Pringle Criticizes Government’s Failure on Infrastructure, Pledges to Fix Roads


Pringle Criticizes Government’s Failure on Infrastructure, Pledges to Fix Roads

UPP leader Jamale Pringle expressed deep frustration over the state of Antigua and Barbuda’s infrastructure during a political meeting last night, criticizing the government’s failure to maintain and improve roads, public works, and utilities.

Pringle described the condition of the nation’s roads as a “daily hazard,” highlighting that poor infrastructure has become a significant burden for citizens.

“Our roads are in deplorable condition, posing a real threat to the safety of our people,” Pringle said. “Whether it’s driving to work, taking your children to school, or simply going about daily business, the infrastructure we rely on is crumbling.”

Pringle provided specific examples of roads that are in dire need of repair, pointing to key intersections in the rural East constituency represented by the Minister of Public Works.

“When you look at the intersection near L. Benjamin Drive and Wireless Road, you have to wonder whether the Minister of Public Works even drives through her own constituency. If she did, she’d see what a disaster it is,” Pringle said.

He also criticized the incomplete work on the Wallings Highway, despite a $20 million grant from the UK government.

“It’s unacceptable that major roads like Wallings Highway remain unfinished, while other areas like the George Walter Highway near Carlisle flood every time it rains. This is mismanagement at its worst.”

Pringle pledged that under UPP leadership, infrastructure would be a top priority.

“We will fix the roads. We will ensure that public works projects are completed on time and on budget, and that the people of Antigua and Barbuda have safe, reliable infrastructure.”

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  1. Well highlighted your Most Important and Honourable Jamale Pringle, keep reminding this government of their manifesto promises.

    I’ve recently highlighted 30 (yep, thirty) issues with the ABLP (in response to some Gastonite clown 🤡 called @ Less We Forget) and why accountability to the Antiguan public is now a must.


    Keep up the pressure on these awful manipulators of falsehoods sir, the public needs to be constantly reminded that the ABLP continues to deflect and distort.

    As our banners proclaim:

    “Stronger Than Ever”✊🏾

    Forward ever backwards never!

    Hip hip 🟨🟦🟨🟦 UPP

  2. Rightly said the roads in this country are in a deplorable state . In fact the entire infrastructure. I cannot remember a time that the All Saints Road has been this awful. People Vehicle are getting destroyed even if you drive at snails pace. Those are not potholes, they are mini dams. It must be a horror story riding in an
    ambulance , if you are in pain . I believe if someone has broken bones , severe injuries riding on All Saints main road can shake ( earthquake) the life out of them. Intact the entire infrastructure has deteriorated to an extreme all time low. Citizens not getting water frequently at many areas for days. Freedoms village and Pares did not have water from Sunday to Wednesday this week.
    I think motorists should stop paying to license vehicles to drive in these roads but should be claiming for damages instead.
    Yet we are talking about increase in tourist arrivals- to drive on what roads. The bad roads also makes the country looks more filthier than it is. We need to hold people accountable. Hon. Maria Browne if you were a private sector manager you would have been fired long time.

  3. Well all what this is called is, Sweet Sounding Nothing. Especially at a time when the government has already disclosed their plans in tackling the roads. And great investments have already been made and we can see the progress on certain roads like Forth Road
    I mean how stupid can one be. That is why the government is taking all their talking points of the table one by one. When its not one thing its the other. The are not focusing on any policy issue that they can campaign on. They just look for some issue that is not going to be permanent and after that issue is gone they go to another. They have nothing else. Poor opposition. Worst Opposition.


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