Prime Minister Gaston Browne says he remains Antigua and Barbudans will vote in support of replacing the London-based Privy Council as the region’s final court.
Browne, speaking ahead of the release of a poll conducted by the Barbados-based Caribbean Development Research Services (CADRES) on Monday, said that he is confident that voters will provide the necessary 67 per cent needed during the November 6 referendum to replace the Privy Council with the Trinidad-based Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ).
“We are just about there and we now need a sufficient margin to make sure we do not fall short of the 67 per cent which is what we are working on now to make sure…
“We are literally at 67 per cent, the problem is we do not have a wide enough margin for comfort (and) that is what we are working on at this time,” Browne said.
Prime Minister Browne, who in the past has called for a non-partisan approach to the CCJ-Privy Council, also acknowledged that it may an uphill struggle to get voters to cast ballots on November 6.
“The challenge is to get them out on referendum day,” he said, hinting at using the machinery of the ruling Antigua Labour Party “to make sure we get that 67 per cent.
“ Now as I said the poll would have indicated that we are there at this point but what we do not have is a sufficiently large enough buffer to make sure that if there are any slip up…that we still end up with the 67 per cent.
“So we will be working over the next two weeks to try and increase that margin, so that in the event of any unforeseen circumstances or any slip…that we still end up with the 67 per cent,”
Browne said.
Both Grenada and Antigua and Barbuda will hold their vote on November 6 regarding the CCJ which was established in 2001 to replace the Privy Council and which also serves as an international tribunal interpreting the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas that governs the 15-member regional integration movement, CARICOM.
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If nothing else, this cause NOT to vote for the CCJ. The referendum is SUPPOSED to be NON PARTISAN! Here he is campaigning as if this is general elections! What’s in it for him? There is a stench emanating from this process!
He has just given me even more impetus to VOTE NO to the CCJ!! Thank you Mr. PM
Sorry Mr Pm , i’m Voting NO … i wish you had this much energy/motivation to go find money to pay the people them back pay u promise.. and now all of a sudden u claim u never made such a promise .. and u want me to go vote YES to CCJ … why u no go wash your skin .. then again APUA say they in drought again .. chuuppsss … This country i just cant … its quite obvious the government has squandered all the money, look how they already sold out the Port.. they broke cant done.. the government has no money .. and instead of Trying to find legit investors , not the ones that want start hotel , something else for a change … God be with us all…
I Got your back Mr. PM .. I will be voting a resounding NO to CCJ, and u can take that to the bank … i wish you had this much energy/motivation to go find money to pay the people them back pay u promise.. and now all of a sudden u claim u never made such a promise .. and u want me to go vote YES to CCJ … why u no go wash your skin .. then again APUA say they in drought again .. chuuppsss … This country i just cant … its quite obvious the government has squandered all the money, look how they already sold out the Port.. they broke cant done.. the government has no money .. and instead of Trying to find legit investors , not the ones that want start hotel , something else for a change … God be with us all…
I am wondering what percentage of Antiguans and Barbudans nationals make up the 67 percentage he is so confident in.
I hope that my fellow Antiguans think carefully and vote nooooooo to this ccj. Please don’t be fooled by the PM rhetoric . He may fool some people sometime but most people never.
If they did not put politics in this they would have probably have a chance….but y are they spending all this money to get this done something is definitely wrong…i voting NO to the change
This country cant give us water the roads are a mess workers cant get pay but they busy fighting for shit……up to now nothing to bring money to the country but selling passports where is the creativity…..always talking about trickle down economics and nothing is there to trickle down
They waste all this money on E books my kids coming out of school and never got the chance to use them all this money wasted but we know what happen with that …and up to now the minister is walking free
All those saying no to ccj I do pray that if the need for you to ever make use of an appeal court that you have to $20, 000.00 plus to england but hey I’m just saying….
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