In response to feedback over the increase in vehicle licence fees Prime Minister Gaston Browne gave the following response on his official facebook page:
Thank you for your response to the proposed increase.
Evidently, we are listening to your concerns.
I will recommend to the Cabinet that we tweak the figures.
Perhaps we could reduce the rate of the increase on cars, motor cycles and buses to protect the poor and the vulnerable.
The 40 percent could be retained for heavy trucks and equipment, as well as, SUV’s whose owners have the capacity to pay the increased rates.
Much love & blessings
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One long, big duty chuptz.
Gaston move u warrahe
President Trump is not proud of your response. Make Antigua great again
Mr. Benevolent Prime Minister: I posited the fact that you should listen, and consult with the people much more. While not forgetting, that you are placed in a position to work for the betterment of the masses; and not yourself and your cocooning cabinet cohorts.
Much love and blessings.
He is very arrogant, pompous, egotistical,
Nuff and most of all annoying prime minister in the whole, wide world!🫣
Get ridda him..
Omg.. father in heaven.
Help us lord.
solid waste contractor need to be in a special bracket since they don’t get paid on time from the government . Most time it’s a struggle to pay license and insurance annually for bulk waste and garbage collectors. Mr Pm you need to take a look at that sector too as the payments that we receive is already a strain on us to pay mortgage , feed , educate our children and reinvest back into the truck maintenance
I’m not into politics so this statement is not based on politics but I can at least respect the PM on listening to the public and see a way to reconsider lessening the hike on licensing rates on small vehicles and keeping the 40% on big trucks and heavy machines that destroy the roads on a daily basis. Also the PM needs to speak with APUA about doing work simultaneously with the road work crews instead of digging up a newly paved road leaving it in a destructive manner. I also think Antigua need to send people outside of the country to learn productive road work repair and construction that is financially sensible to make the roads last longer. Only an ignoramus would continue to do the same thing over and over and expect different results. It is too long of a time Antigua have been constructing roads and claiming to fix roads and getting the same results of the roads falling apart in a week or two. I hope the reconsideration of licensing hike for regular cars will be more considerate, everything cyaa be free and I understand. If people can afford to pay thousands to jump up in mass troops they can pay a likkle money to license their vehicles, as long as the roads are kept up as promised, but I know promises are made to be broken.
In all of this we cannot lose sight of the bigger picture. Government must be more responsible with our revenues because tax payers are not simply here to bail you out when things are rough and you need extra revenue. Value for money must be government’s mantra and where value cannot be had, don’t waste our taxes. Whether it be Romantic Rhythms or One Nation Concert, those are unnecessary & useless expenditures that doesn’t benefit the masses. . Not even Guyana with all that “oil dollars” waste money like we do. We have to approach spending with a lot more caution and work towards making life easier for our citizens. Food and other consumer items are far too expensive and we should be looking at ways in which we can make food, electricity, water, telephone and gasoline cheaper and more affordable to consumers. We need government to be responsive and understand our plight. As head of Government Sir, you have the arduous task of making decisions in the best interest of all. Please be more sensitive to our economic plight and concerns. Very few of us make anything close to what politicians take home and you all still get water, electricity, telephone and more for free. Listen to us Sir! We cannot take no increase in any shape or fashion at this time.
So what happens to me that already paid and not certain if I’m going to get my meagre Social security in time. I worked in the private sector and did not get an increase in social security like the government workers and have to buy the same grocery in these wicked supermarkets
I feel sorry for the cabinet members. How could big grown ass men with wives at home allow Gaston to have then as toilet paper like that? He send off his messages. When the public rises up against it he comes out like the light and shining armour and makes the cabinet members look like the devil. He makes them look so uncaring and insensitive towards their constituents. Really!!!! Where is their balls??? Oh my!!! Giselle has more balls than them.
In all of this we cannot lose sight of the bigger picture. Government must be more responsible with our revenues because tax payers are not simply here to bail you out when things are rough and you need extra revenue. Value for money must be government’s mantra and where value cannot be had, don’t waste our taxes. Whether it be Romantic Rhythms or One Nation Concert, those are unnecessary & useless expenditures that doesn’t benefit the masses. . Not even Guyana with all that “oil dollars” waste money like we do. We have to approach spending with a lot more caution and work towards making life easier for our citizens. Food and other consumer items are far too expensive and we should be looking at ways in which we can make food, electricity, water, telephone and gasoline cheaper and more affordable to consumers. We need government to be responsive and understand our plight. As head of Government Sir, you have the arduous task of making decisions in the best interest of all. Please be more sensitive to our economic plight and concerns. Very few of us make anything close to what politicians take home and you all still get water, electricity, telephone and more for free. Many of the cars and jeeps you see running on our roads are constantly running on “E” and “E” doesn’t mean “ENOUGH.” We can scarcely buy gasoline Listen to us Sir! We cannot take no increase in any shape or fashion at this time.
