Pringle Wept: UPP leader said he cried when Anthony Smith resigned


The resignation of All Saints West MP Anthony Smith Jr from the United Progressive Party (UPP) has sparked concerns about its impact on young voters’ faith in the political system.

Jamale Pringle, the UPP’s Political Leader and Leader of the Opposition, voiced his concerns following Smith’s resignation and his subsequent inclusion in the Gaston Browne Cabinet.

In an Observer Radio interview, Pringle highlighted the disillusionment of over 2,000 supporters, particularly young voters, who feel betrayed by Smith’s decision.

He noted the emotional distress within the UPP’s All Saints West branch, mentioning a father’s disappointment after encouraging his daughter to vote for the first time.


Pringle underscored that Smith’s supporters aimed to reject the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party and incumbent Michael Browne.

He expressed frustration over Smith’s lack of communication before switching to become an independent candidate.

Smith resigned from the UPP last week, citing leadership issues, and was sworn in as a government minister hours later.





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  1. Pringle wept because he thought there was going to be a by election in St. Phillip that UPP would win – and he would become PM.
    According to what I’m hearing, Pringle knew Anthony was made an offer; & as knight at nights said, he did diddly squat — NADA!
    Pringle is not a capable leader! He’s being led by power hungry women that have aspirations of becoming governor of A&B. These women don’t want a strong leader because, they may not be able to get what they desire from one.
    None of this would have happened if the UPP executives didn’t stage a SHAM convention and then went after the MP’s that challenge them for their positions.

    Cry harder, Pringle!


    If ‘…Pringle Wept,’ he shall have known that he was not running a ‘…Baby Crèche.’

    Leaders and members shall know that it where ‘…Smoke’ was seen rising, ‘…Food’ was not always cooking.


    Leaders shall ‘…Cut Down: (a) ‘…Adversaries: (b) …Rivals: (c) …Disloyal: (d) …Backbiters: (e) …Boat-rockers: (f) …Strife-makers: (g) …Saboteurs: (h) …Position -jostlers: (i) …Mischief-makers: (j) Newsmongers: (k) …Opportunists.’


    Unlike ‘…Baby Creche,’ adult organizations shall not to be run by ‘…Baby Leaders.’


    Still, the ‘…Strategic Leader’ shall be seen as ‘…Firm: …Fair: …Fearless: and …Decisive.’


    Notwithstanding, in any democracy, ‘…WINGS SHALL ALSO EFFECTIVELY CLIPPED.’

  3. BABY PRINGLE ?? Did the MAN COW removed the soother from His mouth ??? Pringle is a laughing stock throughout the Caribbean. Two more UPP Members will cross the floor within 15 days. Man Cow does not TRUST anyone in UPP. We are still talking to SHUGY , LEWIS . Do not rule out Bowen. We shall DISMANTLE UPP.

  4. It is only those who are in the kitchen feel the heat.

    Therefore, the energies that UPP was giving, is the same energies they got back from Hon. Anthony Smith.

    Always remember whenever you are pointing your finger, there several fingers pointing back at you.

  5. According to Burning Flames..Stop your crying Pringle. Shameful Leader.

    Mr. Knight ( KNIGHT AT NIGHTS ) should train Pringle to be tough.

  6. @SHARL July 23, 2024 At 3:03 pm
    You cannot train an old mature man to be tough. You train a child in the way he should grow. Pringle and all of the men in the UPP should start wearing skirts. Let the Ladies in the party wear the pants. Because is them ah run things. As Beyonce sang, “Who Run the World”.

  7. You people in Antigua should learn when to cry and what to cry about.There are joyful crying and then sorrowful crying.In my world,that is not a matter to shed one tear over.Let him go where ever he wants.There is a reason.Why the grass is greener around the septic tank.That tank is filled of what the grass likes to feed on,DUNG. Could the ABLP be filled with DUNG.Could that be the reason so many are going there because the grass looks greener from the outside.

