Daily Observer: Prime Minister Gaston Browne has sought to explain comments he made on social media, regarding the latest COVID-19 death recorded in the country.
On Sunday, 46-year-old health-care worker, Rhea Jarvis, became the country’s latest COVID-19-related fatality – and after the news was made public, Browne suggested on social media that she was exposed to the virus by her daughter.
Browne claimed on Sunday that “the transmission was from a returning national,” accusing her of exposing her mother to the virus, by “not adhering to the protocols.”
His remarks led to a barrage of criticism from family members and others, who labelled the comments insensitive. Many also claimed the woman’s daughter was not living in the same environment as her mother, and could therefore not be responsible for her death.
Though he has since removed the post, Browne explained to Observer that he was advised by officials from the Health Ministry that the deceased may have been exposed by the daughter and her wedding party, who travelled to Antigua for the event.
He said the information was shared to serve as a warning to those who continue to violate the protocols and put their family members [and others] at risk. — Observer Media
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PM Browne, again at times put your brains in gear, before you put you mouth in action, and finding you with your #FootInYourMouth.
@The Truth…😄Halle-Lu-Yah! Hallelujah! Today’s topic for our Sermon is, BARDADOS still made approximately $300million in export, in exports, in exports from their #ManufactutingSector…
…Now, PM Browne!
…could you please, please, please!
…we asking you please, please! Please!
…yes Sah! We know COVID-19 is a deadly disease!
…but, think of what Barbados has done
…and, it’s not just manufacturing Mt. Gay Rum!
…it’s about putting policies in place!
…to uplift her Community’s and her Indigenous Race.
…so, you Mr. PM Browne
…rather than, looking like a #Clown.
…with your head chopped off
…like a headless chicken, roaming St. John’s town
…you’d better act #PostHaste.
…before you become #Food4Fodder;
…by your blood brother, or sister!
…in this crucial Political Race.
Brother Smood:How the heck are you.I am going down to Run.You and the readers could determine.What I am running for,not from.Some persons just like to hear themselves.Sometimes,I think sometimes Gaston Browne’s brain and his mouth are disconnected.In my opinion.He is suffering from psychosomatic.
@The Falcon and the Snowman…I am doing just fine living in this #WaveOfMadness sweeping across the Earth at this time.
But, I am optimistic that WE can makes things much better in Antigua, Barbuda & REDONDA for all.
Run a steady race, like a tortoise on your way to #ClarenceHouse(it’s time to have an official residence for the PM. The GG may not be too pleased though. I hope you get the drift.)
PM tone it down sometimes. Like the covidiots your political opponents are gasping for things to poke holes into your leadership. We have your (broad) back, but to the unsuspecting they may be able to make some headways.
We know you have the interest of the country at heart but at some point it is about reflections and thinking down the line before posting things!!!
This distractor covid also shall past and we will bask in the progress the country will made under your leadership.
All the best for the season good Sir.
This is what pains me about my PM. I believe he has good intentions and has a vision.
But some of his ministers are being Insensitive and unconscionable during these guava crop unprecedented times.
I think he could at least have omitted the SMDH which came across as judgmental, or just let the health officials speak on it.
We have to have more compassion now. You help one, they help two and we weather this storm together.
Kindly have Minister Nicholas pay the man he took upon himself to wrongfully fire. Let us not have to fight fire with fire. The place done hot enough.
Blessings, sir.
Irresponsible talk from the PM. How can he accuse the daughter of this, I have a good feeling the mother caught it from another local who had it, but the PM is trying to pass the blame to the traveling people therefore trying to make it look as though all locals here are being responsible and following rules, and it must have come from someone traveling. Basically he is trying to save face!
PM should stay quiet!!! That’s for sure!
What about if now the daughter filed a lawsuit for diffamation, that could be quite funky…
Insead of blaming, returning nationals, returning citizen, he should come and have a look down in English harbour, all those yachties not respecting the protocols, no masks, no social distancing!!!
Police should fine these guys…loots of money to be made, coiuld pay the pensions quite quickly!
She returned the island last week to vacation and is staying with her local boyfriend (my neighbor).
She wasnt quarantined and has been all over the place without masks or social distancing.
So that might be another dozen cases in a week or so.
That’s the problem with not testing on arrival and quarantining (at least for a few days) EVERYONE.
This girl is classified as a tourist and not quarantined or tested but she was mingling with the locals big time.
Ultimately, the presence of COVID in the island is due to reopening the borders without sensible and intelligent protocols in place.
And even those problematic protocols are not implemented for everyone.
Tourists are treated one way.
Residents with 2nd passports don’t quarantine at all.
Special dispensations for a covid carrier and who knows who else.
Want to blame someone for this woman’s death PM Clown? Look in the mirror.
The buck stops with you.
Mr. PM I do believe you have good intentions but sometimes it is best to move in silence. And at lease apologize to the family of the deceased.
Let us all be mindful that the virus is real and can be transmitted easily. As a healthcare worker, I feel for the young lady and her family. I constantly remind my family, relatives and friends, even when we visit family members or people close to us we still have to observe the mask wearing and physical distance protocol. Some people think that it is annoying but people closest to you are the ones most likely to pass it to you… your fellow church members, the people in your domino group, the ones you share a meal with and yes at funerals and weddings.
By the laws of average it is a person that is in close contact with you that is likely to infect you. It may be a tourist or other visitor but it could also be a family member at your potluck.
He who nuh whan fuh hear must feel
He with the red beret has spoken. Still waiting for him to put on a mirror sunglasses and ride around in a pickup back with 10 man and a AK.
From The Sideline who is the who you are referring to.
Is it Gaston Browne?
My family can look forward to being mocked by PM after I expire?
The gift that keeps on giving…
All these politicians are murderers and will be held to the highest court of the Lord. They are all part of the same world wide Cabal.
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