Prime Minister Gaston Browne says the ruling Antigua Barbuda Labour Party should not have contested the recently concluded Barbuda Council Election.
The party was defeated by the Barbuda Peoples Movement which won all four seats.
“When you look at all those conditions, the hurricane, the misinformation that would’ve taken root and the fact that there was nobody on the ground to go door to door and speak to the people and undo those issues, I really did not see the need for us to contest the elections and even the next council elections in the next two years, I am still of the firm view that the
Browne is of the opinion that the Barbuda People’s Movement (BPM) is paddling misinformation and
“I felt that when it comes to the issues of communications and having people on the ground in Barbuda to educate the people and to deal with the miseducation by the BPM members, I’m of the view we failed miserably”.
The country’s leader says the candidates have remained silent on a number of issues.
“If you remain silent, no one would’ve heard your voice, no matter how smart you are, no matter how bright you are.
“If you can’t fight the topical issues now then how are you going to fight them a week before elections; how are you going to fight them effectively and that is apart of the problem,” he said.
The Antiguan leader was at the time speaking on the popular radio show “Browne on Browne”, says party affiliates should have what it takes to defend the party’s perspective in any forum.
“It should not be a situation where Gaston Browne has to go on the media and fighting people like Walker and masinton and so on. We supposed to have foot soldiers on Barbuda, their peers who should be able to stand in any forum and defend the policies of the government.”
Barbuda is one of two constituencies the Antigua Labour Party was unsuccessful in during the last general elections.
The other one is All Saints East and St Luke, the only seat held by the main opposition United Progressive Party.
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“foot soldiers”?…”defend the policies of the government”?. Where are the same foot soldiers and those who vigorously defended the government when you were indirectly exposed to misdealings???. Oh I remember now, they are fired and ostracized to keep your shirt clean. The world has been made aware time and again that Barbuda has between 1800- 1900 people living on it,so I am unclear as the where ABLP got over 1200 extra citizens from when it’s blatantly obvious BPM took 98% of the registered resident populations vote???.
Assigned to the Sister-Island for more than a decade. Understand the ‘…culture, customs, practices and mentality.’
Hindsight often tells people ‘…where angels fear to trod.’
Though not a ‘…Legal Issue,’ PM Browne may have taken some ‘…Political Advice’ from his Attorney General.
Sure, he would have used his independent thoughts, to advance arguments that the results were going to be ‘…disappointing; …dismal and disheartening.’
However, ‘…nothing beats a trial but failure.’
Philosophically, it is better to try and fail, than to fail to try.’
Not too certain this continued rhetoric is helping the situation. Really needs to be some cooling of all heads here if things are to improve. The war of words is not useful and would further drive a wedge between the government and the Barbudans. Some serious mediation is required now or else………
Gaston Barbuda is still waiting for the Donations/monies from all over the world but remember this what you sow you shall reap mark my word you have children if it dont fall on you it will fall on your offspring God not sleeping, And Barbudans,has awoken the color red dont fly in Barbuda anymore.you cant bamboozled everbody.
Look under your bed and you will find all of the missing money. You’re evidently one of the BPM programmed minds that cannot reason or differentiate igonirance & Myth from what is factual. You have allowed the BPM to use and abuse you for partisan gain. Shame on you.
Totally in agreement with you Hon. Prime Minister.
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