Political Leader Pringle addresses ‘staged resignations’ and efforts to undermine UPP’s credibility


Political Leader Pringle addresses ‘staged resignations’ and efforts to undermine UPP’s credibility

As leader of the United Progressive Party, I wish to address the recent resignation of Mr. Damani Tabor from his position as Public Relations Officer, as well as the departures of several other Party members.

First, I extend my gratitude to Mr. Tabor for his years of service to the UPP and sincerely wish him the best in his future endeavors.

It has become apparent that there is a coordinated effort by certain Party members and others to undermine the UPP’s credibility through a series of staged resignations. Mr. Tabor appears to have been drawn into this conspiracy, which aims to pressure me into resigning as Political Leader – a position to which I was duly elected at our Biennial Convention in April.

From among two candidates, I was chosen by a majority of our members. However, since then, some who did not support me have refused to work with me as Leader, taking issue with my elevation to this role.

In their efforts to remove me, some of those who have resigned seem willing to destroy our Party. Their actions raise serious questions about their true commitment to the concept of democracy – both in the Party and in the Nation of Antigua and Barbuda.

The United Progressive Party has always put people first; and my journey – from humble beginnings to becoming both Political Leader and Leader of the Opposition in Parliament – embodies the opportunities the Party can provide.

While I may not possess the unlimited wealth or higher education of some of my resigned colleagues, my record as a political representative speaks for itself: I enjoy high approval, golden representation, unquestionable integrity, and the love of my constituents who elected me to serve.

This “Little Black Boy” (as they refer to me among themselves) remains steadfast in my commitment to the people of Antigua and Barbuda, many of whom came from beginnings like mine.  Therefore, I have no intention of stepping down.

I remain dedicated to leading the UPP and serving our Party and Nation with integrity and determination, demonstrating to our young people that, whatever their dreams may be, with application, they can be achieved.

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  1. You were elected as leader of the UPP but it is each members right to assess your leadership and resign from the party if they think you are lacking. There is nothing “staged” here. They just do not think that you are a good leader and they don’t want to be a part of the UPP if you are leader. Nothing wrong with that. Freedom of choice. Most of the country do not think you are leadership or PM material and that is our choice as well as not voting for your party as long as you are leader. Freedom of personal choice again.

  2. Resign! When it becomes apparent that the majority of people in your party have no confidence in your leadership you should resign. You are hell bent on destroying this party by refusing to listen to your compatriots. If you value the party you will do what is right. At the rate the party is going UPP cannot challenge ALP in the next general elections! Leader of the opposition, put away your pride and thirst for position and step aside!

  3. Your Very Most Honourable Jamale Pringle, once more you have nailed exactly what the former UPP stalwarts are trying to do. Sadly, this’ll backfire.

    Many of us have recognised this destabilising act.

    But not to worry Your Honourable Mr Pringle, many us – who err on the side of optimism -, welcome this purge and cleansing of the party.

    Sir, you know what I’m so looking forward to doing in the not too distant future?

    Well, I for one will be searching for all the negative quotes from these same said deserters and Judas’ that denigrated and pilloried Prime Minister Gaston Browne when they were FULLY FLEDGED UPP members and associates – won’t be difficult for someone like me to locate.


  4. The little Black boy description used in the press release must be coming from the sick mind of Gisele and people like Whenner and others. Your reverse psychology will not work. Shame pan all of you.

  5. Oh no, no, no, no. Don’t take that route sir. Your integrity and personality and your financial and colour and so forth have nothing to do with the huge problems that you are actually confronting. It seems that your are bringing it to close to your persona and we don’t see this to be the case. The problem seems to be sir, with all due respect, that Leadership within the UPP party at this time evidently seems to be thwarted by overpowering, manipulation and lack of clarity on who is really running the party at large. Until you seriously review what is being said, happening and witnessed publicly by your own party members and directly address, maybe one by one, the issues that are being brought up, without accusing and calling names and worse so, pointing fingers and bringing up financial, ethical and very personal comments against those that are leaving, everything will be more difficult for you to manage and get rid of. Instead, take advantage of the vulnerability position of the party and all of your members; gathering them by calling an emergency or urgent general meeting to face, discuss, clarify and solidify the party – listening to those that still have the desire to ‘save’ a long standing opposition party with hopes for the nation. That is a situation that definitely has to be addressed inside of the party instead of more outside spreading of explanations and accusations, because in any other country, the ruling party and the opposition party always take advantage of political situations to elevate or diminish each other. That is not new in the world of politics. As we said before, you still have time. Stand up tall and strong using your long experience as a politician in Antigua and Barbuda and all the other attributes that you mention in this letter/article and say enough is enough to the people in your own party that are bringing or trying to bring you into their own stream of governing and show-off in detriment of your leadership, the party and the nation. You got to take a stance if you want to continue your political journey. You can fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time (it has a twist from the original quote on purpose). You still have time !

  6. Upp will come back stronger and better.some of you in worse relationship and stay in it because you have to fight for what you want and what you have.well some of us will fight for what we have and want.

  7. The ABLP Hostage Rescue Team has been very busy recently working to free UPP cult members from Jim Jones Pringle’s desperate attempt to sink his ship with all his crew members still on board. More rescues are scheduled in the coming days so please continue forwarding any additional information to your designated ABLP contact.

    The UPP ship is circling the drain. Do not get caught in the undertow. Abandon the ship now.

  8. The UPP operates are undermining the leadership. I can remember when Gaston Browne challenged Lester Bird and won the ABLP supporters didn’t resign and they were in opposition. Those elements that resign don’t mean well for the party not Pringle. Democracy must prevail, Pringle won fair and square and should be given a chance to lead. Mad minding ppl behave in the way they are behaving. Push forward Pringle u got this.

