PM Gaston Browne shuts down age-shaming troll with befitting reply


SOURCE: The Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda, Gaston Browne gave a befitting reply to a social media user who age-shamed him on Facebook. The leader posted a video of his birthday celebration in which he is kissing his wife, when one user took a dig at him with his comment, “Why you kissing your dad.”

PM Browne replied to the user, stating “You wish it was you mammy?” Following his reply, everyone laughed, calling PM Browne’s response ‘fire’ who knows how to give back at trolls. In the same post, the leader also shared another comment, thanking everyone for their kind sentiments, stating, “Thank you to everyone for your kind sentiments and even those who sought to violate. I enjoyed the banter. Much love and blessings.”

It is to be noted that the Prime Minister shared an album of photos and videos from his birthday celebration on his official Facebook account handle. The Prime Minister celebrated his 58th birthday on 9th February, 2025. He celebrated his birthday will his family members and friends. 

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  1. Peopdophile PM🤣
    I think its a sin when you spouse that much younger than you🤣
    Gastonintes don’t come for I’m giving My
    Poor pixie!

  2. An older man needs a younger woman to energize him (other words could be used). Anyway, the internationally accepted rule is that ideally a woman should be half of the man’s age plus 7. Just providing some learning on the ideal age differential between a man and woman in a relationship. Ultimately, to each his own 😂😂😂

  3. They are both consenting adults. Inappropriate would be underage. Let the adults love who they love.
    I am female, 67 years old and been approached by a man aged 55 years old. For me, he is too young for me…. for another woman in the same age group it would not be a problem. All adults…. Let people live their lives.

  4. Love has no age limit. Maybe some ppl wish they had a good marriage. Misery always like company on the bench.

  5. @Sandra clarke

    Gaston and Maria were and are legal.

    Focus on the Snake that fled St. Vincent after sleeping with the teenage girl.

    How does the United Pedophile Party with Magic and others (plus murderers, thieves and all manner of unrepentant degenerates) get the trang to criticize grown adults in a marriage?

    The Pringle-Puppet mind virus continues to spread!

    Call the CBH sanitizers NOW!

  6. Jealousy on this island really is toxic. Why yall don’t mind yall business and leave the happy man and his wife alone. Always so much to say about other people… yall never study what goes on under their own roof?? Stupes

  7. Uncouth, unwashed and stoned with temporary power. Another fix is always needed to satisfy the addiction, to whatever the vice that grips you and won’t let go without mental therapy.

    And, I’m bussing #A_lime!
    As, King Bowl_Face!
    Dropping on me, these line’s
    So, don’t shoot Yah messenger!
    I’m just doing, the King a favor!

    …boi! At times, they behave like, they #Mash_Ants!
    #Mash_Antz! #Mash_Ants!
    …but, just wait until; they get in de dance!
    Dancey! Dan_See! Dance_ee!
    …as, de English Harbour get up, in dey head!
    …age becomes a number! When?
    …when, they’re riding each other in bed.

    …some are saying, the actions are real #uncouth!
    Uncouth! Uncouth!
    …plus, unwashed to boot!
    …while others are claiming, they’re addicted by power!
    …like, the BBL dames of POWA!
    …but, we know #addicts always need, #Dear_Fix
    …yes Indeed! Yes in deed!
    …yet, according to #Dear_Fix
    …regardless, of what’s your vice.
    …you ain’t have no power, nor no voice!
    …until, you heed to Mental Therapy!
    …to control, your anxiety!
    …so, please! Please Maria!
    …don’t surprise us! Be serious!
    …as, you channel Millie Sirus!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg🦶🏾Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  8. Although I’m not a fan of Gaston I must say it is NOT a sin (according to you Sandra Clarke). Read your Bible, AGAIN. Both Gaston & Maria we OVER the age of 21 with is both legal according to man’s law and God’s law. My father was 42 when he married my mother who was 28 at the time. Why didn’t speak out about Lester Bird when he started dating that 16 year old light skin girl in 1980. He use to send his driver to pick her up in her uniform from PMS. Where was the outcry then? JUST SIT YOUR A$$ DOWN AND BE QUIET!

  9. Eh, eh! Hooray! The man like veal much better than gristle. It should’ve been me.i would’ve saddle-up, for to see how to buck-up. What! They didn’t call him Top-Dog: for nothing. Lol! It ain’t nothing but the dog-in he. Cause: All Dogs is, 🐕 eh!

  10. @Sandra Clarke gyal just GYPG u bex the PM nah want ya ugly big back rh!!!!! Jealousy is a very ugly emotion just like how u ugly inside and out!!!!

