Prime Minister Backs Proposal to Name Barbuda Airport After Former MP Arthur Nibbs

Former Barbuda MP Arthur Nibbs speaking to reporters

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has expressed strong support for naming the new Barbuda airport after former MP Arthur Nibbs.

The Prime Minister announced plans to elevate this proposal to the Cabinet for consensus.

Listen Below:

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  1. What about Claude Earl Francis, Eric Burton and other more deserved Barbudans? Boy, ABLP is all about politics, and sticking it to their political opponents. Then, they have the nerve to talk about political maturity.

    • ZACKIE I could not agree with you more. Naming the airport after Arthur Nibbs has to be the joke of the century.

    • Their political opponents were and still is AGAINST the EXISTENCE to the said Airport. On the other hand Arthur Nibbs paid the ultimate political price to begin the work of getting that Airport built/Exists in Barbuda for today. He “Arthur Nibbs” is most deserving of having it named after him.

  2. Is this a damn joke? Airport to be named for Arthur Nibbs.What the hell has Nibbs ever done for Barbuda and those living there. Please Gaston The Clown, point to one damn thing.

  3. Skillfully done by naming airport after Arthur nibbs, so he won’t reneged on his promise to see Barbuda lands sold off, because money alone can’t hold the conscience.

  4. ZACKIE I could not agree with you more. Naming the airport after Arthur Nibbs has to be the joke of the century.

  5. This is the first administration to push for a new developed Barbuda, with real air and seaport and as we speak the opposition to this is huge, the push back continues and may be still in the courts.
    Mr Nibbs i recall was a big part of this administration in it’s early years and had this vision for a new Barbuda as MP so why not name the airport after him?
    We here suggesting names but I guarantee none of those names would have ever seen this development through.You want name how about name everything after Sir Mac, since to me if he was still around Barbuda would have developed long time ago.

  6. Pm You love confrontation with the people of Barbuda bad. Firstly the Airport can be named after the location. However, if the insist that it should be named after anyone it should be a great Barbudan.
    Arthur Nibbs will be the most controversial and unworthy Barbudan.
    He served one term in political office and displayed a laziness second to none. So if you do love to get into problems with the people of Barbuda is better you name it after yourself or Max Hurst .

  7. A renowned philosopher once said men should not be honoured until after they’re dead because one never knows what dishonourable acts they’ll commit while still alive.
    The ABLP keeps heaping honours upon their followers using the stupid reason that they “must be given their flowers while they’re still alive”. Of course that’s nonsense. The real reason lies in their brain washing of the people of his nation to believe that only the ABLP and its leaders have ever done anything for this country. The truth of course is the opposite. Only when the ABLP is NOT in power this country makes significant progress for its people. The ABLP is in fact the agent of dispossession, pauperization, alienation, marginalization, sufferation, death and destruction of the people if this country. And of all their leaders Gaston Browne, more than all the others, has excelled best at this abuse.
    Where in the world is any public airport named after a living national? What has Arthur Nibbs done for Barbuda or Antigua to deserve such an honour? Is there no end to the stupidity and lunacy of this ABLP mis-leader?

  8. This is absolute nonsense! What has Arthur Nibbs done that would make him deserving of this honor. Furthermore the MP for Barbuda should be consulting on these things. I’m not against the modernization of Barbuda or Antiguans owning land there, but I am against the wholesale selling of Barbuda lands to everybody and their grandmother. Land should only be passable to family and should not be sold to foreigners. This should be written into law. Barbuda also does not need any exclusive private properties. The mistakes made in Antigua should not be repeated there. If they can’t understand that then just separate the two islands and let Barbuda handle their own problems.

  9. This idea is as dumb as Arthur. Why not just name it The Dumb & Dumber Airport. People would as least say that they flew to Dumb & Dumber Airport.

  10. Gaston Browne is a s#@t stirrer, and he knows exactly what he’s doing by announcing the name of Nibbs.

    An onerous and a very divisive human being.

    A very difficult person to deal with for honest hardworking Antiguans. Yet, when he smells money from business outsiders, he rolls over like a puss 🙀


  11. Just a reminder.Arthur Nibbs on Observer Radio.He did say,the Labor Party behaves like Gangsters.They do believe in Gangsterism.Those were his words on a Saturday afternoon on Observer Radio,Snake Pit Show.

  12. Why does it need to be named after a person at all? What’s wrong with Barbuda International Airport? After all, nobody outside the country has ever heard of Arthur Nibbs.

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