2024 New Year’s Day Address
By the Honourable Gaston A. Browne
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda
My Fellow Citizens and residents of Antigua and Barbuda,
As we stand at the dawn of 2024, I am filled with immense gratitude for the productive journey we have undertaken together.
Equally, I am also filled with great optimism to travel together up the pathway that is illuminated so brightly before us.
Let us begin this New Year by expressing our deepest thanks to the Most High, for the successes of the years gone by.
In the face of adversity, our nation has not only weathered the storm, but has emerged with resilience and strength, demonstrating the true spirit of our indomitable people.
The United Nations Commission on Latin America and the Caribbean reports that our economy achieved remarkable growth in 2023, soaring by 8.5%. This is keeping with the 8.6 percent average rate of growth for the past three years, as reported by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.
Looking ahead, the projection for 2024 is equally favorable, with an expected growth rate of 8.2%.
It is noteworthy that, apart from Guyana with its oil and gas wealth, Antigua and Barbuda’s rate of growth has consistently outpaced all other nations in this hemisphere.
Our success is not a result of mineral or, natural resource endowments like oil and gas; it is a testament to sound economic policies and the diligence of our business community and workers who have maximized the benefits of our limited resources.
We did not have divine power, but God Almighty surely accompanied us, guiding our efforts, as we turned sand, sea and sun into sustaining jobs and opportunities that are bettering the lives of our people.
I am proud – and deeply honoured – to lead the people I love to this collective achievement, against both external and internal challenges.
And, let me be clear;
I love all my people, including my political opponents and detractors.
In my heart, I search for reason in their arguments, and I rejoice when I find them; for they fill me with hope that we might yet achieve, together, the common objectives that will make our nation better, our people stronger, and our purpose resolute.
Equally, I am disappointed when, in seeking reason in their behaviour, I encounter only irrationality and, sometimes malice, in putting partisan political objectives before national development.
Nothing gives me greater happiness and inner satisfaction, than working with all the people of Antigua and Barbuda to achieve the happiness and advancement we each seek as individuals and that we all desire as a nation.
Ahead of us are abundant employment and business opportunities, resulting from our administration’s great success in building investor confidence in our country.
It is no coincidence that our country is ranked among the top nations of the Caribbean that is attracting the highest level of investment.
The attraction of luxury properties lies at the fulcrum of our projected robust growth of more than 8 percent in 2024, that UN ECLAC and ECCB now positively forecasts for our beloved country.
Already vibrant and busy; our construction sector is expected to experience a phenomenal growth rate of 10% in this New Year.
This means the creation of more jobs than our labour market can provide.
Consequently, without threatening any existing jobs for locals, and without denying work to any local person interested in the construction industry, we may have to look for imported short-term labour to help complete our building projects.
In the National Budget Statement in Parliament a few days ago, I detailed many of the Private and public sector projects that will make our country continue to flourish.
I highlight again several of these major investments in hotel undertakings, including the Peace Love and Happiness (PLH) project in Barbuda, which will continue to contribute significantly to economic upliftment and job creation.
Other initiatives, such as the Royalton Chic, Paradise Found, the One & Only Hotel at Half Moon Bay and the Rosewood Barbuda project, will not only provide jobs, but they will also create opportunities for our people, to provide support services from which additional earnings can be made.
Public sector projects, such as the airport rehabilitation, port expansion, and educational facility expansions; will also provide job and business opportunities, even as they form the foundation for our nation’s sustainable progress and prosperity.
I believe that we have good cause to be proud of the West Indies Oil Company (WIOC).
I am proud both as a national of Antigua and Barbuda, and as the instrument of the people, that created the strategic investment in WIOC.
From an entity in which we earned a pittance for many years, the present WIOC will continue to contribute to the enhancement of our nation’s economic growth.
It will expand further in 2024 into renewable energy and other areas, earning us increased national revenues.
In 2024, my government will scale up investments in water production, road repairs, and agriculture to ensure that all in our country enjoy a better quality of life.
Do not believe for one second that I am not concerned about the inconsistency in the production and distribution of water.
I am.
We intend to make additional investments to increase the reliability of water production and distribution in 2024.
We have indicated to the staff at APUA that we want consistent results and we will be holding them accountable to high standards of performance.
And so, my fellow citizens and residents, 2024 must be a year with a difference.
It must be marked by exciting achievements as we host both the United Nations 4th SIDS conference and several Cricket World Cup matches.
Our country will be buzzing with the preparation and delivery of these important events.
Thousands of people, representing governments, private sector organisations, non-governmental organisations, international financial institutions and many others, will gather here on our shores.
It is an opportunity for us to demonstrate the hospitality of our people, the attractions of our country, and our capacity as a society; to show that we can match major venues in the world.
No one should leave here without enjoying and acknowledging the appeal of our country and the charm of its people.
They must all want to come back to Antigua and Barbuda – these brilliant islands in the sun.
That responsibility falls to all of us.
We must rise to the occasion, as I know we can.
My fellow citizens and residents,
I am obliged on this occasion, as we look forward to a year of continuing progress, to sound a word of caution about increasing incidents of violence involving our youth.
This matter saddens me, as I am sure it distresses all responsible adults in our beloved homeland.
We have seen or heard of how youth violence has spiralled in other parts of the Caribbean, with homicides rising and parents terrified for their children.
This phenomenon must find no welcome here.
All our social and economic advancement could be blighted by the rise in youth violence.
