Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne has some advice to the United States that is concerned at the growing influence of China among developing countries.
He says rather than seek to criticism Beijing, Washington should seek to provide more aid to developing countries rather than spend billions on useless wars.
Browne was critical with Washington after Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo is reported to have warned countries against accepting gifts from Beijing.
He also warned developing countries to be wary of Chinese companies coming with projects that seem to good to be true.
But Prime Minister Browne said that Beijing had played a significant role over the years in the socio-economic development of Caribbean countries and that Washington would do well to follow suit and stop wasting resources on useless wars.
“Those who are opposed to China’s deepening influence in the hemisphere need to talk less and perhaps they need to put some diplomatic dollars or development assistance…on the table.
“Perhaps they may wish to consider spending less on artillery. Spend less on useless wars and interventions…in the affairs of other states and to utilise the savings to help underprivileged countries here in the Caribbean and elsewhere”.
Browne said the world is in need of less conflicts and wars.
“So our position is, end the useless conflicts and ideological warfare and help underprivileged countries with their development agenda.
“And let me make the point here too that there is no superior alternative…to humanity,” he added.
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I wish sometimes Gaston would keep his mouth shut. Gaston need to stop being so self centered. He have to remember he is not speaking for himself, and the things that comes out of his mouth is going to affect us as Antiguans.
Gaston, you been my servant need to speak to me first about such matters before you go off running your mouth.
Remember your are representing me as an Antiguans. Please be guided accordingly.
The world needs less conflict and wars….he Browne needs to be less confrontational!
Our PM is totally right and I’m glad he spoke his mind about this issue. I think 90% of Antiguans agree with the PM because he is factually right on this topic.
When the US and EU put more money on the table, then we will listen to them. Until then, those countries should just shut up and enjoy watching us build a great relationship with China.
Anyways, Asia is the economic future of the world and Antigua is smart to build a stronger alliance with China and Asia overall. We should have a visa-free agreement with China ASAP.
Thank you PM Browne for having the courage to speak truth!
Since when China can’t defend herself, if necessary against any country?
This man with his myopic behaviour makes me ever regret voting.
Doesn’t he understand that he is the new kid on the block and needs to look and learn from more seasoned leaders?
Is he looking accolades from those associated countries or what?
We must be the smallest, biggest laughing stock in the world right now because of a group of blind Bartemaeuses leading us on a path to nowhere.
Sound like Gaston begging lol. Also he seem to be i the practice of telling people what to do with their
Money when his country can’t support itself for a day.
Do you really think China is doing all this for free? Is anything in life ever free? China runs up debts and favors and then when countries can’t pay it back, China takes land instead.
Do you think the US, the UK, or the US does anything for Antigua for ‘free’? Give me a break, the USA and the UK, etc. have done nothing for Antigua for over a decade, literally nothing. In fact, the USA owes us hundreds of millions of $ in WTO money, but they have yet to pay us even $1. Be smart and realize that PRC China is giving us more than the USA ever has – that’s the truth and PM Browne spoke the truth!
China will own this country sooner than you know it. Their people are already starting to displace antiguans from all sectors including restaurants, grocery, AGRICULTURE, etc. They don’t even speak English but exert a palpable amount of influence. When a Chinese restaurant fails health code, they are back in business in just 2 days. They are smarter and harder working than the average Antiguan. Less antiguans will be owning business and more of them will be working for Chinese. In that way, China is indirectly keeping the antiguan black man poor. One day China will come calling for those favors and debts to be repaid and they will claim valuable and limited land. Actually it has already begun.
Please be aware of the Chinese Government.
It is true they will come back to bite you,
if you don’t give them what they want….
our land!!!! Soon Antiguans won’t
have access to their beaches … what a shame! Mr. Primier, please, the Chinese do not give and don’t expect anything in return.
Protect your people who voted to put you
where you are. Protect them and protect your role as Primier.
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