Prime Minister Gaston Browne has responded to United Progressive Party leader Harold Lovell and St. George candidate Algernon Serpent Watts.
Browne says the two UPP politicians have accused him of having goat in his garden.
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🤣 Lmao
So a who fu garden have in goat? Mr. Knight??
HAROLD LOVELL and others in the UPP call the Hon.Gaston Browne DEROGATORY names and They DO NOT expect Him to reply. Hon.Gaston Browne you are correct…UPP and Their Supporters have alot of skeletons in Their closet
Answer Dem UPP People . UPP want to call People all sorts of names but I know our Prime Minister will take care of Them.
The PM will fix them good. He is an intelligent leader whose first concern is the ordinary people of this country, and they know it. UPP needs a total reworking if they are ever going to be elected again. That includes a major leadership change on many levels. This is 2021 and they acting like this is the mid-1950s. I wish Tim Hector was still alive. He’d fix them good. No more pretend revolutionaries, capitalists trying to disguise themselves, but the people know them.
If you believe what you just said POOR YOU!! the man na lub non-bady. NONE!!! Y’all so damn used to scraping crumbs from their tables and think they are caring that y’all ain’t see the helluva bread the crumbs came from. Watch how all ah dem broad til them clothes a bias while white squall dey unno mouth corner. Yet you adore, you worship, you glorify. **FYI the trees in the forest kept voting for the Axe, they thought he was one of them simple because the handle was made of wood**. Read that again and let it sink in.
@If only…..You sound hateful, spiteful, jealous, selfish and badminded. Seem lakka YOU nah lub nobody.
INSTEAD of UPP talk POLICIES and what They can do for Antigua….They are attacking Hon.Gaston Browne. UPP expect to win election with Their NONSENSE ????. CHUPTZ.
But brown knew way before that choksi would be kidnapped.. his part of the plan…labour is a disease in the Caribbean
Funny, Joann Massiah called the PM several times. Why didn’t he respond to her.
Because really a truly she and her party don’t count. The day Gaston get on her case is the day her political career ends… The person with thee most skeletons in closet!
This is a national embarrassment. These comments are beneath the dignity of the PM’s office. We have too many no class smaddy in Antigua politics.
Lord have mercy. Why is this forum publishing every single statement that the PM makes? Sometimes 5 headline stories. And why every issue is always UPP and ALP? Aren’t UPP people citizens? I listened with great admiration the other day to DGiselle Isaacs.. An eloquent national who can represent this nation at an international level. A proud sister of the soil. Yet she is ridiculed. Are you telling me that it’s only red people who are supposed to live comfortably in this land? And whilst we fight down our own, others are taking over. The national is relegated to selling under a tent at the side of the road, whilst chicken and chips, shawarma and fried rice have become our daily staples. Every corner is a tire shop run by people who don’t look like us. What is wrong with us as a people? SMDH
I don’t believe goat is in the P.M garden, probably goat is in his farm
Warfare who knows, goat might be in both his farm and garden. His workers might tell him of the former but no the latter.
Gaston Browne: There is a Goat in your GARDEN. If you do not believe,ask The Burning Flames.
Oh please. You all have too much time on you all.hands.
Oh please. You all have too much time on you all.hands.
You all have the shame prime just call the woman them dutty foot wow really mr browne “prime minister” smh……!!!!!!!@#@#%
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