PM says new investor to pump half a billion into the economy


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has told a campaign stop in Thwaites Corner that an investor has promised more than half a billion United States dollars in new investments.

Browne made the disclosure on Thursday night on day four of the 2018 general election campaign.

The ABLP leader told a crowd of flag-waving supporters that he got the commitment from the investor earlier in the day.

“Just today we met with a billionaire from the Middle East. The visit emanated from a trip that I made to the middle east two weeks ago.

“And they were so impressed that they decided to come here…And they have pledged, immediately after the next general election to pump at least half a billion US dollars in this country’s economy,” Browne announced.

Browne did not give the name of the investor, nor did he specify what investments the individual will be taking on.

He said this is another reason why his government should be returned to office.

“Today the investments are coming and opportunities are coming to you,” the prime minister said.

The ABLP rode into power in the last general election with similar promises of investments.

Browne said his goal is to attract better-paying jobs for residents.

Voters will go to the poll on March 21, in what is being seen as a straight race between the ABLP and the main opposition United Progressive Party.


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  1. am so sick and tired of hearing this shit about invester every election is the same shit with upp and alp them really take people for fool,what does serves as when up to now we can’t create anything in government that makes new money it is just borrow borrow just yesterday the education minister say them want borrow 20 mill the man that never been here to represent the people, he went to get his doctoreth while his people suffer we elected u to represent us not for to be using our tax money to enriched yourself as your boss told you to do creatively…..hope it is the last we see of thus waste big fish

  2. time to give another party a chance they have failed us up to now gas is at $12.50 a gallon, electricity still high ,and now election promisis y just dont do it y wait till election. …give another party a chance if did not do that my granny would still be making $200 a month for Pention now she gets over $800 ,we would have nothing called school meals just wish i had that back in my day then i would have been away better student. ……GIVE ANOTHER PARTY A TRY

  3. Nothing to se here folks all ALP investors are speculators and scoundrels like YIDA and Stanford. I wonder what the middle eastern man saw that impressed him since he’s never been to Antigua. Gaston’s moustache? is it our pot holes the stench and filth all over the island, water pipes that only air flow through, frequent electricity blackouts , he better understand if he going invest here he have to bring his own road, electricity, and water cuz none here in antigua that work.

  4. What happen to the boat full of them the UPP had waiting in 2004😂 this is a real comedy show can’t wait till the 21st of March for the finale

    • Tell us about YIDA. Remember before the election, the PM said that YIDA was going to pump 2 billion dollars into the economy. Well we all know how that turned out. So the Prime Minister is at it again. Oh well I guess he can’t run on his non-existing record.
      Wake me up when he completes one project.

      • Barbara this is an election they have to say nice things and forget their mistakes jus like the UPP…U honestly believe Lovell and the UPP will achieve all the promises they making really??/ They have to say what they must to get votes..UPP did not achieve all the promises they made either and if u say they did well Barbara just continue having fun in this comment section :)…..

        • SHUCKS- Water off again. Sorry , I thought the world BOSS say we go get water 14 days after the last election. YOU HEAR LIE, THAT IS LIE!

      • OK Brabs wake me up when the UPP finish their greatest legecy which is an eyesore by East Bus Station and since they done so many wonderful this that you always preaching about I’m sure the CAN’T PARK should be a walk in the paek

          • Could you imagine a government that cared about the people would have a gun factory built on the island when gun crime is such a problem. If this not made public coud you imagine how many more guns would be on the streets of Antigua. It just shows you that these people are idiots and don’t care about Antiguans. I wonder who was being paid bribes for this.

  5. 500 house in 500 days lol lol lol…..all u have to say that u going to build houses don’t put added pressure on your self …48 houses hmm promise is a comfort to a fool

    • Good comment Dave. People will appreciate the START! But he had to go and put a time line to it. Who in their right might would say 500 houses in 500 days unless they were absolutely sure that the manpower and resources were adequately available!?

  6. Promises sweet promises . What a waste of time to utter such foolishness. People use your brain and think wisely . This is what we call a desperate move when there is nothing to show after all the grand standing. Fool me once shame on you , fool me twice shame on me.

    • The days of fooling me done long time. I’ll just sit this one out. Doesn’t matter who wins anymore , the people still get the same thing. Nothing.

  7. Him a idiot ..his main objective is to get back in to grab some more money to enriched himself and his family he so love money he have his wife who should be still sucking he mom’s breast running for politics, she cant even do public speaking reading from paper and still fumbling … But one thing I know for sure the Lord watch the thiefs and he also watch the watch man.. time will tell…u shall and will be revealed ..

  8. Only an egotistical maniac would think that Antiguans should pay both him and his wife. But then he knows that some of us are not too Intelligent and will vote for the turkeys and ham thrown on the streets at Christmas time. I guess the Spanish people in Johnson and Skerritt pasture have already received their $100, $200, and $300 for their votes.
    By the way. Did you see the First Lady supervising rood construction in her riding in her yellow high heel shoes?

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