PM Browne to sue D. Gisele Isaac and others for Defamation



PM Browne Acknowledges Retraction, Pursues Legal Action Over Defamation

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has welcomed Times Caribbean’s retraction of its article regarding the Alfa Nero yacht sale and has pledged to provide payment details for publication.

“Thank you to Times Caribbean. Will forward the details of the payments to you to publish,” Browne stated.

Despite the retraction, the Prime Minister announced plans to take legal action against other parties, including Associated Press, Yulia, and UPP Chairman D. Gisele Isaac.

“I shall now legally pursue Associated Press, Yulia (Guryeva-Motlokhov), Gisele Isaac (UPP chairman), et al. I am looking forward to exploit this defamation with a hefty multi-million dollar compensation package,” he added.

Gaston Browne has consistently defended the transparency of the Alfa Nero sale and has dismissed allegations surrounding the






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  1. Gaston has so much balls to be suing the UPP CHAOS DEMON. Should be interesting. Male balls vs female balls. Let the best man win.

  2. You cant be serious what is this shit? you sue the person publishing the article and settled outside of court now you want to sue people citing the article because it pissed you off? I need to know what exactly was said this is ridiculous.

  3. Wa Government no have no money to pay D Giselle for the sue she won against them?, so now you trying to get back the money so she gets nothing? Asking for a friend. But it nar go work you dam fool!

  4. Please PM for the love of God uae your money to help bring scotland yard here to investigate missing persons, all the land you and your son and family swap, and your enrichment schemes

  5. Ok the ALP and Gaston will be able to create the public opinion that if is Giselle that created such story about the alpha Nero monies ostensibly been divested elsewhere, but what I notice he is giving this news press more respect than he is giving the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda by promising them documented information, and I guess he and them will have agreement to have the documents redacted so bad that it will be unintelligible . I am so jealous that outside people are given information which is with held from the Antiguan public. And all these threats of millions in lawsuit is to silence the Antiguan public, that’s because he gets information from the banks on people’s private savings so he knows how to threaten you.

  6. This threat of law suit by the PM is just a bluff. The minute he takes this matter to court, all the truth and facts about the sale of the Alpha Nero super yacht 8will be revealed to his detriment. Ha! Ha! Ha! Think people stupid. Bring it on PM. 😄😄😄

  7. Ok the ALP and Gaston will be able to create the public opinion that it is Giselle that created such story about the alpha Nero monies ostensibly been divested elsewhere, but what I notice he is giving this news press more respect than he is giving the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda by promising them documented information, and I guess he and them will have agreement to have the documents redacted so bad that it will be unintelligible . I am so jealous that outside people are given information which is with held from the Antiguan public. And all these threats of millions in lawsuit is to silence the Antiguan public, that’s because he gets information from the banks on people’s private savings so he knows how to threaten you.

  8. Pardon me, Mr Prime Minister? Have you seen the growing list of missing persons lately? THAT SHOULD BE YOUR FOCUS! But I guess there is no money in that?

  9. He can threaten to sue Giselle. In fact he can sue Giselle not because she defamed him but it shifts the narrative and puts others on notice.

    His case against Giselle is as strong as a UPP would have against Max Hurst. Waste of time and money, but good for the political value.

    Both Max Hurst and Giselle made politically charged statements, neither of which amounted to defamation of the individual.

    Yulia (Guryeva-Motlokhov) lawsuit wishes to know who recieved the proceeds from the sale of her boat.

    Once she receives the information, then she can pursue a case of what she consider to be the thief of her boat.

    The Prime Minister is going to sue her for defamation, because she is using the Court to find out who got the money as a first step.
    What the PM is doing is; what you call shifting the narrative with smoke.

    No longer is the discussion about “WAY D MONEY GONE”, but faux defamation offenses.

  10. Shift the narrative to “defamation and suing for big money”.

    The discussion is no longer about the sale of the Alpha Nero, and the distribution of the proceeds from the sale.
    Pointe FM “Brown and Brown” show will have a segment on Saturday complaining, threatening, attacking and insulting.

    Antigua News Room will have a lot of content from that show, to slice and dice for news content starting Saturday evening until Tuesday.

    Cabinet Reports next week have an updated spin and a different story.


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