Police investigate young man’s report of self-mutilation after a beating by his siblings


REAL NEWS – A young man is alleged to have cut himself on the forearm multiple times after reportedly being beaten by his siblings, and is being treated for his injuries.

According to reports, a Fifth Avenue, Villa, woman telephoned the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and reported that there had been a wounding incident on Alfred Peters Street at about 4:45 p.m.

As a result, officers left for duty at the Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre, where they met the woman, who reported that she had been awakened by a sound on her gallery.

When she went to check, she discovered a young man there, unresponsive, with what appeared to be blood on his body.

The woman immediately called the Emergency Medical Service, who came to her home and transported the victim to the hospital.

Reportedly, the young man told the Police that, at about 4:40 p.m., his brother and sister had come into his bedroom and beaten him in the head and about the body with a length of 2 x 4 wood.

He claims that, after the beating, he went to Dredge Bay and cut himself several times on the forearm and then went to Villa for help.

The alleged beating resulted in swelling to several areas on the young man’s head, and he also sustained other wounds about his body, which, the Police observed, were bleeding.

An extensive search was carried out for his siblings; however, they were not found at that time. This matter is still under active police investigation.






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  1. I hope they find them and lock them up.That’s so sad,siblings are supposed to be taking care of each other and not beating up each other.smh

  2. Without knowing, all of the circumstances surrounding the incident(s), this story reads like a #Tales_From_da_Crypt episode on a Streaming Network.
    Talk about #ANGER! Talk about #FRUSTRATION! For a Nation the size and population, of Antigua, compared to other areas in larger developed and developing Nations, Antigua is a hick_town, country_town with problems of these Nations larger, more diversed, developed METROPOLITAN CITIES.
    Believe it, or not folks, this is not what an Island like Antigua neither wants nor needs.
    There are several reasons, which are contributing to the ANGER and FRUSTRATION roaming the Nation, no longer at night like #JUMBEE, but twenty_four(24) hours per day now.
    There are both good and bad reasons which are contributing…

    A…Growing economies such as that of Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA(finally they’re getting the message), will no doubt attract citizens from all over. You can compare this movement into Our Nation, as the same one out of Our Nation, to areas such as the US Virgin Islands, Canada, England and of course America from the 1950’s to this day. The difference is those developed areas which we immigrated to were already developed, had proper systems in place to absorb Us and what ever we took with us with little to no issues, at all. This is not the case with Our Nation(again, without facts, there’s no way to know, if this family migrated into Antigua, is originally all Antiguan or a hybrid of both).

    Next there’s a #CULTURAL_SHOCK not only through physical migration, into and out of, but also the access to cultures outside of the Nation by more advanced, technical means. The modern day term is SOCIAL MEDIA, and this is allowing for the influences of larger more well established and defined Cultures. norms and habits, be they GOOD, BAD or UGLY, to permeate our Culture and change its dynamics at a rapid pace, which Our Nation is ill equipped, to handle.

    In closing, the relevant authorities must act, act decisively and precisely, to address these negative issues and their causes. Whatever, the reason or reasons, for these incidents…
    (i)…the alleged beating of one sibling by other siblings.
    (ii)…the alleged, self mutilation.
    These along with other signs in HUEman behaviors in Our Nation needs SERIOUS ATTENTION, otherwise, this slippery slopes edge, upon which we’re teetering could just suck a got portion, of the Nation into its abyss of no return.

    Ras Smood aka Jumbee_Picknee
    De ‘ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  3. This is an abuse that should not happened anywhere.I’ll leave it at that for now.Let me wait and see how those in authority handle it.

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