WARNING: The Sexual Offences Act prohibits naming any individual accused of the offences mentioned in in this article until and unless the individual is convicted.
A public official accused of rape has been granted bail in the sum of $15,000.
The man, who is also charged with serious indecency, made his first court appearance Thursday before Magistrate Ngaio Emanuel-Edwards in the District B Magistrates’ Court.
The accused was ordered to provide two sureties and pay $6,000 in cash to secure his release.
He has also been ordered to surrender both his Antigua and Barbuda regular and diplomatic passports, and must report to the All Saints Police Station three times weekly.
The court has restricted the accused from communicating or otherwise interfering with the 22-year-old complainant directly or through someone else. He must also stay 50 feet away from the complainant as part of the bail conditions.
The accused, who is being represented by Attorney Gail Pero, is scheduled to return to court on March 23 for committal proceedings.
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Yow why dem setting up the guy.. All along I thought the lady was under age as mentioned by street media.. .. 22yr old. Give me a fking break..
That is why when this story broke I said I’ll wait till the actual trial comes up in criminal court and not listen to the court of public opition. People and the media will twist this story to suit their ego.
@Look a trouble…
I think…
A…There is the Alleged Rape, to the bail of the public official, this is in regards to the 22yr old female.
B…the issue regarding the 13yr old female, and the “consent” issue, has to do with Dean Jonas – MP…(mr. chameleon), and his public statement, then apparent apology.
Separate issues, even though, female and “consent” related…
Enjoy some Short Shirt…”Trouble! Trouble! Trouble!
When being in love with a politician..and he decides to not call or contact u no more..this is a scorn lover..and she took it this way..sad. hopefully he learns.
Someone will be very ashamed when the story comes out that was her lover!
@Kandi…I’m following this story, saga, whatever; not for the #Sensationalism of the story, like one of those, in the National Enquirer, but moreso, because I have a daughter, granddaughter, and countless other family members, who are females, and the #RippleEffect, being such a high profile TRIAL on the way, regarding #RAPE.
Now, my question to you is, even if they were “lovers,” does that excuse the fact, that the word “NO…,” was allegedly used, by the ACCUSER; excuse, what the ACCUSED did, as in the alleged RAPE?
Correct me, if I’m wrong; but, I think even married couples have to have, “consent!”
@Ras smood. We all have children I have a daughter and a son. A am also a woman! But does that mean I must side with the victim because see crys “rape” no! In my opinion as I mention above I think he was shock about this allegation which means she consented! I don’t know what she said in the pick up as she stated but I do believe it’s a set up? Why? We shall hear the whole story soon. both sides in court .then we can talk more @Ras stood.
This is my opinion and that’s that!
@Kandi…this is not about, taking, “sides…” for me.
As far as this goes, and I’m getting a #SetUpVibe, from some quarters; the question is who gains, in this Soap Opera…da Disco Dumpling Kid or da Browne Bomber?
@Ras smood am not sure who gains
But it’s a dark world! Something to think about
1: she called “rape”
2. She recanted and said consensual sex but no to anal.
……..hummm I must say.
Will she “recant” again when she realize what will happen in court.
She also didn’t want to go to court.
But settle out of court.
So tell me what is really going on?
Some men when dealing with women these days need to be careful especially public official..some women have no good intention.
Let’s wait and see.
@Kandi…” it’s a dark world,” you say; Nah! Nah! Nah!
This World is a #Beautiful, and #Wonderful place.
HUE-mans! Humans! We are the dark ones, who’re destroying the Earth/World, so full of light.
It looks like, there’s a concerted effort, to #Demonize the young lady, through character assassination.
She must have being worth the, time and effort for someone, as ‘dignified,’ as this purported member of the upper echelon, of the #EvilHUEman World, to have had a love affair with her.
A mussa wan #CamelToe or wan #SnappingTurtle meatkind, dat hab he a, Bruk-aff! Bruk-Aff! A nyam steam cat legs, and ’till cyant kum, fu reach dat KUM-BI-YAH moment!
@Ras smood we live in a beautiful world with some dark souls..yes!
No character assassination sir.
I haven’t done that in any of my posts. But we shall see the out come in court.
Sometimes men can’t be nice to some females that have other intentions remember that, it has nothing to do with a man’s position or career behind that is a human being.
Bless weekend sir.
A weh u get all this details?
@justice Antigua is a small place people talk! That’s all.
@Kandi…😅😅have a great weekend too! 😅😄
And @ Justice….
😅😄Churchbell carry news fast, and church call een ebrie night!
May TRUTH & JUSTICE prevail.
