Question of the Day: Can Richard Lewis rise again within the UPP, or has his political window for leadership already closed?


Question of the Day:
Can Richard Lewis rise again within the UPP, or has his political window for leadership already closed?

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  1. Yes Richard Lewis can rise again and become the leader of the Party, once he does not resign from the party, and the dismal failure of the Chair and Pringle is realized.

  2. No, not at all. Even though the Honourable Jamale Pringle is holding reigns at the UPP, the Most Honourable Richard Lewis has more than shown that he can lead this humongous party in the future.

    He’s already wiped the floor with Gaston’s moustache when it comes to debates; and let’s not forget that the formidable Richard Lewis is still wanting answers through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) into how his son is involved in government business.

    Pringle and Lewis a ferocious and formidable duo.

    Remember, UPP “Stronger Than Ever” ✊🏾

    Hip hip 🟨🟦🟨🟦🟨🟦😁

  3. Lewis has what it takes but let us not forget that argument on the street is ” we do not need a 1st lady to be a Jamaican… ” Straight up!!

  4. Richard Lewis has been a victim of certain elements in the UPP who have made it their business to make sure he never raises his head in the party. Because he does not have a bellicose personality and pursues what is good for the party, he has been marked by the power seekers who see him as being a stumbling block in their way to full control of the party.

    This started since 2019 when he took up Harold Lovell’s offer to vie for leadership of the party and then changed his mind because he wanted to have another go at it. The rumours circulated that Lewis was trying to mash up the party in a bid to discredit him and stop him from raising his head.

    But like they say, cream will rise to the top. Five years later he is still battling for the party that he sincerely loves and wants to see in power. He has been under constant attack from Queen G and her archangels and he has had to be constantly fighting to keep his name intact. He got no support from Baldwin Spencer who should have had his back for obvious reasons, nor Lovell who could not decide whether his loyalties were to the young man he chose to lead the party, or to his chairman who can be said to have helped hi-jack his political career by refusing to fight for him by appealing his six vote loss which the Dawg admitted he helped to make happen.

    By giving him the opportunity which the former political leader thought he earned, it will take some of the sting out of the Spencer-Lovell betrayal and give the UPP some kind of return to being the reputable party it once was.
    Of course this will not happen as long as the chairman and her puppet are still in ascendancy in the party.

  5. HELL NO!!!! Richard time is just about gone. As Miss Knight said he BALLS-LESS, SPINELESS AND WEAK!!! Imagine he still holding on to Gisele pants seam hoping to be accepted……but one of his biggest liability is his JAMAICAN WIFE!!!!

    The elitists in upp and the WOMEN’S FORUM DO-NOT-WANT-RICHARD!!!! Point. Blank. Period!!!!


    He has a choice to make: UPP or his JAMAICAN WIFE 🤔

  6. Before the convention he was my favorite. However, I also blamed him for the fractionising of the UPP party. He could and should have assisted in keeping his party together. So if he becomes leader in the near future the party will further divide.
    I most say that every time a UPP executive member of high profile member leaves and immediately joins with the Labour Party it let’s Pringle look good in my sight.
    Most die hard UPP supporters did not want Shawn Bird on the ticket or in their party. He was not even an executive member of ABLP and right now his is attending ABLP executive meeting. He is a lazy guy and hardly ever attended UPP meetings. In fact Gaston Browne during the last elections, called him out for his worthlessness. He said he had him on a board and paid him handsomely and he never attended board meetings.
    Edmond Mansoor , same thing, today ABLP was a bunch of crooks and tonight you are in bed with the crooks and same with Anthony Smith. So I will really question these guys credibility.

  7. @Cream will rise…

    What cream?????? Richard is a sly fox!! After the last election u nah see he nah show up at Pringle swearing in ceremony????? That should give u wan idea de kinda smaddy he really be!!!

    Me nah feel sarry fu he one bit 🤣 😂 He really want fu mash up UPP. Wid all de resignation and “quiet quitting” and de DIVISIVENESS going on, you ever once hear Richard Lewis call fu any kinda UNITY???

    You ever once hear he admit dat he min rang fu leak dat letter to de media?? No!!!

    Is like he want USE ppl fu do he dirty work and escape unscathed!!!


    Richard Lewis gwine fart n hold he belly and bawl. He gwine wish he would min tek de Ambassador to Jamaica role

  8. After the out of control Chair and her puppet Pringle lose the next general election the UPP will rebuild under Richard. He is still young politically. The UPP has lost it chance to win the next general election by going into it with Pringle as the leader. Try as he might he is not ready as yet.

  9. “Pringle and Lewis a ferocious and formidable duo.”

    BRICKstone-ian you must’ve hit your head on that UPP CAN’T PARK at East Bus station 🤣 😂

    What “duo” bullshit you chatting about ?😒 😑 🙄

    The only duo is Pringle + Gisele Isaac

    Richard don’t have a future with UPP. Take it from me, Gisele Isaac would rather upp MASH UP than have Richard at the helm. If that not bad enoufh, To make matters worse, he married a “YARDEE”. UPP HATES FOREIGNERS……remember when UPP-appointed ambassador Bruce Goodwin went on Serpent show and cuss “foreigners” to hell out?? Hint hint: “PAUPERS”
    Damani Tabor confirmed that UPP XENOPHOBIC CULTURE and hypocrisy

  10. From whence cometh these deflectionary,pointless inquiries? How does the rise of Richard Lewis help the pathetic, backwards society spurned by ALP over the decades? It doesn’t.
    While we’re knee jerking over treachery, betrayal and the revelation of who people are,our country is in dire straights.
    This is simply reprehensible. It will be interesting to see who the DAWG select as candidates for the next election. If it’s these traitors, we’re in serious trouble.

