Prime Minister Gaston Browne says he plans to discuss with his ministers, the possibility of releasing their assets for scrutiny by members of the general public.
Currently, certain categories of public officials must file their assets with the Integrity in Public Office Commission.
Browne told listeners to Pointe FM that what he is talking about would also apply to members of his government.
He wants them to do as he has done and tell everyone what they own on an annual basis.
“There question is whether we should not go further to have full public disclosure so that we publish publicly all our assets and income on an annual basis,” Browne said.
He suggested that the information could be published on a popular and appropriate website for all to see.
“I have gone as far as declaring my income and the amount paid in taxes,” the prime minister said even as he acknowledged that “there is no legal requirement for anyone to fully disclose their assets in public.”
“The reason for that is to ensure that we can monitor the assets of politicians in particular,” Browne said.
He said while there is significant “self-regulation” by his ministers “I recognize that we have to strengthen the governance framework.”
The Antigua and Barbuda leader also wants whistleblower legislation to protect people who reveal wrongdoing in the public service.
“Which is a discussion that I will have with my colleagues because I think we have to lead by example and the more information we disclose the better in oder to have the public hold us accountable.”
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Disclose direct and indirect holdings so we can know of cases where politicians use companies and individuals to front. Have them disclose all cases where they are the benficial owners of companies.
Nuffield Burnette
My personal view is that the more urgent need at this time is not for stronger legislations but for stronger lawenforcers and ajudicators. After what I have seen and heard coming
from police service commission and Integrity Commission still have me baffled.
Why stop at ministers? Let’s do all members of Parliament
Good job browne if u get this done u won a vote for the alp next election and am serious….and also if u can get the investigation start on Michael Browne it doesn’t sound good in the public about the E BOOKS SCANDAL and the money that was donated to liberta school,i know u might want to protect him because u told them to enrich themselves creatively….
Sir and please look into that short anti man one please lol @incoporator he will never do that what u think will happen lol
And gaston please remove the government offices from your buildings..this is corruption at the highest PLEASE REMOVE NOW
Another tongue in cheek statement. He can’t be serious. Another red herring to distract Antiguans from the corruption that abounds. This place is the laughing stock of the OECS.
Does anyone know whether the festival minister has any personal interest in the show on Tuesday July 31 at the ARG?
Now tell me why should the Editor choose this picture with the former Governor General. This is the swearing in from 2014. Only you know your motive
Antigua needs to have an active, well-funded, and INDEPENDENT Integrity Commission who are appointed by government, opposition and civil society for life terms (similar to US Supreme court) so their terms outlive those of politicians and they can act without fear of losing their jobs. This Commission would be automatically funded in every budget like the GG’s office and would ACTIVELY investigate and charge corrupt politicians for their kickbacks, insider information and conflicts of interest. Only way to do it. Probably needs constitutional reform to be protected by the constitution like the DPP
We all know this will never happen. Never ever ever happen. Hes just saying to make it sound like its his intention.
He said while there is significant “self-regulation” by his ministers…..IS HE SERIOUS????? OMG!! Can Antigua become any more corrupt???
“I have gone as far as declaring my income and the amount paid in taxes,” the prime minister said …….HAS HE REALLY????? Come on! I guess he thinks not only Barbudans are “imbeciles”, he obviously think Antiguans are also!!
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