Antiguans will go to the poll on March 21 Prime Minister Gaston Browne has announced at a campaign event of his party tonight.
Parliament will be dissolved on Monday 26 February the writ of the election will be issued the following day.
He did not indicate when nomination day will be.
Browne said he was calling the election more than a year early because he believes his government has performed.
The ABLP leader told supporters that 2018 is the year when many promised and new projects will start both in Antigua and the hurricane-ravaged sister isle Barbuda.
“What this country needs right now are ability and continuity,” Browne said.
“To make any change would be to reverse the gains that we have made,” he added.
The ABLP leader called on supporters not to take the election for granted.
He urged them to go out in numbers “to get the vote out on election day.”
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Why Gaston no go wash he skin..u can see he is the sole person making decission the education minister forget grade 6 booster is March 21and 22..
That was not very sweet Sweetness.
I already posted a comment but I guess it was not nasty or asinine enough such as the one who obviously passed your moderation. Here’s to the 21st March.
Here Here
March 21st – the day that the people will elect the ABLP for yet another term in office. Loveel, Lamin, and UPP nah ready yet!!
Tell me 3 good thing that the labour party done to make the poor people of this country life better
Wioc, housing projects, stabilized the banking sector, increased cruised tourism as a result of dredging the harbor, new high school, increased airlift and introduction of new airlines(sunwing, JetBlue, seaborne) mobilized the world leaders to come to the aid of Caribbean countries affected by Irma and Maria. Help dominica in their time of need. Royalton hotel and jolly beach
Tamarind hill project, best western, two mariotts etc. Increased GDP and GDP per capita which now both surpassed all oecs counties. Economic growth among top in the region and hemisphere. Port project. West indies cricket. Green energey. Debt reduction. Repairing the relationship with out creditors. Paid off the IMF loan which Lovell got us into but couldnt play back. Unemployment is down. The port turned a profit and is no longer in the red. The List goes on and by the way do some fact checking Alp was against the CIP not gaston . He supported it.
Bravo. Go to the head of the class.
Clap Clap Clap. People just say what they normally say no matter who is in power without thinking Yes Gaston has done quite a bit for the country in the 3.5 years he has been in power. For now he has my vote.
Just about sums it up.
On March 21st please GET ON THE BUS AND VOTE FOR KROKUSS!!!!
Oh, so it was a campaign event of the ABLP? Can someone please tell me why a campaign event was being broadcasted on our state run radio station?
Cause any ruling party in power does it. Alp before they were booted out of power in 2004 did it. Upp did of in 2009 and again in 2014 that is just how it goes
Who paid for the concert?
The Government
I’m hoping that someone fixes a set date for elections in the future, and not leave it to a sitting PM to determine the date. Makes no sense.
Like, for example, the third Thursday in any particular month.
We can have a fixed date for carnival, so we can do the same for our electoral process
Nope. It takes away from all the fun. Plus it ensures everyone be in a state of readiness. Not sleepiness.
I wonder if the electoral office is ready and if the prime minister said they are doing a good job why would he risk it by calling a early election.i would go down to the end if I’m doing a good job.trinidad did it and what happened?.the political gimmick continue.may God bless this country.he don’t even try to fix the problem in Barbuda now we hearing they have to vote in Antigua. people open your eyes.blessing to all
UPPITES stop whining….. It’s your opportunity to convince the electorate to vote for your party.. you’ll appears to grasping for breath- fearing you will get another ASS… Be happy that the election is called early. Goosh you all sounds like a bad CD…. Focus on team chances….. Spread the good tithing that HL will bring differently than old dirty tricks.
Still waiting to hear about the accomplishments of Gaston. Yes, I understand, you can’t list one.
After Gaston abolished the PIT he imposed the UBT. Can’t find one can you?
re-post from Luv Anu
Wioc, housing projects, stabilized the banking sector, increased cruised tourism as a result of dredging the harbor, new high school, increased airlift and introduction of new airlines(sunwing, JetBlue, seaborne) mobilized the world leaders to come to the aid of Caribbean countries affected by Irma and Maria. Help dominica in their time of need. Royalton hotel and jolly beach
Tamarind hill project, best western, two mariotts etc. Increased GDP and GDP per capita which now both surpassed all oecs counties. Economic growth among top in the region and hemisphere. Port project. West indies cricket. Green energey. Debt reduction. Repairing the relationship with out creditors. Paid off the IMF loan which Lovell got us into but couldnt play back. Unemployment is down. The port turned a profit and is no longer in the red. The List goes on and by the way do some fact checking Alp was against the CIP not gaston . He supported it.
well thanks gaston. ..now we can get that Michael Browne from all Saints west has done nothing for the area
Gaston want one more term to become a billionaire. Lord Help Antigua
Are they too to be accused of getting into office to enrich themselves??
Only non-black Antiguans are to be rich?? As long as it is nothing illegal or unethical, what is the issue of a negro person investing money to get a return??
Y’all “small minded” no wah
If it was a Hadeed, there’d be no issue I’m sure.
some people are confusing promises with reality.5 or 6 houses down dredge bay are occupied.there is no marriott in Antigua.Tamarind Hills was a UPP project
tamarind hill was not a upp project …my husband work at tamrind and that project started in 2015
so will and come again
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