Prime Minister Gaston Browne has responded to the opposition Spoken Word Artist who called him “the anti-christ.”
In response, Browne quoted scripture.
Here is his full response:
This is Isaac’s full presentation:
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Wait!! She a man or woman in the arrangement? A dem people dey dem a push up? She should be ashamed of herself. Trupz.
Like Bramble, who PM is always so proud to converse with and hug up, or Aziza, whom he appointed to the Senate? Or “these people” are only accepted if they are aligned to the ABLP?
Totally in agreement with You BEEF. UPP WOMEN FORUM…They have so many skeletons in the closet. Hon. Gaston Browne will deal with Them
Upp WOMEN FORUM bunch of LLC’S.
Your FRIEND TABOR is hiding.
ERIC (THE RED) I am most certainly not hiding. It is just that I don’t comment on every topic.
TOO many Women behaving like men in the UPP WOMEN’S FORUM. Shame on the UPP WOMEN’S FORUM.
Yup u are correct. Lovell is NOT the true leader of the UPP. It’s actually the 💄🐖
She wears the pants and calls the shots. Lovell is a quasi-leader. A spineless, incompetent politician who will do whatever it takes to hold on to power (re Joanne Massiah).
What the heck is REALLY going on here? Who is this woman? Who is her husband???
Who is this woman misquoting and misinterpreting Holy Scripture? Is she a woman of virture, a person with high morals and values? All I know, she is misusing the Word of God dissing those dear old saints who believe in the power of travailing prayer, Holy Ghost men and women who are anointed from on high. Be careful how you touch God’s anointed.
Dotsie & her siblings seems to be very arrogant, very jealous and very much full of themselves… they all tend to use their educational background to utter political diarrhea and generally make a shame of themselves.
That nasty Gaston Browne should be sent to Haiti.
He don’t give a shit about anyone but himself. Man can’t eat and provide for he family and he don’t give a rass.
Time for he to go Haiti.
Why don’t you send yourself to Timbuktu??? You sound emptyheaded, ignorant, envious and badminded!
Wow! The Issac family really know how to bring out the political prostitutes. The dawg parade himself all over social media with a ghetto LGBTQI transvestite and you hypocrites from the red cult party have nothing to say. Just imagine the nastiness in the ALP a condemn people.
KNIGHT you belong to the same group as the DOTSIE ,GISEL and Others in the UPP. You Guys have a lot in your closet. Knight I hope for the time you are off the radio that you will have time to clean your closet. I am quite sure that you heard Hon.Gaston Browne description of DOTSIE ISAAC. That is the type of LIFESTYLE KNIGHT entertains. Leaving your Husband and Family to live with a Woman. What a NASTY LIFE.
Shut the f up u lib…wid she for know she lib wid woman…go ask the pm who he wife day wid
@Rupert Mann
Since when a woman living with woman is a crime? Women have always lived with each other for companionship rather than living alone. I recall one female politician who lived alone being raped and another had an attempted break in and had to fire off her licensed fire arm. Which woman would like to live alone during these times. Especially UPP women when labour has some vicious supporters. You people should just shut up and mind your business.
Thanks for listening to POINTE FM ( HON.GASTON BROWNE) on Saturdays where you are EDUCATED for FREE.
Is Mr. Knight happily married with wife and children?
All of a sudden the kool-aid drinkers are holier than thou, quoting scriptures and condemning people. Ask Gaston how old was his wife when he first started to interfere with her. While he parades with Bramble he’s calling out other people; Or are those things acceptable? This guy has completely lost his marbles. No wonder goat huffu in he garden.
You sound like you have lost some brain cells. You’re a LOSER like UPP and Their Gang. CHUPTZ.
Your words have zero effect on me. You are just a red kool-aid stooge that goes to the highest bidder.
Is Gaston Browne an Honorable Man? Is he deserving of respect or high regard? For I always thought that those begins with the individual.You cannot buy respect,high regard and LOVE. For in my opinion they come from within yourself.
You are the damn Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda. You are using your OFFICE to enrich yourself with that FARM in my opinion. Other than yourself, family members and concubines doing very well. What the hell have you done in 7 years to help the Poor and Needy in the Nation. There are persons in Antigua and Barbuda still waiting to be paid their Social Insecurity for June. What the heck are you doing about that? Too busy hugging that thing name Washington. Sets of nasty people.
Wannabe. Why are you so Sanctimonious? Can’t you at least have a modicum of honesty to condemned the PM opponents who consistently called him all kind deragotary name’s? Especially, come from those people who have no morality and decency to do so. Political tribalism has clouded your warp’s mind.
@Colombo: Do not tell me. What the phuck to say or do. No one tells me what to do or say. I do not take any thing from Politicians. Like you damn paid Political operatives on this Medium. You are one hungry,white cornered mouthed person. While Gaston Browne is filthy rich. Other than cussing all others. What has he done for the poor and needy in Antigua and Barbuda as Prime Minister. Name one damn thing. One program to uplift all in the Nation. That man Gaston is filled with fluff and hot air.
Call your momma. It looks like your filty, nasty mouth need to be washed out with soap. You have lost your credibilty, and people just laughing at you. Shame.
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