I did not touch my face in the meantime. This thing is no hoax. And the sooner people will come to turn with it the better it will be for us all. The virus need a host to live. And if it doesn’t get a host it will eventually die. Perhaps it will mutate and go into our pets. I hope not.
You Sidelines do not know.What the hell you are talking about.The Tourists do not follow the Protocols/Pradacals. They do come into the Capital and other places on the island.They mingle with the locals.I know that for a fact.
This man likes to hear himself. He is always seeking to get attention. He is a Narcissist.
It has been brought to my atttention.The person in the Hospital has nothing to do with the wedding that Gaston Browne spoke of.So he had better go back on his Facebook Page and do a retraction. Eat your damn words moustache one.
They say a word to the wise is sufficient. But then again, Trump had the information that the virus was deadly but he didn’t care to share it, afraid it would have caused a panic.
The PM gets lots of privileged information daily and he like anyone else struggles what to tell his nation and what to keep from them. In this case there may be many more that had come into contact with the deceased, and they are doing better to take the information and come forward. The earlier you come for treatment the better for you and those around you. Now that everyone knows who the decease was and where the spreading could have taken place, the call is to anyone who directly or remotely was in touched with anyone who attended this wedding please get tested to ensure you are not a spreader to your family and loved ones.
In the early stages of HIV we so wanted to know we had aids in order to avoid having contact with them. because of privacy laws these persons identity were concealed. The same goes here for Covid. If I only know who were at the wedding I would stay far from them. They would have to live on a lepra colony. Like in the old days.
FROM THE SIDELINE you said that you gave away the ham and turkey you got from your ALP representative to a less fortunate person. Kudos to you. Anyway, something must have energized you this afternoon other than ham and turkey. What alcoholic beverage you had. Please tell me since I need some of your energy 😁.
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