Pointe Xpress: Some persons have not been complying with mandatory 14- day periods of isolation or quarantine intended to determine their COVID-19 status.
This is increasing the risk that the virus will spread which in turn frustrates carefully conceived measures that have been established to contain the spread of the disease by preventing or limiting new infections.
This concern was repeated this week in the post-Cabinet briefing, where Information Minister, Melford Nicholas, addressed a recent excursion to Bird Island attended by scores of residents in search of an unrestrained party.
Nicholas said this was one of the reasons why Cabinet “has welcomed the inclusion within the task force of a special detachment of the Royal Antigua and Barbuda Police Force to assist with enforcement”.
He said he had personally “given the Cabinet an update as to where we are with regard to the bracelets that are going to be necessary to facilitate the contact tracing”.
He explained that the authorities reported being in possession of monitoring devices.
“We did receive some prototypes a few weeks ago, but those prototypes did not meet the requirements we were looking for. Within the next 7-8 days we would be in receipt of the specific bracelets that we require; bracelets that, for all intents and purposes, are tamper-proof and will allow those persons who have been quarantined – particularly those persons who have been quarantined in their own home and in their own facilities – for the quarantine authority to be able to monitor their movements and ensure that they do not break the [quarantine] conditions.”
Shelton Daniel-PointeXpress
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When are the Bird Island partygoers going to be charged? Charge the White ones, too, not just Antiguan Blacks.
of quarantining some people but not quarantining the THOUSANDS of tourists that come here?
You are not going to stop the spread of COVID with half measures that make no sense.
yes, they are punishing the nationals, because they have to allow the tourists to roam free. his policy is sheer idiocy. Are these politicians and big hoteliers also following quarantine when they return from their overseas jaunts? will they be wearing the shackle as well?
Where is the proof thousands of tourist come here and roam freely. I keep seeing this stupid comment that tourist are roaming free and yet everyday I’m in town and hardly see tourist and the few is see are wearing mask. Y’all complain and everything.
Where’s the proof? LOL.
The proof is in the policies put in place for tourists.
Tourists are not tested. Tourists are not quarantined.
Tourists can go wherever they choose on the island. And they do not wear masks at the resorts while interacting with local workers.
Thousands of tourists come here every month – 8000 came in July alone. Do the math – extrapolating that means somewhere around 40,000 tourists have come to the island since June when borders were reopened. Which is nearly half the normal population of the island.
Again, those people were not tested and were not quarantined.
If that doesn’t scare you in terms of the spread of a deadly disease on an island that is ill equipped to deal with a massive outbreak, then that says something about you.
BTW, both Epicurean locations are full of tourists on any given day.
Also, there are a few Facebook tourist pages where you can read posts from tourists talking about how they don’t have to wear masks at the resorts and how they are free to go where ever they want on the island once they leave the airport.
Where is your proof that you don’t see thousands of tourists roaming around the island? We only have your stupid word for it. The proof is in the fact that this is government policy. They have opened the border, tourists have no requirement to quarantine and the planes are coming here full from the Uk and the US. Nobody with any sense denies this. The government argues that somehow locals are more likely to come into closer contact with residents. This is possible but really unconvincing as an argument to force nationals to quarantine
Show me the proof that thousdans of tourist come in and up and down in town then we will talk. Y’all sound like one set of nincumpoos with this whole tourist walking around when nothing go so. Y’all just want to frigging party and fete like we are not in the middle of a gobal pandamic.
@Blah. Just last week I was driving behind a safari tour full of tourists with no masks. Take off your red glasses because its sending BS to your brain.
@Zackie why must everything for you dumb people must be f***ing red and blue. I said show me the proof of thousabds of tourist roaming freely. English so hard to understand. Or y’all just love to run with gossip and rumors.
Are those bracelets coming on the backs of Turtles? They sure take a very long time to come/arrive.
True. You cannot believe them when they talk.
@Blackman. They are taking a similar route to the computers for the children, which should have been used for the start of the school year.
@Zackie:Those are coming by Elephants.As you are aware those animals are not very fast travelers.
This article is quite misleading. I read it looking to see what the increased fines for breaking quarantine would be, however, there are no mention of any fines in the article.
What ever happened to the young gentleman who approached the authorities with a prototype/idea of monitoring devices earlier in the pandemic? Our youths are very talented so we must try and support them especially in times like this.
@Alex. No ‘creative enrichment’ in that.
Lets not be biased, cabinet is one man making the decisions and puppets follow suit .Citizens stop promoting them with them foolishness. When them start leading by example thats when people will follow. It cannot be one rule for ministers, one for tourist and one for locals and the government and the citizens fighting against other citizens. If their is no consistency its pure mockery. If the citizens understand the power they possess alot of hypocrisy will end. If a video would circulate with the leaders having the same type of party would we hear anything from the cabinet which control the police force, would the police go after them. Stop being biased. When leaders lead by example and not force and hypocrisy thats great leadership. All i am seeing is force and hypocrisy right now. “To unite right now is a crime a plot to divide and conquer” j
Gaston son wasn’t charged for being at Bird Island. Tourists not being charged either.
All this is unconstitutional and we need to enforce our rights. No more Draconian rules by the current regime.
President of Ghana represents Rockefeller’s report “Lockstep”
@Free Antiguan…I recently came across, some speeches by #YanisVaroufakis, a former Finance Minister of Greece, and his take($), on the #Globalist and their agendas.
Coupled with things such as, #CFR – Council on Foreign Relations, the #theFamily, #theTrilateral Commission, and speeches like these from the Ghanaian President, it makes me keep iterating, that….
…nothing, as in No Thing!
…’tis, the only thing,
…which happens, by mistake!
…#All others, are by Design, Default or Destiny!
Knowledge, through information is #Power!
Yes brother. A big thumbs up for your comments!
I sincerely hope everyone here in our wonderful country will wake up to the evil plans that ‘they’ are trying to unfold around us.
The UN plan for sustainable development contains a dark plan for our future.
The Rockefeller Foundation plan LOCK STEP along with the global elites, the UN, The Pilgrim Society, some corrupt psychopathic governmental leaders are working for the dark side.
@Free Antiguan…”they are,” not trying to unfold their #Agendas, they’re simply implementing their, #ActionPlans from their Decades to Century old agendas!
One problem is, those charged with managing Our Nation’s affairs don’t have the fortitude, commitment, nor #Balz to confront these Globalist like the Ghanaian President and others in Africa are doing.
@Antiguan. Tell Cermle that. He like to speak of the righteousness of PM Brown. Lets see ‘without fear or favour’ at work.
Some people not worth wasting time or effort. They head so deep up PM Browne bottom they done with.
Follow links within article…
If the authorities had dealt with the caucasides from the hotel in Hodges Bay when they had a party on an off shore island the message would have been sent.
Mow the Africans follow their master fines going up, coast guard Putin alert, and police locking up. None of this talking. When the white people held their party.
Some of us are still plugged in.
I have personally seen and reprimanded tourists in the city for not wearing masks. Why do people make excuses for foolishness? I just need to know if the white hotel owner was charged re the Ashanti after curfew party? I have seen tourists on quads driving on the road next to the APua office, driving without masks. What really is happening here?
Who appointed YOU as the MASK POLICE Karen?
Driving without masks… if you in the car alone, isn’t that enough ‘social distancing’?
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