You can write multiple articles naming a man and saying he resigned and he was charged with a crime but do not name the crime.
Then you can write an article saying a man was charged with rape but do not name the man.
Does that make any sense?
Because the media blow up this story to generate traffic. They damn well know what they are doing. The wanted clicks so they will twist and trun this story to get as much traffic as they can and then there are the folks who don’t read the post at all but just striaght to the comment section to make there assumption. The media needs to be responsible!!
@Kandi…I’m following this story, saga, whatever; not for the #Sensationalism of the story, like one of those, in the National Enquirer, but moreso, because I have a daughter, granddaughter, and countless other family members, who are females, and the #RippleEffect, being such a high profile TRIAL on the way, regarding #RAPE.
Now, my question to you is, even if they were “lovers,” does that excuse the fact, that the word “NO…,” was allegedly used, by the ACCUSER; excuse, what the ACCUSED did, as in the alleged RAPE?
Correct me, if I’m wrong; but, I think even married couples have to have, “consent!”
The rapist pig (whoever he may be) is going down. How many “lovers” this guy had anyway? Maybe they all need to be questioned. This may be a pattern, and not just a one time event.
@Kristi u same very hurt and angry by any chance are u one of the lovers or former lovers..lol. so much anger in u..anyway how do u know he’s a “Rapist” I thought innocent until proven guilty?
Kristi relax and enjoy your Friday and I hope u don’t have a son!
Marlon, just get that crazy bald head outta meh town! Yes, I’m damn fed up with these stupid assed rapists (whoever they are). Casterate the whole bunch, one jewel at a time. No excuses. Wherever this crazy dude is guilty or not, BUT if he is, he’ll have years and years in her Majesty’s Guest House. Good luck in there.
@Kristi..wow wow no this is personal, u must have been a former lover of his that got left lol. The hurt is real towards this man. Anyway the accuser is no saint. We shall see in court.
Mind ya pressure I can feel it by your tone
Bless weekend 🙏
When you digging a pit for someone dig one for yourself. Sounds hurt nf. Leave people man alone that is what you all who like people man most do.Have no f self respect and then want to get all hurt when the feelings are not mutual. What you want will never ever happen you all must pick who you try to hurt. Emotions emotions have you all doing dumb shit.
It would appear that no matter what Labor Party Politicians do.Some of you would think they are always in the right. Until one of them raped a child of yours. Yes the lady in this instance is 22 years. So because of her age,
According to the comments by some of you. She could not be raped by that scum of the earth person.We would see what happens in Court.I am glad he is out of the Cabinet.In my opinion,he should resign as a Member of Parliament.The Constituents should protests to kick his backsides to the curb.He was not doing anything for them.
Ii am very sickened by some of the comments here. Why is such a serious accusation taken so lightly and why is it political? Many young woman in Antigua are suffering because big men are taking advantage of them. And they suffer in silence. When one decided to stand up, she is rediculed, and everyone seems to know her agenda. You hear of men being with both mothers and daughters, men exchanging scholarships, food, vacations, vehicles, extensions, for sex. Many women here are suffering. Many have no choice, because it has become a norm. You go seeking a job, and you have to spread. Visit the hospital to see so many underaged girls, making babies, big men visiting them, and nothing done about it. I know of an athlete who was pregnated by her coach and life goes on. By the way, the back of a pickup allegedly? By the way, married? A father? A person of position?
I hope u understand the world accusation.And you talking about Material things being exchanged for sex. Every body have a choice so if anyone choose to exchange sex for material things then that was their choice. People must learn to be satisfied with what they have. If they have to clean toilet and floors so they can eat that is what they should do, stop letting men use them for money and material things. Some people to greedy and lazy and want have things they can’t afford.
Wow. Ok stop trying this case in the media. We were not there. Let it have its day in court. The jury will decide. We are all entitled to our opinions.
Its just sad that now he denies her money she calling Rape ….well well i hope there is a law for persons who calls rape on innocent persons …
I hold no brief for the accused, but I smell a rat. Call me conspiracy theorist but it’s politics time again. I remember Michael Freeland. Anybody thinks that maybe he is getting a Michael Freeland? Just asking.
Yes. But what goes up must come down. What goes around must come back around. I hope they don’t have children to third and fourth generation
I hope u understand the word accusation.And you talking about Material things being exchanged for sex. Every body have a choice so if anyone choose to exchange sex for material things then that was their choice. People must learn to be satisfied with what they have. If they have to clean toilet and floors so they can eat that is what they should do, stop letting men use them for money and material things. Some people to greedy and lazy and want have things they can’t afford.
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