Prime Minister Browne Proposes Increase in Transport Licensing Fees to Fund Road Development
Prime Minister Gaston Browne has announced plans to increase transport licensing fees in Antigua and Barbuda as part of an effort to raise $50 to $100 million for an ambitious road construction and improvement program.
The proposal is aimed at accelerating road repairs and addressing the long-standing concerns of citizens about deteriorating infrastructure.
Speaking on the initiative on Pointe FM, the Prime Minister stressed that the increased fees would be modest and aimed at generating funds to improve the nation’s roads comprehensively.
“I don’t think anyone would object to paying an extra $100 on vehicle licenses if it means better roads,” Browne stated.
He argued that better roads would not only improve daily commutes but also reduce the long-term costs for vehicle owners by minimizing wear and tear on their vehicles.
The funds raised through the adjusted licensing fees would be leveraged to secure financing for large-scale road construction projects.
Browne outlined plans to involve multiple contractors in the process, ensuring that local companies benefit from the increased investment.
“We’re thinking about engaging 10 to 20 contractors and giving each at least $5 million in contracts,” he explained, adding that this approach would not only expedite road development but also provide significant economic opportunities for local businesses.
The Prime Minister noted that the government had considered incremental road improvements but decided that a more aggressive approach was necessary to address the scale of the problem.
“We could do it incrementally, but I think that’s too slow. Instead, let’s go big and fix as many roads as possible,” he stated.
Browne emphasized that the current plan represents a transformative approach to infrastructure development.
Acknowledging potential concerns about the fee increase, the Prime Minister assured citizens that the additional funds would be fully dedicated to improving infrastructure.
He framed the proposal as a necessary step to meet the demands of a growing population and to enhance the quality of life for all residents.
This announcement comes as part of the government’s broader efforts to address critical infrastructure issues, including ongoing investments in water supply systems, renewable energy, and housing development.
Browne underscored the importance of these initiatives, describing his administration as “transformative” and committed to empowering the people of Antigua and Barbuda.
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Ironic that the road to Transport Board is one of the worst on island.
Please read before commenting.
I have several question
How do we know the monies collected will actually go towards road repairs
I will support this if our roads in Hatton will be fixed first!
Nope!! Nope!! Not agreeing to this one. Nope!! We done spending plenty money in licensing and insurance. Leave that alone please. I thank you.
And what if the increase there is still no improvement to the transportation infrastructure after the increase??
One big effing chups, we do not get proper road repairs in this country, all we get is inferior patch work which only last for a few weeks even with increased fees nothing will change your cronies that get the contracts will give us the same sh***y work they are accustomed to do. Quo Vadis Antigua
You wicked grabston .all them car parts people a buy wide You over over Taxxxx you till want more. A kill you go kill us next.
Have an option to pay for license renewals for longer, – 10 year etc. this would raise money and cut busy periods
Are we getting a refund for all the years of driving on bad roads?
Better roads long lasting vehicles but now so much expense of take care of the vehicles because of the bad roads fux the roads and all monies will fix to
Murder. Tek you knee out of our necks. We paying for water we don’t get. We can’t afford a proper diet. We living hand to mouth and scarely that. Families who have elderly have to take the burden because the money measles from social security or none tarl. Laws what next. Tek you knee affa arwe neck. We bawling murder.
Fees or taxes same difference!
I don’t have a problem with the idea, but you better ensure the monies goes towards the roads. Where I live, it is said a local contractor was paid all the monies to do the roads, but the road are incomplete and no work have been done on the roads for the last 2 and a half years. So just know if the licensing increases there will be great upheaval if the roads are not being fixed.
Put the increase on them, you done get the ham and turkey. Raise the water bill also,they want everything for free
There might be a rush to have these services done earlier. Not sure how was it was to give people a heads up!
This will be another waste of money with no accountability. It sounds good to use local contractors but none have any experience in building roads. Look at all the sidewalks that were built with no supervision. Built with regular strength concrete with no steel or brc. 30 yeard ago Hilroy Humphreys, speaking in Parliament indentified that the roads were not built for the heavy duty rigs and trucks that were on the roads then. It is now 30 years later. We now have huge fuel trucks, massive water trucks, 40 foot containers and 50,000 odd vehicles. Has a study been done to determine the strength and types of roads required? Or will it be the same old crap and waste of money? It would seem to me that this government, like all others in the past, has no long term development plan. All knee jerk reactions. Water and electricty suffer from the same problem. No long term plan.
What I find ironic is that we got so much money from England to fix the road and the roads are still bad. Now they want to increase license fee to fig rood again what happened to the money from England?
They not giving us any water in the pipe and the areas that do get has burst pipes wasting water and
you call apua but they no come fix but now they
want to increase the price
To make matter’s worse increase social security deduction while increasing pension age.
Where is all these money going?
Excuse you! My vehicle is constantly in need of works and the licensing fees are at an all time high and killing us. The people need an ease in the squeeze off our pockets. After you fix the roads and my poor car stop harassing my pocket, we can reconsider. But for right now, no.
The idea is not a bad one. But the road contractors are very bad minded. The last major road construction were given to contractors and they make a mock of the whole situation. The concrete road from Town House passing through Briggins infront of Tash Express didn’t last a year before all the stones leave the concrete. Lackland Benjsmin drive leading to woods mall is snother bad job. So be careful who the contracts are given to. The short change the concrete and keep all the money.
Really Gaston ….. The amount of money people already paying for damaged suspension parts that potholes cause ????
