Prime Minister Gaston Browne has responded to claims that a member of his Cabinet has been accused of rape.
“What I’ll say at this point, I have not been able to verify the veracity of the claim, but if indeed it’s a serious issue and it’s before the Crime Unit, then clearly, the Minister involved knows exactly what to do,” Prime Minister Browne said on his radio show on Pointe FM.
“The Minister would be aware of the governance framework of my administration. Where you have such allegations and there is an active investigation, then the minister has no other option but to resign, pending the result of the investigation.
“That is standard governance practice. So I just want to make that abundantly clear that that is my position on that matter. Clearly I do not have the details and I’m not in a position to say anything further on the matter.”
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This is not a matter that has to be left to the Minister in question to act. Just like the Asot case in his detention in London, the Prime Minister can act once he is satisfied of the veracity (to use his words) of the claim.
Tabor Tabor. It seems like you do not have life. Even during independence celebrations you are on it, just because you feel you found something to hit the PM. Whatever it is the PM says or do you will never agree with him. You will always find something wrong. If he fired the Minister without asking questions you would be the first to say he is too quick and don’t even give people the benefit of the doubt. In the Asot Michael case some of you UPP blamed him for just that. But the PM said then that he had inside information because of the severity of the matter the ONDCP had to inform him as National Security Minister. So he had more information that us out there. In this case the PM has the same information like you and I and cannot just jump the gun, but he did say if the allegations are true the miniter better resign, because he doesn’t stand for anyone like that in his government. If you remember it is not the first time that he had dropped Asot Michael. And Dean Jonas also faced the same. My PM doesn’t make jokes he means what he says. Not like Baldwin who said one stripe and you out and when it came to it. many stripes followed and not one minister was ever sacked. Even when his deputy Wilmouth Daniel wrote him about a cabinet member trying to bribe him. He did nothing.
And on another note, as lawyer you should know that an allegation is just that alleged. Give the man a change to clear his name. Have you even try to ask yourself who this person is that claims she was raped? Has the police made an arrest? Or is it still in investigation. Why are you eager to jump so quickly to judgment.
I too agree that if this is true this guy should be fired and he should face the music. I have daughters and would not want something like rape happen to them. I’ll kill that fellow. Anyway. I’m tired of always having to put you straight. Why not leave the bitterness towards Browne behind and try to be objective as a lawyer.
Ok. Let the spinning, payoffs and blame the victim begin. Sideline!!!
Yes ZACKIE we are waiting to hear from FROM THE SIDELINE and TENMAN.
Why do we need to hear from them, Chuckie. We’ve already heard from YOU, and you are always right. You are such a smart man. We are so lucky to be living in your time, and under your wise “leadership”. Whew!
Come on KRISTI don’t be so sarcastic. Nice to hear from you as well, but of course it is always nice to hear from FROM THE SIDELINE and TENMAN since they are the major mouthpieces and defenders of the ALP.
Excuse me, but are you one of the major defenders and mouthpieces of the UPP?
Charles Tabor I am once again dissapointed in you. You are a lawyer and I’m sure you have defended men in court who have been accused of rape so I’m sure you have victim shamed to. Let the investigations run its course. You really making politics ruin your creditbility as a lawyer.
PS I am in no way shape or form defending this minister or the crime he is accused of doing so don’t bother with the labeling me as an ALP operative.
SMDH I’m with you on thIs one. His comment disappoints me as a lawyer and is clearly to agitate the political divide.
Just when I thought that we were rid of Tabor Jr., Tabor Sr starts up. For a man of reasonable intelligence he just speaks for the sake of speaking. Maybe “the Minister” in question should hire him.
Zackie, Tabor: happy independence day to you and yours.
And HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY to you dear Tenman, On the Sideline, and Tabor, too. Also Ras and Mel.
Same to you CErmle
Greeting to you
But exactly what are you HAPPY about?
Are we any closer to self sufficiency?
Seems to me blind are off loading the most priceless asset of the country that will be virtually impossible to get back.