  9. First of all, tell your chairman, your bestie, to stop all that stupid ridiculous talk about how the others don’t want to work with you because you are blacker than them. She needs to stop that nonsense and do so immediately. It does not sound good.
    This little black boy thing was first the black panther. It was a term of affection. They are now trying to convince you that people don’t like you because, what? You are black?

    Second, you know this is a lie. Nombady wah pressure you to resign as leader.
    You will leave when your handler realizes that she must go and she will take you with her. It is true that your name came out of the boxes more than Lewis. The question is how many of your name went into the box that did not represent any of the 24 votes. You and Gisele keep saying how you were lawfully elected and you got more votes. Yes you got more votes. What came out of the boxes on the stage infront of the monitors don’t count. They could not see what was happening outside the room. They just count what they see on the stage.

    And this too is a damn lie. Nobody refused to work with you because they took any issue to your “elevation to your role”, as you call it. After you all cheated the vote, you called Lewis to be your second VP knowing damn well that you had already chosen the gunman to be your first man. Did you think Lewis was an idiot? Do you think he did not know that neither you nor your handler nor your VP could do the work required and you only called him because you all wanted a work horse to do the work while both of you enjoyed the big titles? Hell, everybody knew this. Your handler is lazy, your chosen second man don’t even know anything about the branches and the party, and you yourself don’t have the ability. You all were going to tolerate him to fix things but still show him contempt.
    Not sure if you read this nonsense written for you and published here. There was not much “concept of democracy” with the voting as you want people who did not know what went on to believe. The people who are resigning are not doing so because they want to destroy you or the party. They were busy trying to keep the broke-ass party on its feet while you were busy making money and doing your events and not giving a s–t what was happening when things were going really bad. Remember how much you were disappearing? Most of them just got fed up of caring.

    By the way, you became opposition leader because you won a seat that anybody running in that seat would win. Lovell was offered it by the constituents and he foolishly said that he preferred to go to City East where he had already lost. Just like he did with Joanne Massiah, he foolishly crowned you leader right after he had lost. That was a very dumb move politically. Giselle Isaac had to make sure you keep that position because that was the only way she could play monarch of all she survey. She knew there was going to be problems so she engineered the BIG CHEAT in the lead up to and at the convention.
    You alone know what kind of record you have that speaks for itself. You need to stop saying how you don’t have any higher education. Doesn’t sound good. In this modern era all leaders have some sort of high education in their resume. If not, they have outstanding instincts and intelligence and drive that a leader needs. Quick on their feet and lots of personality.
    Concerning the wealth, that is a non-issue. Nobody in UPP has big wealth. UPP was not Gaston. They did not look out for their people.
    You said, “I enjoy high approval, golden representation, unquestionable integrity”. Really? You are believing the bull that she is shouting in your ears.

    If you are listening carefully you would see that the people who are asking you to step down are the citizens of this country who are afraid that with you there would mean another term for Gaston Browne. They don’t wish you any ill-will. They just don’t feel you can cut it as a leader, even with your handler at your side. Those who are saying to give you “one chance” don’t understand how politics go. Do you think that people will give you a chance, with so much on the line and ignore that there are others who will do a much better job especially in these rough and crucial times? You have to be crazy.
    You have to remember that you agreed with the other MPs who felt you were not ready for the bright lights. But you went home to Mama Gis with that and she knocked it clean out of your head.
    She is trying to make it look as if people don’t like you. Far from the truth. People just don’t want you as a future prime minister because they do not think you are anywhere ready for that sort of thing.
    Get over yourself.

  10. Here here, @ Dalzaree Kalteek, as always in life the strong will survive 👏🏾

    Like land crabs 🦀 🦀 🦀, once purged of their nastiness dem clean clean clean …

    UPP will come back stronger than strong!

    Damn, where’s my “Biblical” armour? 🙏🏽

  11. Pringle is the gift that keeps on giving. Such a glorious day when he won the leadership that I recall celebrating with a bottle of red wine. While UPP plays Pokeman, ABLP playing chess. Pringle is now caught in the proverbial monkey trap (don’t let go that bait). He shall not be moved says Pringle . Pringle reminds me of Edward Smith, captain of the titanic:
    ““I cannot imagine any condition which would cause a ship to founder. I cannot conceive of any vital disaster happening to this vessel. Modern ship building has gone beyond that.” Pringle sail on, that iceberg can’t hurt someone as strong as you and the UPP

  12. Wow this idiot really just doubled down. Here come the 💩 show. They all but sealed an ABLP victory next election. Watch ABLP pull a clean sweep. 🧹
    You Sir are what we call in Antigua a real BATTUM.
    Not only can’t he read, Pringle you can’t read the room either……..You suck…..point blank period…..your inept…incompetent…..void of intellect…..lack the balls and/or political graft to go toe to toe with Gaston….everyday he keep cutting ya ass and you keep living in this delulu bubble that ManCow have you in. Nobody cares that you black or you come from country or you na have no millions…. We care that you can’t do the damn job…..we care that there are more competent people than you that could hold your position. We care that the Convention was rigged. We care that you are a Montezuma, proxy of the ManCow…..We care that her ego has rubbed off on you sooo much that you rather watch the Party implode than just step aside…… Just step down na jack 😔😞😔 Geezus Kryst.

  13. Wow I stand with you Pringle don’t step down so much going on in Antigua and everyone who wants a change should fight together but I guess those Antiguans are dead. So sad that we destroyed everything that is good and go sit with the ugly. Lord help us and open our eyes. Bunch a hypocrite and backbiters.


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