PM guarantees elimination of unemployment in Rural West


Prime Minister Gaston Browne has told constituents in Rural West that he is guaranteeing employment for every person in the constituency who wants to work.

He was making the case last night for the election of Londell Benjamin to replace Baldwin Spencer as the member of parliament for the area.

“Comrade Benjamin has been instrumental in getting a number of people in this community employment,” the ABLP leader told a political meeting in Five Islands.

“This constituency had one of the highest levels of unemployment within the country for decades.

“And I know that it is still relatively high, but I guarantee you that in this new term that we will eliminate unemployment in this constituency,” he said.

“So it is back to work with labour. Every single adult who is able to work in this community will get a job in the next term,” the ABLP leader added.

He said job creation will come by way of a number of hotels which are being built in the community.


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  1. Lol lol lol lol lol we are in 2018 and we still have water issue gaston pls stop try and fool these young people we may not have all of these big subject but we are not stupied look how at our road look how gas price hight now u coming tell us u going make sure all of us who is not working u will guaranteeing. Them when u win u will get them job u and yr wife and yr son already set in life so u want another therm in office u have to be crazy what have u done for the 3 plus year u there what project u have bring to the table not one new road u have built now u coming talking crap gaston brown have no good intention for antigua and barbuda


  3. That is the biggest joke ever. Full employment in Rural West, The Circus has rolled in to town a Caravsn full of Clowns and Comedians. “Dem think ppl Stupid”. Hello, hello, hello.

  4. Yall being harsh. Unlike the 500 houses which arent here, this promise is easy. He jus direct the ministers to put the unemployed on the payroll and problem solved. Got no actual work to do, but they employed and getting paid

  5. Mr Benjamin just tell my neighbor if he doesn’t win he don’t care cause he has his accounting firm when she went seeking for help from him to get a job….SMH …u all think people stupid

    • One question
      Mr. Spencer was the representive for that community for 25 unbroken years to included TWO terms as Prime Minster what has he done to show his legecy?

  6. Well It’s elections folks both parties have to say we gonna give u the UNIVERSE!!! UPP did it and failed the people now Gaston can do it but his time frames need to be expanded….I wish I had videos and voice recordings from 2009 elections when UPP folks kept saying. Wah ar u feel UPP name God? It’s only 5 years, yall feel rome was built in a day? That was when the people were asking about all the promises made from 2004. Now the tune switch in the first 5years of the UPP the world was happening in Antigua…Or was it the world crisis and the fact that the ALP left us with no money ohh uncle Stanford gone no more money from the once extremely deep pocket…..So what did the UPP do lets borrow borrow and borrow. and where did that end us up???

  7. Gaston ha no respect for Antiguans or Barbudans what is the name of the hotel what is the name of the investor, no investor in their right mind will come antigua and invest under labour because they hear they can’t be trusted and they want their cut of every project that come antigua
    Butch Stewart done tell he hotelier friend den to avoid antigua like a plague and they are setting up shop in our neighboring islands.

    • Oh really well I guess his friends must be saying welll why are u still there making all that money???? hmmmmmmm….Lastone im sorry but that is some real BS….All that but yet still the country was going under and yet still the people were complaining and yet still they lost so badly hmmmmmmm….U guys fell asleep under the UPP or u were one of those who stood in the ants nest while saying I dont feel any bites its not that bad….Just stand on the side en envy the ABLP and try again with this crap next election 😉

      • Friend don’t was your time trying to reason with these UPP supporters. They have a short term memory spam. As far as they see it the UPP was the perfect government and made no errors in their 10 years. Smh this is why I ask if the UPP was so good why them get such a butt whipping in 2014. If them min so good nah k wah Labour say them.nun non suppose to get vote back in. Have a great day folk. Holla at my girl Barbara how are you doing today😁

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