Proceeds of controversial auction stolen from senator


Over $155,000, the proceeds of an auction conducted by Senator and auctioneer Michael Freeland and for which his name was removed off the list of potential candidates on the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) ticket in St John’s Rural East, was stolen.

This was revealed moments ago in the Upper House by Senator and Leader of Government Business Lennox Weston, who interrupted the debate of Senator Chester Hughes on the Customs Control and Management Amendment Bill 2017. 

Hughes was making reference to the situation in which Prime Minister Gaston Browne had said that Freeland had done an auction and the proceeds had not been paid.

However, at the point during his presentation when Hughes said he had uncovered some information, Senator Weston rose to his feet and disclosed that the proceeds from the auction were stolen, and the matter was reported to the police.

Weston said Freeland has been making restitution of the sums, which is almost paid up.

“Madame President, I am not here to speak about what happens on radio stations and who says what, I can only report the facts. The colleague, Senator Freeland, is an auctioneer and he did an auction and the very night of collecting the proceedings he reported a break-in in his vehicle to the police, [he] officially reported it and $160,000 was stolen and he went the next day and made arrangements to pay back the sums in three tranches.

“He has been meeting those requirements in a very straight forward manner, the politics of it [I’m]  not into. On political campaigns people say all kinda things but in terms of the facts of it, it is a very straight forward matter, the crime was reported to the police and he came in the very next day and made arrangements to repay the full sum in I think three or four tranches, and he has met all those tranches, he has I think one other payment to complete,” Weston revealed.

The senator said there we nothing “hanky panky, there was no cover-up, there was nothing illegal , it was a straight forward matter in terms of the transaction.”

After Weston clarified the matter, which PM Browne said he was awaiting a face to face with Freeland, who told him (Browne) there were some peculiar issues which had to be explained in person for a better understanding of the matter, Senator Hughes was disallowed from continuing down that line.

Senate President Alincia Williams Grant told him she had given him ample latitude and there was no need to continue with the personal issue any further.

Hughes felt that Weston’s clarification was cause for him to ask further questions.

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  1. Great! So I guess Mr. Freeland will now be allowed to compete in the primary to run in Rural East.
    Guess he had to explain to the PM in person why he left $160,000.00 in his car. SMH.

  2. That doesn’t make no sense at all who does such a thing to leave all those money in a vehicle, how he never leave myst money in his vehicle what a liard story. That story occur couple years ago when some man collect money for his child and set up someone to steal it, that sounds like what Michael doing. The story dey rotten from the head of a baracuda fish, lie lie lie the world boss done send his wife in Rural East, tell freeland run in St George’s a dey his father I think use to run adolphus freeland, we want Maria Browne.

  3. really? ???if anybody believe this also believes in the cow jump over the moon bull crap. ….and you want to be a politician not ready at all

  4. Ummm, ummmm, ummmm….. To hell with this!!!! Mr Freehand….. Please just save yourself, this is too much for you!!!!
    The COW did jump over the moon, the little dog laugh to hear such shyte and the Dish ran away with the money…..

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