United Progressive Party (UPP) Political Leader and Leader of the Opposition, Jamale Pringle, has once again delayed the long-awaited announcement of the party’s 10 new candidates and caretakers for the next general election.
Speaking at a rally in Parham on Thursday night, Pringle addressed the enthusiastic crowd but did not deliver on his October 2024 promise to name the first 10 members of the team.
This marks the second time the announcement has been postponed, leaving supporters and political observers questioning the cause of the delay. Pringle announced in his New Year’s Day message that he would make the announcement in Parham tonight.
Despite this, Pringle used the opportunity to rally the UPP faithful and reaffirm the party’s commitment to advocating for transparency, fairness, and improved governance.
Pringle highlighted the importance of the upcoming St. Peter by-election, once again endorsing UPP candidate George Wehner as a strong advocate for the constituency’s needs.
However, the absence of the long-promised candidate announcement overshadowed much of the rally’s momentum.
The UPP leader did not provide a timeline for when the new candidates would be unveiled, adding to the uncertainty surrounding the party’s preparation for the next general election.
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Pringle u should just give it up…. u are embarrassing yourself and the party now. Your hunger for power isn’t helping the party move forward. Your incompetence has lost all momentum gained during the last election! You can’t even announce a list of candidates to date shows how you lack leadership capabilities. Do the right thing and step down now before it’s to late for upp. The upp is facing the lost of my seat due to the lack of enthusiasm.
The rally was a big failure in terms of the attendance. One would have thought that given all the hype that the Party would have mobilize its supporters to attend. From my estimate not even 50 people were on the basketball court. I am a UPP sympathizer but with all the defections etc the Party has lost serious momentum despite all the talk to the contrary.
Here we go again with this clumsy, bungling motley of prevaricators! Lies and deception are just a natural part of their psyche. Uncertain of the numbers that would have responded to their campaign rally last evening, they, in typical UPP fashion blatantly lied to the public by announcing their intention to reveal the identities of the elusive 10. Once again, pure hogwash, another LIE.
These guys are pathetic, a constant source of scorn and derision. Chiptz!
Here we go again with this clumsy, bungling motley of prevaricators! Lies and deception are just a natural part of their psyche. Uncertain of the numbers that would have responded to their campaign rally last evening, they, in typical UPP fashion blatantly lied to the public by announcing their intention to reveal the identities of the elusive 10. Once again, pure hogwash, another LIE.
These guys are pathetic, a constant source of scorn and derision. Chuptz!
When big educated people sent a little boy to do big people’s job, what do you think will happen? Can a little boy Steer Navigate and sail MV Antigua and Barbuda to a Safe Voyage with World Leader?
remember that Pear “FOOTS” Quinn said that she doesn’t need a degree. Her little gig at the bank qualifies her to be Finance Minister …….of Redonda
Yes the attendance was even worse than the failed mega rally at All Saints West. And this is during an actual election period. Yet the UPP is STRONGER THAN EVER (Right, Brixtonian?)
Folks, let’s face the reality
Pringle is just a dunce. Some people may find this too direct or even harsh but it is the reality. He is incompetent, uninspiring and extremely entitled… “I was in parliament alone (Single Pringle) so I don’t need to improve anything or listen to anyone. Not even Baldwin or that weak but more intelligent Harold Lovell”
His puppet master Gisele promised in the New Year speech she forced him to read that 10 candidates would be named at tonight’s rally.
Even in this simple task the Pringle Puppet failed once again.
Sad state of affairs for the dying opposition. SMH!
@Faithful national #1
“Here we go again with this clumsy, bungling motley of prevaricators!”
U tink dumb a** Pringle know wat “prevarication” be? LOL!
How could Pringle name 10 candidates when there are current and prospective candidates considering pulling out or going over to the other side?
Some of them who spoke tonight know full well they are in negotiations with the ALP seeking a lifeline or offramp from the collapsing UPP.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. All the bricks of the collapsing UPP will not all fall to the ground in a day, yet fall they will.
The UPP followers voted tonight with their feet. They said f*** this Pringle s*** and stayed home!
