PM Wants To Restrict “Non-belongers” From Going to Barbuda


As millions of dollars are set to be invested in Barbuda commencing this year, Prime Minister Gaston Browne has proposed restricting access to the island by “non-belongers.”

The prime minister says he wants to maintain the social, crime-free aspect of Barbuda as millionaires and billionaires are buying up lots for their luxury homes.

Browne said his government’s intention is also not to dilute the indigenous Barbuda population with Antiguans and non-nationals.

“In fact, I am of the view too that we should control the traffic into Barbuda from the standpoint that Barbuda has been a very peaceful country.

In fact, it is probably the country within the western hemisphere that has the lowest levels of crime and violence,” he said.

“Investors who go to Barbuda can feel very secured about an environment in which their safety is assured and if you have the unrestricted flow of people in and out of Barbuda that could create a problem,” Browne added.

He said he wants security checks in place even though those checks have been completed in Antigua.

“So I know for example, there are some who argue that when you come to Antigua, that as a non-Antiguan, provided you clear immigration here, you should be able to go to Barbuda without any further checks. I am not necessarily sure that that is a good thing.

“If you are not a citizen of Antigua and Barbuda I believe that the security requirements should be maintained so that we can monitor these people and ensure that people do not go over the Barbuda opportunistically to commit  crime.”



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  1. I do not understand that logic. If it is so for Barbuda shouldn’t it be so for Antigua?

    OECS free movement is in effect.

    CSME free movement is in effect.

    SYRIAN free movement is in effect.

    CHINESE free movement is in effect.

    So how will this work?

    • Melchisedec, you’re 100% correct! Apparently, it’s ok for indigenous Antiguans to be murdered by foreigners.

    • Barbudans are a special breed of people. They need to be preserved. And therefore we cannot let too many foreigners in there. It’s like protecting and endangered species.

  2. I am with you 100% PM Browne. I always believe that security checks and monitoring the flow of traffic into Barbuda is necessary.

  3. What in the actual fu?::k wait if this man na crazy nobody else is…..stop antiguans from going over barbuda lol is it not antigua and barbuda….

  4. OMG. Who is to say these “investors ” aren’t white collar or even ordinary criminals? The lack of due diligence that continues to embarrass right thinking citizens of A&B shows just how ridiculous this statement is. SMH.

  5. Barbuda is an island and anyone that visits that island should have permission, right direction Mr PM

  6. Is he for real?????? Is his highness trying to transform Barbuda into another Mystique??? “….dilute barbudans….”?????? ENOUGH is ENOUGH Mr. Prime Minister!!! STOP raping our country for YOUR own benefit and remember the name of your party….A&B Labour Party, not A&B for foreing millionaires Party!!

  7. Barbudans we need to Pray for that man. Psalms 37 :8-11 said “don’t give in to worry or anger, it only leads to trouble. Those who trust in the Lord will possess the land, but the wicked will be driven out. Soon the wicked will disappear, you may look for them, but you won’t find them, but the humble will possess the land and enjoy prosperity and peace.

  8. If the PM has a security concern than he need to address the security concern. But Antigua and Barbuda is a Unitary State so you cannot tell people who have cleared Immigration whether at VC Bird or the Sea Ports that they cannot freely go to Barbuda. It is a know fact that our borders are very weak. Ships come in and are hardly being checked. Fishermen are going out to meet other vessels. Many Barbudan shop in St. Maarten and bring in their goods right there and no duties are paid. The PM should place more Coast Guards on Barbuda. And also more Police. It is a little lawlessness going on there. And we know why they want to have so-called independence there.

  9. It’s about time that security was stepped up in Barbuda with the growing worldwide terrorism, though I think the PM’s motives are solely to suit investors wants and not the needs of the Barbudan People.

  10. How about maintaining security requirements to keep criminals out of Antigua? Your vision for Barbuda seems to be creating gated communities where the only job opportunities are for maids, Butlers, and gardeners.

    • Seems your list of jobs on Barbuda is very limited. They do have accountants and teachers, and nurses, and other hotel jobs and taxi operators and council workers.

  11. Dilute is a strong word to use when making reference to the people of Barbuda it could also mean obliteration or extinction

  12. Once you allow white “investors” to purchase land and build their “multimillion dollar homes,” they will begin to dictate who will come and go. PM Browne, if you were truly concerned about the preservation of Barbuda and Barbudans, you’d have not allowed for land grabbing by the likes of Robert Deniro and others.

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