Prime Minister Gaston Browne has ruled out several months of 2018 in which he says elections will not be held.
Speaking on Point FM, which he owns, the leader of the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) joked that the elections will not be on Valentines Day since he will be on business overseas.
The ABLP leader also ruled out the month of March pointing to a 30 day noticed required in the constitution.
“So then when is the election, does it look like April or May?” the prime minister questioned.
“The only two months that I wouldn’t call the elections are in September and October,” he told radio listeners.
But Browne also appeared to rule out August saying that added to September it is “one of the worst revenue months.”
“We would practically call the elections any other month; November or December this year and wipe them out,” he said.
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He is worst PM TO RUN the country is in a mess. He didnt bring any good thing to the table
Wussa Than Baldwin Spencer?🌴
Gaston cannot tie Spencer’s shoes. Gaston is an embarrassment of a PM. He’s an embarrassment to the ABLP, an embarrassment to Antigua and Barbuda, and an embarrassment to the Caribbean.
Y’all know his head is not good but in 2014 the ABLP was elected with one of the highest voters turn out in Antigua history so why the hell y’all bellyaching now. Get over it.
The worsted, worserer, worst PM ever
he is the table
He is definitely the most immature PM. Enough of the dolly ketcha elections. Do people really care at the date of the elections? What people care about is when will these roads get fixed? When can we get a little relief at the pump? When can we see some relief in food prices? When can we get some of the thick bushes cleared? When will we see more jobs to get some of these young people off the street? This is no time for fun and games Mr PM. We would like to see you get to work!
Oh please y’all know how bad the ALP was but y’all put them back tek wah aru bote for cause in all y’all cussing them they go be reelected cause the UPP failed to get the rid of them once and for all moving on
this pm is a dictaker sorry dictator ***…..the roads are in a mess….everything is getting expensive the education minister is just worried about how he can make money on the side but do nothing for his area, just a waste of a party and then u have the people who gets a salary from them to talk rubbish keep talking shittery. ….not saying the upp is any better but not as corrupt thou. …
He might be the worst for u but! But the other ain’t better and they will never win a next election again in Antigua
How do you know?
You’ haters are living in a fantasy world… The UPP government and leadership was the worst by far that govern AA&B… Do you haters just wake up or crawl out from under rock? You can could not living in Antigua between 2004 & 2014…
Colombo Thomas – list the achievements of the ABLP. I BET YOU CAN’T BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE.
OOOPS I forgot personal enrichment of the PM and family
Open your eye’s you will see…. can’t help you if rap up in party colors….
Didn’t realize that we had so many idiots running loose out there. They all sound infantile. Can’t believe they were around 2004 -2014!!!
its like colombo thomas got paid lol
F.Y.I… Colombo Thomas although a born n bread Antigua….Is not affiliated to any political party or politician,.. I don’t live in Antigua but I am familiar with the reigns of the UPP governance. They failed miserably….PM Gaston Browne is by far a more effective, straight forward, honest and no nonsense leader than Mr. Spencer…. I don’t like wisher-washer afraid to tell like it is politician…. Thats all…. Who vex dead… Gaston have my endorsement all the way… Keep me outta wrapped mind…
Lol…. Jump high or jump low…. GASTON BROWNE & his TEAM will be winning the upcoming general elections….. The ABLP record speaks for itself…..
Pardon me for asking, but what record is that. Are you talking about the self- enrichment. Are you talking about the ground- fakings? Are you talking about Gaston’s inability to complete one, not one project after nearly four years? Are you talking about our students who are studying abroad who can’t get money? Are you talking about how he mashed-up the CIP so now we lost our visa-free access to Canada. Please point me to Gaston’s record.
Guess u were living in a bubble 2004-2014
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