  11. Looks like PM Gaston Browne knows how to shut down age-shaming trolls with a sizzling comeback! 👏 Age is just a number, and it’s high time we focus on the love and laughter that keeps relationships strong. So let’s raise a toast to the PM for putting the troll in their place and reminding us what really matters! 🥂😂

  12. Wisely said, @Joan. Love knows no bounds, and it’s important to remember that age is but a number. What truly matters is the connection between two consenting adults. In our diverse world, it’s crucial to embrace different perspectives and let people love who they love.

  13. One thing about politicians, and their followers, pretenders, or admirers need to understand!
    When you’re representing the flag of a Nation! There’s, a thing called #decorum! So, ask yourselves this question, when a pic, is posted in John Public, by anyone at the helm our body politic, why do you think, that you have the [right] to be the only critic?

    Calypsonians love the art, of painting pictures with words; and, politics and politicians know, de kind ah #Shango_☄️_🔥_Fire, de does bring to de Arena. Friend or Foe! De words flo, like Edgar Allen Poe!

    U kno, de Poe, sloppail played many roles, in and to, the bowels of Our Kulcha. Especially, fore_day morning! When a man, start #Jam! #Jam! #JAMMING_IRON. Listening to his #COCK rising and crowing 🐓🐓! She’ll be bouncing like J’ouvert Morning.

    Gaston haffu tek wah he get! Dawg_He Style. So, hear dis…

    …I n I, won’t even hit U, wid de #Parang!
    #Parang! #Parango! #Parang_Go!
    …nor, even de One called, #❌_Tempo!
    #de_Tempo! Ex_Tempo! #de_Tempo!
    …but, please chip along!
    …’cause, poliTRICKtans; and their charlatans!
    …will, always give a Kaisonian!
    …nuff, run ah lyrics!
    …when, they show off to John Public!
    …so, whether you #Tic! #Tok!
    …or, dance on virtual #Tik_Tok!
    …you’d, better be prepared; to take your licks! #Whap! #Wap! #Whap!
    …just, ask Cardi B, Art Kelly and P. Diddy!
    …now, remember it’s not just #Facebook where, it’s at!
    …you got #you_tube! Plus #WHAT’S APP!
    …and, you know when dem get hot!
    …not, even a #burning_bush; #Swoosh! Nor #Flame_🔥_☄️
    …can, handle that!

    Pompey! Sir Sherlock RAWLSTON POMPEY!


    …when, you want to get CINEMATOGRAPHIC!
    …and love people like Mr. Dinero!
    DINERO 🤑💰! Que paso? Que paso?
    …Frankly! In today’s virtual world when you post a #pic.
    …within, the sphere of John Public!
    …be prepared, you’ll get all sorts of licks!
    …particularly, if you’re a family at the head; of, the Body Politic!
    …you must, comprehend this logic!
    #Comprehende? Que dice!
    #Comprehende? Que dice?
    …where, N’er the Twain Shall Meet!
    …thus, Thou Shalt Be Discreet!
    …so, when you #❌_POSE yourself!
    …trying, to be #TOP_SHELF!
    …such, a meaning on the Street
    …to the Wise Men of The East!
    …British Royalty, don’t entertain such; at a Regal and Royal Feast!
    …ask Williams, the Governor General!
    Prince William! King Charles! Et Al.
    #ET_AL! et al. Nunca! Nunca! Et-al
    …at all! At all! At all.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole #Dutty Peg🦶🏾Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  14. @Sandra I once met a fellow adult a few years younger than myself. I didn’t realize he was as young as he was. We had a lot in common – similar interests and beliefs, we were both Christians, in a similar line of work so we understood each other very well, similar life goals. We enjoyed each other’s company. When we teamed up to do something, it went incredibly well. We helped one another achieve certain life goals. There was another young lady around, younger than him. Many of our mutual acquaintances, including so-called Christians, kept trying to push them together. The young lady had nothing of significance in common with him apart from age, no goals, was a bit shallow and vain, was not a Christian. From time to time she pursued him to boost her ego while laughing behind his back. In the end we all went our separate ways. What does the Bible actually say is important? “Do not be unequivocally yoked with unbelievers.” That’s it. Why? Because both persons have to be heading in the same direction morally otherwise there will be tension, disagreement, fighting. Nothing else matters as much. God does not command a certain age gap after adulthood. So, who are you to judge? Society is better off with happy couples, not dysfunctional couples who get together for the wrong reasons.

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