As a people we should have one goal in view and that is to make life better for the next generations nothing else that’s it. This is what end-dependent-see means.
happy independence to you
Happy Independence to you as well CErmle and to FROM THE SIDELINE, TENMAN, PHILLIP G, CARSON B, KRISTI, MELCHISEDEC and …….. and to all the others who I challenge from time go time.
Face it, Charles, we all love the interaction with you. Sometimes we agree and sometimes we don’t, but any time we are glad to hear from you, agree or disagree. You keep it all very interesting.
You should visit Barbuda for a nice restful time. Without internet or telephone. It will do you good.
As soon as land is available for purchase I’ll purchase my piece of the rock and build my vacation house. Better there than in Orlando. Barbudans are nice people, Just those crazy BPM members think they can be kings of the land. We need to break that clique up.
@Tenman. Happy Independence to you and yours as well!! Lol.
In an effort to sweep it under the carpet, the said Minister will deny the claim against him to Brown and he will be given the benefit of the doubt and every one will go their merry way and talk for nine days.
In the Minister and his operative will be bust trying to get the woman to say how much or what she want, to make the matter go away.
@Cool Ruler. You are late, bro. You need to confirm the gender of the victim, and also who the rumored snitch on the Cabinet Minister was. There are so many ways to clean house. You can hire help or you can do it yourself.
Yes, name and gender, please?
What is the name of the Minister?
Is the minister male or female? There are some strange rumors “out there”. Time to clarify everything.
KRISTI by using a process of elimination I would come to the conclusion that the Minister is male. There are two female Ministers in the Cabinet in the persons of Maria Browne and Samantha Marshall so we can immediately rule them out of raping anyone. So yes the Minister is male.
Let’s wait and see if this melee up for sale.
There are two things that have never been said:
1 Politics is good!!! you will hear though “Politics is a dirty game”
2 Better of the good !!! you will hear though “Better of the two evils”
Michael Freeland has much experience to share.
Who is the puppet master and who are the puppets?
Both of you are Swift with your opinions. Hon.
Gaston Browne will wait for more details. Keep in mind that Both of You UPP have Someone on your slate that will answer to the Family in which He is running for election and ALMIGHTY GOD. So do not make this sound like you have something on ABLP. UPP house is CORRUPT with all sorts of you know what !!! .I shall list in my next posting.
Puhlease behave because “dem tin skin pon yah”😂😂😂
@P.J. i am waiting and you will be reminded to list UPPs ‘corruption’.
I do hope the victim does not accept a pay off and let the case go through the court. Also I do hope the PM sticks to his word and dismiss the minister. Rape is no joke and he is down right nasty and disgusting.
………… I can say without the slightest doubt that this is the first time I am in agreement with you. It is amazing.
Tabor I’m not looking for compliments nor discussion with you. I made my comment and kept it moving. Now please do the same bug off and keep off my comments. Enjoy your independance.
You two make me laugh. Your interaction keeps everything moving. Thanks. Yes, I agree with you and Chuck that the PM better move this quickly, and if there is any truth to any of it, just kick that fool to the curb and let him (or her) pack up for 1735. Rape is NEVER acceptable.
Great conversation topics for the desperate and hopeless against a backdrop of the Scotia Bank settlement, the return of LIAT to the skies, the gradual but successful reopening of the country’s economic sector to name but a few. This reminds of a few years ago when the same accusers pulled a similar stunt with the then Leader Lester Bird until it came out that it was all a contrived and clumsy plot to implicate the Leader in their own nasty pastimes, eventually having them blubbering like fools about the difference between ‘evidence’ and ‘information’. This time however with the abundance of Gaylords in their camp, whether from the Knights at the round table, the Asses who would be king or the vermin denizens of the snake pit, and with time on their hands they might manage to excite those who are turned on by such. At any rate, ABLP ministers have been constantly urged to maintain high standards. If you lie down with dogs, you will wake up with fleas. Old people say, who carn hear will feel. You want to be a knight in shining Armour or an Ass rider go right ahead but not under our watch. Stand firm Hon. P. M. Happy anniversary to the nation.