  8. Less We Forget

    I like your posting…The men in UPP should wear SKIRTS and Ladies wear the pants. Also do not forget to put LIPSTICK on the MAN COW.LOL

  9. Is it true that Pringle has been severely compromised as Babba is building a house for him?? Confirm or deny please

  10. The leadership of the UPP like Joe Biden, the President of the USA, needs to put country first and change their leadership before the next general election. Pringle is a good guy but just does not cut it for the leader. The Chair of the UPP is just pushing him for her own interest. She is a liability for the Party and needs to go like Pringle. Take a page from Biden.

  11. Cry my brother cry if you are painful that is what humans do you have the capacity to do great things still young and ambitious but you have to get out and break away because of how you are disrespected some is turning on you out of fraud traction and their own personal and transactional ambitions they are hungry like angry lions be wise and be watchful choose wisely be cautious the words of Julius Ceasesr young Cassius has that mean and hungry look he thinks too much such men are dangerous , so many Casiusses !

  12. So what is wrong with someone weeping? Jesus wept. The same white man you all are following. Are you telling him to wear shirt and lipstick? Ebry decent citizen, non-citizen and visitor, every one with a sole, cried both literally and figuratively, at the recent Judaish act. How do people look their children in the eyes, or sit in church or even have decent conversations about decency? No wonder our youths are as they are. And this this about always trying to ridicule Mr. Pringle. I am sure he has a living parent, children, I don’t know but, how many politicians have been able to repeatedly win their seats? What bubbol has this son of the soil ever been involved in? AND, if the entire UPP is so horrible, why why why, people have eyes on them to ‘pull’ them over, at the expense of your “own’. Don’t people think? Some of you may not be even able to run your own homes properly. What has he ever done to you people? And you call yourself proud black Antiguan s. And whilst you are crucifying your own, for red or blue, the country is being taken over by foreigners. Yes, meh seh dat. Every empty spot, who taking it over? Every eatery, what are you eating? Ever crime committed, ah who? The black man better wake up. Think about this: you go to a Syrian store , he doesn’t have what you need, what does he do? Mr. Pringle, according the their logic, remain the can’t read one, because, by their logic, the ones who can read, are dishonest and have no “stic -to-effish-ness”.

  13. And we wonder why we are at the bottom of the barrel. Jesus wept. Didn’t he? Should he be wearing lipstick? How does a Judas’ action a reflection of someone else? Mr. Pringle,stay , not being able to read, than be a Judas. Judas cried too. And if, UPP is so bad, why are they being recruited at the expense of you? Do your leader know something that you don’t know?

  14. Pringle shut the hell up dude!! you care about nobody, you only go to certain people yard! from since being in that seat I have not seen you even once. what are you doing to build and lift people up in your constituency? you may not have been appointed a ministry but you have the resources and ability to get things done. all dem bush bad roads and derelict homes need to be worked on. worry nout that and stop cry for man 😆

  15. Your reporting says he wept but nowhere does it say that he said he wept, nor did you see him weeping, and report that.
    Where is the quote from Mr Pringle saying he cried? Better, who saw him crying? You did not have that either.
    Come ANR, you have to do much better especially when you are writing about the actions and saying of politicians in this place.
    But talking about Mr Pringle, maybe if he was paying more attention to the fallout from the stir that he helped, directly or indirectly, to create at the UPP convention, if he was more astute and his focus was on the party and not on the windfalls he was acquiring then, maybe he would have seen signs of disaffection within the Party.
    He must take blame for the partiality which was on show in the conducting of the convention, and how seriously this affected many officials and members who were on the losing end of the event.
    If he continues to be a puppet of the Chairman and to listen to the choir singers who love them some Black Panther and no one else, he might soon find himself being laughed out of the political arena.
    He has to decide if he wants to effectively lead a party that is striving for governance, or a businessman who hawks his wares to all and sundry no matter what colour their money is.

  16. Black Panther is an opportunist that grabbed at the opportunity to serve in a UPP strong constituency for his own benefit that’s all.. if he can dog he so called friend out of a business what else wouldn’t he do..

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