That’s why all of us must come together to convert the energy and aspirations of our youth into focussed and disciplined pursuit of better lives.
We must persuade our young people to embrace education and training and to seize opportunities for employment and for honest earnings. Earnings that can buy them property, allow them to invest, and also, to contribute to their families, and their nation.
They must be helped to pursue worthy and productive activities which fill them with pride and by which their nation can honour them.
My Government is providing the education and training opportunities through its investment in schools and scholarships that are open to all.
We have established and capitalized the entrepreneurial development fund with millions of dollars to facilitate entrepreneurship, including youth entrepreneurship.
We are also attracting the investments that create jobs and small business services that earn money.
Considering the myriad opportunities available to our youth; there is little or no excuse for delinquent or violent behaviour by our youth.
To stop growth of this worrisome development, urgent and sustained interventions are required by all stakeholders, starting with parents.
It requires the active participation of all, to stunt it at its root and to redirect the development of our youth in areas that will bring them social acceptance and personal rewards.
2024 can be another pillar of hope and prosperity for all in our nation.
The investment is in place; more employment is being created and business is flourishing.
I urge everyone to take advantage of these gainful circumstances to create a more compassionate, empathetic, and cohesive culture of peace and unity.
In wishing you all a very happy New Year, I urge that we all be guided by Jeremiah, Chapter 29, verse 11:
“For I know the plans I have for you
plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you hope and a future.”
Let us grasp those plans and build our glorious future.
God bless you, and God bless our beloved Antigua and Barbuda.
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Gaston Brown certainly knows the plans he has for us all. He plans to drive us further into poverty with the added 2% to the ABST. To dig a hole so deep in our pockets that we can literally see hell. His plans are to run a government of self enrichment. To have no state health facilities only private ones that are not affordable to the likes of the ordinary citizens. His plans, are the same as they have always been, to make it up as he goes along with no discourse, structure, or planning as he did with his Marijuana policy that now has Marijuana in the hands of young people still at the early stages of development. His plans are clear with the mass grave of the e-books at Cooks dump. Millions of dollars wasted, millions still being paid. His plans are clear with the deplorable devastation of what little food security was there at Dunbars and agriculture around Antigua and Barbuda. His plans and priorities are clear with the Alfa Nero. The list of his treasonous, treacherous, behavior is extensive.
Sorry Mr. Gaston Brown there’s no hope or comfort in your new year message only continued devastation.
@ Jermaine Edwards
Don’t know who you are, but you have spoken for all Antiguans.
Gaston and the ABLP are SOB’s. They don’t like us.
address why you increasing taxes, why certain people can’t get a piece of land or a house after applying so long and why certain well of business owners get everything for free or for a small fraction of the cost 🤔
Isn’t this a case of deja vu with his ‘make-it-up, as you go along’ in this New Year’s message from Prime Minister Browne?
He tries to give hope, but instead there is despair.
He helps the rich, but the poor still struggles.
He rewards cronyism, yet the hardworking are still at the back of the queue.
He doesn’t recognise the irreparable damage that nepotism is causing the country.
As I said at the beginning, more of a case of deja vu with Gaston Browne.
What is your definition of love? Enquiring minds would like to know. Love doesn’t mean hate and hate definitely doesnt mean love. There is a difference. Lord, please help Gaston Browne. He needs divine intervention from You.
Even quoting Scriptures he doesn’t understand. Taxing people left, right and center; sending home people to starve because they chose life over death etc is not prospering us. You call that harming us.
You weren’t afraid to use the Word? Enquiring minds would like to know. Anyway, satan knows the Word also.
Never forget @ Enquiring Mind, that the Kool-Aid guy Jim Jones could also quote Scriptures well to delude his followers and acolytes.
@ Enquiring Mind and Brixtonian
Also, nobody can quote scriptures more than the devil-he was the master of it.
If they live the life they quote about then that makes a difference, but it certainly don’t apply to Gaston Brown.
Amen to that @ hypocrites.
Matthew 7:15-20 correctly states:
15, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s 🐑 clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 🐺
16, By their fruit you will recognise them. Do people pick grapes 🍇 from thornbushes or figs from thistles?
17, Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.
18, A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
19, Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.
20, Thus, by their fruit you will recognise them”.
Prime Minister you will be judged by your actions by Antiguans, nothing more and nothing less …
The fact that Gaston Browne has to make that statement the he loves his people is an illustration of his disdain for the poor and the working class
The Gaston Browne led ABLP has morfed into one of the biggest sources of hopelessness among young Antiguans and Barbuda.
My question to Gaston is why is he freeloading dinning at Nobu Barbuda with while Barbuda don’t have an English teacher. Is that the way Gaston shows his love?
Well said @ Brixtonian,@hypocrite and @Jermain Edwards. Good to know there are still Antiguans and Barbudans out there who see through this narcissistic liars empty rhetoric.
Can you believe it? Gaston Browne using the word love? And quoting scripture?
Was it love that motivated the mandating of poisons, tear gassing and rubber bulletting peaceful demonstrations, denying children access to school and workers their jobs and pay? Was it love that motivated the theft of property that belonged to someone else, now burdening taxpayers with over a hundred thousand weekly? Was it love that caused you to blatantly refuse aid during the pandemic when people were jobless? Was it love when the oil prices were below $0 yet you kept gas prices deliberately high but quickly raised it to $17 plus when there was a moderate recovery in oil prices?
No DAWG. You know nothing about love.
Word @ Watching ✊🏾
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