  11. PRINGLE ALL THE WAY!!!! He is 100% Antiguan and committed to Antigua 🇦🇬

    His girlfriend is born and bred Antigua 🇦🇬
    His children are 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 💯

    The same cannot be said for Lewis. His wife pledge allegiance to 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲

    Lewis children born in 🇯🇲 🇯🇲
    Lewis use slang from 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 when debating in Parliament. He might a born in 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 but he sellout to 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲 🇯🇲

    When he can use the term “BULLY BEEF” in Parliament, you know he Antiguan identity gone!!!!

    Wonder which national anthem his children sing? At least it clear where Pringle ALLEGIANCE lies 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 🇦🇬 💯

  12. Richard Lewis and Jamale Pringle DON’T make one. Richard will NOT win His seat again. Michael Joseph will Him to kick Richard to the curb.

  13. Mr. Lewis seems like a capable leader to me, but I don’t know much about his vision for the country. His Jamaican wife can help the UPP win the non-national vote if they present their policies in a non-xenophobic way. Non- nationals have children who were born here so they would understand policies that put locals first whilst still being welcoming to foreigners within reason as opposed to policies that are too harsh on non-nationals. E.g. helping locals to start businesses and have a place in the city, have locals be considered first for jobs if qualified or be trained for jobs before seeking outside help unless the position requires a lot of training and expertise. Or, Mr. Lewis could maybe join DNA and be leader over there since they also had leadership issues. Some of their policies were good. Others not so good. Perhaps they could make sure their policies align with what the people want and need. Same for UPP – They need to make sure their policies align with what the population wants.

  14. From all the comments, I can deduce that the UPP’s future is in a quagmire. Despite the impression that the chairperson and the political leader present to the media, they are worried scared about the potential future of the party. They’re wondering who’s next to either resign of defect.

    I’m not giving up so quickly that the UPP is dead. It can rebuild with some serious restructuring.

    The chair has to step down, despite being elected at their convention. Well, the political leader needs to embrace Hon. Richard Lewis as his deputy, and not the Hon. Sherfield Bowen. He can act as finance shadow minister.
    That’s a slap in the face to the Hon. Richard Lewis.
    I wish them well as Antigua and Barbuda needs a viable opposition just like in any democracy.

    Right now, the ABLP is positioned to win the next general elections.

  15. Just a point of clarification for you Dave Ray, the Constitution of the UPP mandates that there should be two Deputy Political Leaders selected by the Political Leader. The point is though, the whole process of the selection of the Deputy Political Leaders was poorly handled especially given the issues arising from the Convention. When Harold was the Political Leader there was only one Deputy Political Leader even though two are required. The point I wish to make is that rushing to appoint Bowen so quickly after the fractious Convention was poor political judgment.

  16. Any future attempt by Richard Lewis to lead the UPP will create further divisions within the party. Many of the individuals who are involved in the election process of the executive do not see Richard Lewis as a palatable leader (his wife being Jamaican, his anti-social personality chief amongst those) and therefore would not support such a bid.

    For Richard Lewis to achieve leadership of the party, Jamale Pringle would have to step down and hand over the leadership; which seems very unlikely before the next election.

    Additionally, from inside sources of the UPP, past polling indicated that Richard Lewis is trailing his opponent (ABLP caretaker for the area) and if that trailing continues then he will unlikely have a seat in parliament after the next elections which will all but seal his fate given that Jamale Pringle’s seat is currently the safest seat for UPP.

    Richard Lewis is a great individual, however, his internal struggles with his own party (that don’t want him) has all but killed his political future.

    I admire his commitment to fight for a party that from all indications have branded him “excommunicado” for primarily marrying a Jamaican woman.

    I’m confident Richard Lewis will find his worth where it is valued in the future.

  17. The people have chosen Pringle and after the next election he will likely serve out is 3 terms as prime minister. Maybe Lewis can be a cabinet member. GG spot will be reserved for the most esteemed chairwoman until she becomes Antiguas first president once we go to a republic.

  18. With that comment I can only say that you must be living on Mars. Pringle as Prime Minister and Gisele Isaac as Governor General. Father is heaven please help us.

  19. @Mutineer well said 👏

    @Lewis has a ….. you taking too much Ozempic 😆 🤣 😂

    @Charles Tabor…..your son has balls. You?

  20. If Pringle is only the leader because he’s in a safe seat, why doesn’t the UPP just run whomever they really want as leader in that seat?

  21. @non-political that issue was raised with Pringle sometime ago so Harold could replace him there and he said HE NAR MOVE. I hope that answers your question. The UPP as a Party lacks innovative and pragmatic thinking and will remain in opposition as a result.


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