So much roads dig up randomly and no warning signs or notice to notify drivers and all of a sudden you get a blow out . Our vehicles take a beating daily on the roads and you wanna add an added fee ???????????
We hire a bunch of people and put them in office to run our affairs, all of a sudden they have become our bosses, they pay no electricity bills, no water bills, no telephone bills and no internet yet they use these facilities more than the average citizen, they give themselves raises whenever they feel like and how much and on retirement they even get a full salary and on death it’s passed on to their spouses now they are taxing us into oblivion. As soon as the ordinary man in behind in utility bills your service is disconnected while their friends (I mean the monies class) are given more time to pay, I wonder when the voters are going to realize we are being screwed back and belly by the Gaston Browne administration
Just another strategy to steal more money…stupes
After siphoning the road rehabilitation funds in limestone from their quarries, they are now asking us to pay for road works. We are an Economic Powerhouse with far superior growth rate than any other excluding Guyana and that’s only because of the chance oil find. With have practically the worst roads in the region, after spending more than the others, with tax on vehicle parts at 61% and customs amassing record revenue, you have come again, not to ask us but to impose. It’s either you are a liar, are wicked or both. The people can decide.
the road contractors are being cheap to save cost so they can continuously have the opportunity to f*ck up our roads even more. Imagine going to renew your license at either Transport board locations which are on some of the worst roads in the country.
The first thing that needs addressing is the manner in which you propose to rebuild these roads. As long as the same method is being used the same problems will recur.
We need proper drainage systems for the run off of water; we also need sidewalks that prevent the dirt and grasses from encroaching on the drains and roadways, and we also need roads built to accommodate the runoff access.
Next we need to look at pipes that take water to the communities and how and where they are laid as well as the other infrastructure such as cable lines.
How do we place those so that when repairs to those facilities are needed it is not necessary to dig up the roadways to access them.
There is a lot of work for our engineers and other personnel to collaborate on.
Yes, we need better roads that could last us for the next ten, twenty years but can it be guaranteed that not withstanding natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes or floods that this work will stand the test of time?
Ok so after the increase in license fee let’s make it law that any damage caused due to the road drivers can be reimbursed for damages once proper evidence is submitted to which ever NEW board will be formed.
It’s time the so called engineers be held accountable for the mediocre work been done. If you know the money government is given you can’t complete the work properly have some dignity & decline the work, force the government hand to pay the cost to do the work properly if that’s the excuse your gonna come with.
Don’t mind paying extra but I would have liked for it not only to be tied to road repairs but probably to a congestion tax to aid in reducing green house emissions and probably for a bike and predestination lane to encourage alternative transportation methods.
3 terms in office no major road development
No water still but the tax increases. Where all the money gone in the politicians pockets?
SMH, you got that right and don’t forget water rate will increase too. WICKED SONS OF BI****S
Tek de money from nyamco
Dear Mr . PM
There should be a full audit on transport board and make it public first,before jumping to increase.
Doesn’t make sense to dump money in an endless hole.
Well said Mr.Prime Minister, wonderful idea,as a non national living here in Antigua and Barbuda,I see no problem in increasing the licensing fee, for better roads, and due to the fact that a lot of citizens love to complain about bad road…
I hope very soon this will happen…
Well well well Jesus Christ better come now.because these people are not serious.
More taxes????????
Are you want kill off the population.
Where all the millions England give you all to fix the roads???????, where de money garn.
Antiguans need to rise up and take a stance. Let these people know they were not given our votes so they can kill us off. This is wicked, very very very very very very very wicked.
This man is out of his human mind …. and you wanna raise retirement age to 70 lawd lawd lawd
So after diverting all the funds that should have been used to repair the roads they want to tax us to do it. Now all of a sudden we will see 10 new “Road Contractors” pop up sending in bids
At this point, it’s not even about the money. Even if they take the money, we are more than likely gonna get the same ole road that looking good for a week, then full of pot holes if it drizzle a little. Some PROPER road engineers need to plan and construct PROPER, well built roads
PM Browne’s suggestion to raise transport licensing fees in order to fund major road repairs is a reasonable approach. Our infrastructure needs urgent attention, and if this is what it takes to improve road safety and reduce damage, then it could be a wise investment in the long-term wellbeing of the country. Well-maintained roads are essential for everyone, so a slight increase in fees might be worth it.
Raising transport licensing fees could be a burden on the public, especially those who already struggle with high costs of living. It’s important to ensure that any fee increases are fair and transparent, and that the funds are actually used efficiently for the repairs rather than being mismanaged. There needs to be a clearer plan on how this will benefit the average citizen.
You moving like a one way street on a two lane highway. Why don’t both sides sit and work it out? Because, Brown, you bullying tactics is going to get people hurt one of these days and nobody go sorry Fu you
But we have already paid and are still paying to have the roads fixed. We have out standing road loans that we are paying for and we haven’t got the roads yet. You go borrow more money still that we going have to pay back plus increase license fees ..wa really happen to you .. like you riding for a fall..
I cannot believe he said this, tax increase the regular man again. Well, you pick the government. Enjoy your choice. Folks suffered for so many years with hortible roads, after paying taxes that paid for roads that is dug up the day after it was paved. It would not be fair to put this expense on folks right now. They are suffering for long. Give them a break and let me give you the idea on how to get the money to govern profitably. The way to pay for road repairs I have the solution.
So mek he na put in the money he na see ppl done have it hard enough
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