Cabinet Notes: The Head of the Airport Authority was invited to Cabinet in order to discuss and to implement new practices at the V.C. Bird International Airport that will significantly reduce the waiting time which visitors are now enduring, after deplaning.
It is agreed that Health workers, fully adorned in PPEs, can help to move passengers along by actually examining the documentation and the filled-out forms which the waiting visitors may have completed on-line.
By moving the passengers quickly into the large Immigration Hall at the airport, and by adding more kiosks manned by Health officials, the queue can quickly be dispatched. Nine big aircraft are expected to land on Saturday afternoon, December 12, 2020, within a three-hour period, disgorging several hundred passengers at the airport; the new system is to be employed in order to eliminate visitor irritability.
As many as 25 of the tracking bracelets that have been purchased will be deployed on Saturday, to be distributed to those select passengers who will be placed in quarantine following their entry.
The ABAA has agreed to deploy Customs, Immigration and Health Officers to the FBO operation at Runway 10 whenever private jets bring passengers to Antigua who are to be serviced by the FBO.
As has been the custom, none of the government employees are to be paid by the FBO.
Whatever charge to be incurred is to be paid over to the Treasury of Antigua and Barbuda only.
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The term Poor-boast should be applied to the Caninet decision not to charge for specialized Health Services to FBO arriving passengers who incidentally are arriving in a remote location will now cost Government to provide, and which is an added cost is normal in specialized services for the rich and famous traveling on their own aircraft. The rich want the best, safest and fastest processing and are prepared to pay for the cost, but our Government and the airport want to save the rich money and have their services picked up by the taxpayer. The result will be possible exposure because of the failure to properly fulfill the stated advice of the International bodies that advise passengers/pilots should be processed on the ramp and not be taken into Lounges. Current space conditions at FBO and the mixing of passengers under the present processing is a recipe for contagion unless the passengers are processed on the Ramp.
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