Get rid ah he and put who. Give me a break!! The man understands the people concerns and will respond in the best way possible. You cry about roads drains and curve. It take plenty cash to get this infrastructure situation rectified. My idea on this. The government should have consolation more dialog on this issue. This should not be a rushed issue.
So because a man drives an SUV means that he has money?
You know how the man get the vehicle? Suppose it was inherited.
I don’t have a problem paying a tax, but I don’t agree that a man should pay a tax based on a presumption on how he owns property
The comments to the vehicle licence fees range from the ridiculous to the sublime. The Government particularly the Honourable Gaston Browne is dammed if they do and dammed if they don’t. So they proposed to raise the fees by 40% and the re was great lamentation. The Prime Minister indicated that there will be a reduction. Most of the commentary was then insults, threats and ridicule. Proof positive that some of us cannot see further than our noses and cannot come up with any meaningful alternatives. Proof positive that we are in a very negative space and cannot get out of wherever that is.
I think this PM is putting the horse before the cart. Why didn’t he consult first before suggesting 40%? Based on the amount of taxes being levied against the people in such quick succession, why would you even suggest such a thing? It just shows that you are an uncaring government who because of mismanagement of Public funds, now want to place the burden yet again on already struggling families. You people have no heart. We want to see the back of you. The sooner the better.
I am not a Gastonite nor am I a Labourite, I’m not even A UPPite but in the last election I voted for UPP because in my opinion the Labour Party is a corrupt and I voted the lesser of two evils. What I like about Gaston he knows he leads a bunch of straw men and he treats them as such from Chet Greene, Melford Nicholas Molwyn Joseph right down to the over inflated windbag Dwayne George you will see how easy the reverse themselves on the increase
At least he listening jack. Gi de man a break.
But yh the road works pple really need to do a proper job because I dunno how it already have potholes and flooding easy in some parts of Friars hill road.
The PM will do the tweaking and the STRAWMEN in cabinet will just say yes Boss because when he barks they all lap their tiny tails
Gaston you and the ABLP ARE a bunch of wicked and unconscionable parasites AND NEED TO GO.
You are a noose around our necks. Lord help us.
Whe they cut deals with business men, these are the results. BHM did a terrible number on us and these crooked men could do nothing because they would’ve been exposed; ask Weston. They eventually sourced CO Williams and the same strategy is evident. We are asked to pay more while the key players are raking in more through the limestone and other aggregates that they supply for the road construction. Go to the entrance of Parham and see how rapidly they are demolishing that hill. Why do we allow a Prime Minister to look after our business from his Radio Station? He makes his pronouncements and they seem to become laws and there is where even his Ministers learn of his intentions, then he invokes them whenever he can’t wiggle his way out; much like the ‘hot gun’ foolishness where he talked about contacting the Police after his lawless statement. Trump, too, is an idiot but I think most of us would contend with him; at least he is sane.
Sharon Lycorish, you are such an idiot people like you is why we are wallowing in this cesspool of stupidity
Chaia…you should be out front comparing about the high increase in vehicle taxes. Lord knows that you can hardly afford to license that global warming contributor that you drive around in!
From my perspective, the most fair arrangement would be to implement a graduated system of rates from 5 to 40% for vehicles over 4000 lbs. We already are aware empirically and anecdotally that heavier vehicles impact the road more than lighter ones. Therefore the most equitable approach must involve levying the increase on the biggest contributors to the deterioration. In the same vein, there needs to be greater oversight and penalization of poorly constructed roads by firms and contractors or inspectors who certify them. Fines should be another revenue source as they will prevent and also help in repair.
They use psychology on the people they have 25% in mind but they place 40% as a trial run to see the response,then they roll back like them they are the savior and said we heard your concerns. We will not burden the citizens we are a caring government , but care for themselves only
The Con is on. He’ll simply find another way to TAX the people.
Firstly let me say that I don’t mind an increase. I said it here before. However I did not expect this about, 40% increase is a lot. So there needs to be consultation and this speed sounds like the consolidated funds, which I am uncomfortable with. I would prefer the that these funds be placed into a separate account . The other problem I have is with the Director Of WORKS. When the PM had to be threatening him to do is work, then something is absolutely wrong. I have no faith in his leadership ability, his ability to provide this nation with goods roads and more so his accountability in terms of handling our funds and getting value for money. Don’t matter who is in control of the funds , these guys will find a way to rip off this country.
It’s commendable that the PM made some exemptions. However I don’t feel someone with an SUV should be singled out. I know of people who live in certain areas and because poor roads have taken out loans to purchase an SUV or the size of their family. Others buy used SUV instead of used cars for durability. So to broad brush every owner of an SUV is not right.
We will have group of people protesting – The taxi driver, truck
, wholesalers, teachers , nurses , contractors. Owners of heavy duty equipment