Police officer being investigated for allegedly having sex with minor


Another police officer has joined the list of those being investigated by the force but this time its for allegedly having sex with a minor.

It’s the third investigation in less than one month.

Police commissioner Wendell Robinson and ASP Ray John are already being investigated for a sexual harassment scandal and a passport scandal respectively.

On Wednesday it was revealed that a police corporal who had a relationship with a woman, allegedly impregnated her 15-year-old daughter.

The minor is said to be in the advanced stage of pregnancy.

The police officer, who has since been detained, denies the affair.

He has not yet been charged.

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  1. Rupes you damn disgusting now man. This time around i hope your nine life runs out. You just got away less than 2 yrs ago now it’s another one.

    Everything about you just damn “nassssey” from how u dress to your unprofessional looks. Leave little girls alone man

    • I agree with you 👮. You do as much as you can but not as long as u want. He should not be an 👮, he has no such qualities but it is not he alone more to come, they are falling one by one. I wonder if he called Mr Alphonse Breau in Canada so be can interview him (the juveniles molester,) bam bam la la. There is a real Commissioner now.

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