Earlier today, Prime Minister Gaston Browne responded to a statement purported to be coming from the President of the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association.
PM Browne has since issued a letter addressed to the president of the association stating the facts of the availability of the highly sought-after CDC/WHO approved AstraZeneca Vaccine.
The letter is attached in its entirety.

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PM we salute you!!! Call them out for who they are!!!
JUST SAYING why is it when an individual or entity stand up against the government for their rights or some grievance the first thing that the government accuses them of is partisan politics? When the bus association at East Bus Station threaten to strike it is partisan politics, when some pensioners speak out about getting pension payments late it is partisan politics and now the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association (ABNA) speaking out on behalf of their members it is partisan politics. I await the tongue lashing of ABNA and in particular the President Mrs. Dupie-Winston by the Prime Minister on Pointe FM today. Lord help us in this country.
Why you always make an arse of yourself? Your very examples make’s the PM point. You had protesters (“pensioners”) wearing UPP colors making political demands but they are not partisans? Do you even understand what the word means? I am one and so are you. Like you most of the persons at that protest were UPP supporters and could not hide it
MR.TENMAN HUGHES I dearsay you are the one making an ASS of yourself. You seem to be singling out the Pensioners picket from the other examples I gave. Let us stay with the Pensioners picket. Let us assume that the Pensioners or any entity (Nurses Association) organizes a picket or a march and others join in and wear their red or blue colours, does that fact alone make the picket or march political. If you and the Prime Minister use that to characterize every protest or show of dissent to government’s policy, then I would say that you and the Prime Minister are both idiots.
Hughes? I have asked your disrespectful ** not to call me out of name. Boss if you and your party believed such (party colors don’t matter) , why was C&W pushed to remove Melford during the UPP tenure? Why was Max Hurst taken to a tribunal ? You recall them pointing out his wearing of party colors at ABEC meetings? You do recall the tribunal judges agreeing? What of the former PS who joined a protest, you would be ignorant if you thought the result would not have been different if Defraitis (elloy)was wearing UPP colors. Interesting that you are older than me yet don’t get the importance of time and place. / optics In the past the UPP knew the importance of ensuring protests are not seen as political, but it seems these days all wisdom has left the party and only thinking like yours remains.
Come on Gaston…you’re just so childish!!!
You got vaccinated…big deal…it’s just that you keep on telling us that you got vaccinated, to show us not to be scared…you just didn’t get the same vaccine as the one we are going to have!!!
By the way…can you tell us what you gave to your friend Calvin in exchange of a dose???
Maybe if you were not so corrupted the country would do better!
TAP DAWG:I am sending the tissues to wipe your lying teary eyes. There ain’t no way to hide your lying eyes,The Eagles.
Sorry Mr PM. I disagree. When the Modern vaccine was presented to you, knowing you did not gave enough for your people as well, it was not ethical to accept it for yourself and I bet your family as well.
I wonder if your entire cabinet and their family was also vaccinated. I would stake money on most of them probably already been. Shame on all of you
Then Molwyn talking about our doctors can’t bring in the vaccine without a license! Was a license provided for what you all received?
The prime minister’s family did not receive the moderna vaccine. Or any other vaccine.
This information can be found everywhere.
Do you not read or follow local happenings.
Have enough
What a chauvinist! You are trying to morph into a dictator but your wings will never unfold from your cocoon.
Volunteer in silence is not leading its deceiving, everytime someone is in disagreement its either cheap political points or partisan politics. Only a cultic mind say yes for everything and believe everything putting their trust in the biggest deceiver of all time.
The same way he quick to write the letter is the same way he should be quick to show he had been vaccinated .
How can one show and encourage in silent?
We learn by using all our senses not just hearing. All men lie and when one lie so much that is a worse virus than covid
He gas up the place and said he will be the first, if he didnt say anything in the onset it will a different story, but he dont know when to talk at times.
He need to humble!
I wonder if that signature was forged also? If the nurses get vaccinated and there are serious side effects who is going to nurse the nurses.
6 million jews have been executed in hitler’s time i hope history is not repeating itself with the second . We see the greed, the corruption from different angles Bill and Melinda gates foundation doing alot of funding for vaccines, He owns the most farm land in the United states for control of the population
How comes these scientists never move so fast to find the cure for other ailments like Aids, Cancer etc. Something just dont seems nor feel right to me.
Because you’re an idiot, that’s why.
No one caught AIDS because someone breathe on them. No one had to walk around with a mask because they were afraid to catch AIDS or Cancer from the people around them. Stop writing duncishness.
This is the reason I stop respoding too oftend. Can’t take the dunceness.
@Warfare – mmmh. It’s not a mandatory vaccine. Don’t take it, and enough with the nonsense conspiracy theories!
That is you and your government’s job to source the best vaccine for the country. Not the nurses association. What is the purpose of your Ministry of Health? The Minister of Health need to call you out and not be on tarmac accepting an inferior product from the RSS.
By the way. You lead from the back.
World boss, it matters not if YOU have side effects, having taken a different much better brand.
If you can please stop spreading that irrelevant information which really just sounds like Trump like bragging.
The reality is we the people cannot rely at all on your experience since you chose to get an elite experience.
Grow tf up. Condescension has never yet motivated a woman to act.
As you have doubled down, the nurses should triple down. And frankly you should not care.
Because your taking the vaccine secretly then basically coming to tell us “ah bayyy” clearly signals that it is every man for demself. So if they choose to take none as a result of your selfishness, so be it.
If the nurses don’t want the take the free vaccine, that’s fine, but those who refused the free one should have to pay if the government secures one of the U.S. vaccines.
TENMAN HUGHES you are supposed to be so smart and you are still missing the point by miles. Isn’t there a fundamental difference between nurse Dupie-Winston, President of the Antigua and Barbuda Nurses Association (ABNA), making a statement on behalf of her Association, and the Prine Minister accusing her of playing partisan politics, different to a political party victimizing a known political opponent as the Melford Nicholas example you gave. The Prime Minister was wrong to accuse her of playing politics because of her statement. Show me in her statement where is the partisan politics. I say again you and the Prime Minister are acting like idiots.
Dictator and traitor Gaston is only in the position to enrich himself and his family. He brings in the vaccine illegally and only for himself not the rest of the citizens. We get the least effective and the cheapest. If we brought ours in, we would be jailed for bringing them in illegally. It is obvious the dictator and traitor is above the law.
Where are Nigel Christians murderers?
Where are Nigel Christians murderers?
Where are Nigel Christians murderers?
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