This matter is going the way of the previous accusations. Absolutely nothing would become of this one. Remember their was a Minister whom it was alleged.He was at a get together after a Funeral.It was alleged he fondled a young lady’s upper chest area.The report was made to the Police.What has become of that matter.Was it swept under the rug.Like all other matters involving Ministers of Government and others of high and might positions inna Antigua.The Police needs to investigate this matter thoroughly.Let it falls where ever.Make arrests if and when warranted.Regardless of the individual status in Antigua and Barbuda.
I agree with your comment TUNA.
This nothing at least they don’t kill and burn them like the Bushes and Clintons ! Still tragic abuse of power !!
There are NO “Antiguans for Trump”. Get outta here. You must be in New York or St. Croix, not here.
@Maynard: Speak for yourself and not for others.Not all Antiguans live in New York.
There are black Antiguans living in America who support Trump. I known of two who I can’t say nothing bad to them about Trump. They told me that Joe Biden is racist and he don’t love black people. One of the Antiguans just migrated to America 3 years ago.
@Mary Jane. They must be ABLP supporters as well with such twisted sense of logic.
The submission by “Anon” on this topic was in fact submitted by “Anon the 1st”. Am not sure how the confusion materialized since I submitted under my usual moniker “Anon the 1st”.Oh well…
So people someone claim rape. Are we going to wait for the legal trial ? Or we try the case amongst ourselves ? It could be true it could not be true it could be a hustle etc.
Let them go to court.
And if the court finds the fool guilty, just punish the hell out of him. If he innocent, that will come out. If it’s a hustle somebody ought to beat some ass.
Did the name the alleged rapest
The name of the rapest had already reach around the world. Antigua is a small country and it can’t stay hidden in darkness for long.
Great conversation topics for the desperate and hopeless against a backdrop of the Scotia Bank settlement, the return of LIAT to the skies, the gradual but successful reopening of the country’s economic sector to name but a few. This reminds of a few years ago when the same accusers pulled a similar stunt with the then Leader Lester Bird until it came out that it was all a contrived and clumsy plot to implicate the Leader in their own nasty pastimes, eventually having them blubbering like fools about the difference between ‘evidence’ and ‘information’. This time however with the abundance of Gaylords in their camp, whether from the Knights at the round table, the Asses who would be king or the vermin denizens of the snake pit, and with time on their hands they might manage to excite those who are turned on by such. At any rate, ABLP ministers have been constantly urged to maintain high standards. If you lie down with dogs, you will wake up with fleas. Old people say, who carn hear will feel. You want to be a knight in shining Armour or an Ass rider go right ahead but not under our watch. Stand firm Hon. P. M. Happy anniversary to the nation.
Them are the same one who go into Parliament and amended and pass law to lock up our pickney when they are caught breaking those same laws. They’re not about them own laws. Lock them to the hell up let them feel what our pickney and then feel of their laws them pass. Me sorry that the young lady didn’t crape out he two eyes. And to you Mr. PM don’t sweep this under the carpet because you have two daughters, and put your foot in the young lady parents shoes.
I agree with your comment. Some of us Antiguans have applications at CHAPA, sitting down or maybe thrown in garbage or run throw a threader machine, for years trying to buy piece of the rock. Every time we go to CHAPA to check up on the applications the same old tape playing by the staffs NO lands available.
@P.J. i am waiting and you will be reminded to list UPPs ‘corruption’.
What? This young lady don’t have a father with some balls? When he come are you Yard to negotiate throw acid in his face…he hurt your child and he should be punish. He should be in the lock up until the investigation is complete. How many young men and women are in lockup right now waiting on the out come of a police investigation? The police need to do them work and stop treat these politicians like they’re untouchable against the law…the minister is not about the law and he is a human like the common men and women who committed an offense in this country. Rape is a serious offense and he should be in lockup. Once the doctor result from the rape test is positive, he should be heading to the red gate at 1735. Mr. PM, please let the police do their work that they’re doing hired and paid to do.
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