Bunch of prevaricating dumb a**es!
N.B. For the dumb a** Pringle’s benefit:
Prevaricate and its synonyms lie and equivocate all refer to playing fast and loose with the truth. Lie is the bluntest of the three. When you accuse someone of lying, you are saying that person was intentionally dishonest, no bones about it. Prevaricate is less accusatory and softens the bluntness of lie, usually implying that someone is evading the truth rather than purposely making false statements.
Either way the UPP chose its political death with their elevation of the delusional divisive Gisele-Pringle graft of refined 99.9% grade intra-family evil and unapologetic incompetence to top leadership.
As I expected, no unveiling of the 10 candidates promised. No reason given for the same. What’s really going on in that camp? Don’t the supporters have questions? Is he holding the names in his back pocket or did he forget the paper list at home like his buddy, Trevor Walker did in Parliament the other day?
There’s something afoot with this leadership team that is inexplicable, to put it mildly.
Wehner will get a little more votes than Peter Redz’ 469 votes, with Asot not being in the race.
The Asot diehards are expected to throw their support behind Turner.
The total vote breakdown for St. Peter in the 2023 general elections was as follows:
Asot Michael = 1657
Rawdon Turner = 710
Tevaughn “Peter Redz” Harriett = 469
Total = 1836
That amount will not be matched in this by-election.
Many voters have not renewed their cards.
So, I’m predicting that Turner will double whatever vote share Wehner will receive. Asot’s siblings are endorsing Turner. In, 12 days, we will learn the fate of the UPP and the ABLP.
This man is a bundle of chaos and confusion. Can’t the UPP see this? Can’t they see that they are going to lose nearly all if not all of the seats they won in the last election with him as leader. Seems they are willfully steering the UPP boat into the abyss of election losses. I guess that they will only realize this after they lose the next election in a landslide.
Wonder if the fake hair doctor pay the gal yet
Wonder if Miss Knight start feed s/he pickney yet? Erica cannot do it on her own. Poor young man has mental health challenges and needs his daddy, but daddy busy cussing like one of de women on Green Bay Hill. ………………..meanwhile the UPP continues to rapidly deteriorate!!!
Another failed promise by the UPP Leadership. When will their supporters demand more from its Leader and take him to task for allowing their party to be the butt of many jokes.
Antiguans deserve better. We deserve a strong opposition who holds the governments feet to the fire.
When ABLP was in opposition they were strong, vocal and interactive.
Pringle as Leader can’t even muster vocal because he doesn’t even have a strong grasp of the English language.
D Giselle is trying to polish sh.*t and present it to us as a Leader.
This shellacking is going to be ugly for the UPP & Sniper Wehner in St Peters.
The first 2 words of the headline sums it up perfectly: “PRINGLE FAILS!!!!”
Richard Lewis is somewhere LAUGHING HIS ASS OFF at this emptyhead black boy. A little malnourished puppy lapping up his milk from the rusty panny that Lipstick Hog put down in the dirt for him outside his cage. The leash tight around his neck revelaing scars and burn marks as he laps up the expired sour milk.
I will answer you here. Ask the lawyer she retained to get her invested funds into a business that she declined to do the accounting for. The business went belly up. Everyone lost, including I. No one borrowed any money from anyone. That’s the falsehood being perpetrated out there. Sore losers grasping for straws. Investments that fail are not called loans. I have the documents to prove, but I will let carry on with with what you don’t know.
I might be fake, but my name is stated here in bold, as I don’t have to use a fake name,
Pringle alright…he right way he want to be in the UPP safest seat cause while Pringle will win his seat the rest of the party need to go COOKS
Pringle will NOT win his seat next time around. DUNCENESS tek over he baxide!
@Voter, representing the bachanalian, Knight who has a mic but nothing else going for him. He’s cussing UPP one night and in the same breath, cussing the Prime Minister. Nothing is ever good enough for him even though he has nothing to offer with his tight fist. Cuss me all you want, I’m happy. I don’t have to get nasty to be relevant. Do you remember how that talk show from St. Vincent whom you used to host suddenly died from a heart attack? Karma is real, brother.
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