Question of the Day: Was the opposition’s late arrival and unpreparedness during the 2025 Budget debate a reflection of poor leadership, or were they outmaneuvered by the government’s strategic approach?
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nor ‘OR’ but ‘AND”
Once again the opposition UPP party prove to me they are not ready for governance. Your story that you were waiting on the government’s ministers to present in order for you to debate is ludicrous. You got the budget, you claim you were prepared, so even if the PM’s on the government’s side dis not speak. Show us the people you represent, you have information relevant to the respective areas to debunk their budget figures. All the ABLP Ministers would have done was glorify the budget. You should have already prepared the people’s rebuttals and present. He, the PM/MP/ Min. Of Finance could not have wrapped up if you got up and spoke. Talk for the rest of the day…. dat a wa awe we put awe you de fa!
Who was left embarrassed following the chaos in Parliament?
That same earthling in the picture was left embarrassed.
The people who should feel embarrassed are the people of Antigua and Barbuda who did not get to hear from the ministers charged with running their affairs. The people have been left hanging because this administration has, for the last few years, refuse to apply common sense in what should be a debate. In debates the proposition gives their argument first and then and only then does the opposition respond but to create confusion these incompetent hogs who don’t want their shortcomings highlighted, refused to fulfill their obligation to the people.
I cant wait for the people of this country to finally see what is glaring, that this administration couldn’t care less about the average person but is all about their own personal self enrichment.
Wait a all Labour Party advertise on here
Unfortunatelty @common sense wept, parliament is not a debating society where one side present and the other oppose. A national budget was given to all to prepare to talk about its contents. All what the government side does is to glorify the allocation given to them. You debate, supporting or opposing what’s in the budget given by the minister of finance and not to wait and oppose the glorification of the ministers. Debate whats in the budget.
Maybe the UPP said fk Antigua Newsroom just like they said fk J-Truth.
You should ask Jamale Pringle and Gisele Isaac, who banned J Truth from streaming UPP events for an extended period, which media businesses are on their blacklist.
As to who was more embarrassed: the bigger question is who had more to lose.
Govt ministers put out plans and updates on a regular basis. While not debating is not ideal, I ask again: what credible Opposition does NOT have (in their opinion) credible and superior recommendations and criticisms based on the budget estimates and issues they have been tracking all year?
If they didn’t see it fit to share their great talking points with the people, we can only assume they had nothing worthwhile to say. They are the biggest losers by far. One look at Serpent and Shugy and we all know that they are fully aware this thing backfired – BIGTIME!
Look on dem face:
Shugy especially knows this was a major cock up.
We, the people were left embarrassed. Gaston spends our taxes as he pleases with no in-depth discussion with us. Me too shame.
So Gaston lays out all the uses for our tax dollars over 3 hours, and you know nothing?
70 million on new RO plants, storage tanks, replacing leaking pipes in 2025
70 million on new roads and road building equipment, including new roads in Barbuda
Continuation of all existing social programmes and expansion of HAPPI
5 million more for small business loans under the EDP
Govt buildings refurbishment programme
Sped up back pay
Expansion of national housing, including new development in Barbuda
Extending Barbuda International runway 2000 feet
Darling, this is the internet age. Claiming ignorance when a majority of Antiguans and Barbudans are aware of the facts is just sad.
Please educate yourself:
@Leadership Matters…it really does matter, as a #Matter_Of_Fact, that [education] is paramount, to ANALyse some of the crap which comes out of one’s thought process. It’s ANAL at best.
Anyone who is into finance, numbers, equations, pie charts, spreadsheets etc, knows that numbers/figures are the easiest things to manipulate. What is paramount, is what is manifested, according to those spreadsheets, computer generated matrices etc.
A SOV – Schedule Of Values and its Flowchart is very important in, as part of a project. The reason being, every item which is used in the project is itemised with its cost, this allows for overall and better management, of any project. Therefore, the project management team to the contractor to the financier cannot BAMBOOZLE each other, once the general contract has been signed.
Regardless, as to whether Gaston Browne, or Maria Bird-Browne, or whomever, is throwing out numbers, the PEOPLE is still in need of a SCHEDULE OF VALUES, PROGRESS REPORTS to include payment schedules, to see how these MILLIONS of dollars which the Government is borrowing, on their behalf is been spent.
There’s two(2) just uno, dos; two things which will help to improve ACCOUNTABILITY for all those MILLIONS being toss about like “dust in the wind.”
A…all members of the Parliament MUST submit to a #Lie_Detector TEST before the annual, Main Budget Debate ( Less We Forget), the Cabinet shake, rattle and move currency around all day, each and every day. This budget debate is pure theatrics of politics.
Do you wanna know why, plain and simple, Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA public budget estimates and projections is that of, one of RUSSIA’S Oligarchs, a Sports Franchise at a College of say, 80,000 Students.
It shouldn’t take all this madness and theatrics YEAR in, YEAR out, to keep up with the simple arithmetic, of a ten column spread sheet.
Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
De’Ole Dutty Peg🦉Garrat Bastard
Vere C. Edwards
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