PM Browne Responds as US Judge Allows Subpoenas for Financial Records in Antigua Yacht Case

Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Gaston Browne

PM Browne Responds as US Judge Allows Subpoenas for Financial Records in Antigua Yacht Case

ST. JOHN’S, Antigua – Prime Minister Gaston Browne has strongly refuted claims surrounding the sale of the Alfa Nero megayacht, calling them a “spiteful vendetta” driven by political opponents and “foreign forces” seeking to damage Antigua and Barbuda’s reputation.

His response follows a ruling by a U.S. federal judge in New York, granting attorneys for Yulia Guryeva-Motlokhov permission to issue subpoenas for financial records related to the $40 million sale of the yacht. The legal action seeks details on wire transfers and transactions involving Browne, his family members, and several Antiguan officials and entities.

Browne maintains that all financial records related to the sale have been disclosed, with only confidential account details redacted. “The financial records will speak for themselves,” he stated, adding, “Not a red cent was diverted or unaccounted for.”

The prime minister dismissed allegations of missing funds as “fully ventilated and debunked propaganda,” accusing the opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) of using the case to fuel political attacks. “The UPP is led by desperados who lack capacity and are incapable of participating in anything constructive,” he said.

Browne also took aim at what he described as coordinated efforts to tarnish his administration’s success. “The success of my administration has taken a severe toll on the UPP, to the extent that they have joined with foreign forces, using destructive lies, disinformation, and misinformation to destroy our country’s image abroad.”

The legal battle over the yacht sale has drawn scrutiny both locally and internationally. While opposition figures have pressed for more transparency on how the proceeds were used, Browne insists that the funds were allocated to government debt payments, as previously disclosed by Minister of Housing Maria Browne.

Addressing the ongoing legal challenges, Browne reaffirmed his administration’s integrity. “I shall continue to govern our country with integrity and unprecedented accountability,” he asserted.

With legal proceedings still unfolding in the U.S., Russia, and the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court, Antigua and Barbuda remains at the center of an international legal dispute over the controversial sale of the Alfa Nero.

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  1. You lie man is long time them watching you, all when you use to live in the new house complex you have over in piggots area, from that chine man you had in your jolly beach house got locked up you run by you mother in law then you run in piggots then you built high high walls around your northern in
    Law house when it wasn’t so…. Why you a hide and be running so for if your clean pussy… your a thief from morning ME.PM.

  2. Mr.Browne we love you but, if nothing is to hide, shut it, let them see for themselves and then, pop to shi!! Let em know!! But, you ranting like this raises eyebrows. We will see but, I know for sure they will find something. Y’all time coming to an end. Antigua already on child trafficking list

  3. I am just so disappointed that we are gonna be tied up in another long legal battle. Whatever the merits or not of this issue, Antigua and Barbuda tax payers will be the poorer as we would have to foot the legal bill. This whole Alfa Nero issue – we could have done without. When all is said and done, all this litigation and more might cost us more than what the luxury yacht was sold for. Me tiad!

  4. Dear Mr Prime Minister Gaston Browne

    The request pertains to the disclosure of personal financial records belonging to you, your spouse, and other family members, rather than government records. If these financial records are transparent and demonstrate no evidence of misappropriation, then openly publishing them—just as was done with government financial records—would reinforce public confidence. As public figures, there is an expectation of accountability, and sharing this information would address any concerns regarding the possibility of financial diversions.

  5. Not a red cent was spent but some believe green dollars was spent. When alot of things are done in secret it raises eye brow. “We are getting an undisclosed money from an investor but we won’t mention the name ” does that sound like a trustworthy statement?

  6. Keep believing what the “$700 million Man” has to say.
    Just like you-all are paying the HMB and the Stanford receiver judgements, as you squeal about high taxes; your great grand children will have to pay after The $700 million man is long gone.

  7. Wow UPP doing their work well done UPP!. You have the Prime Minister ranting and rageing, he thinks cursing will hide his lies? If He’s so honest with nothing to hide let the investigation continue and prove otherwise. But Gaston Brown’s behaviour speaks volume. Keep his feet to the fire job well done United Progressive Party.

  8. PeeeeeeeeeM Browne, if you allow people to speculate when information should have come freely the speculations will become the truth.
    Alfa Nero was seized by government.
    It became the people’s property.
    You decided to sell the people’s property however in secrecy.
    Don’t you know that secrecy is the theft of truth?
    Had you been open and transparent with the people about their asset you would not be manufacturing defenses now.
    The opposition warned you against seizing other people’s property.
    You didn’t listen.
    You proceeded to sell property worth US$120 million for a mere US$40 million.
    The sale was hastily and secretly done.
    To compound your actions you went to parliament and tied a burden around the neck of every citizen born and unborn. You passed an indemnity law indemnifying the buyers of any responsibly in the future.
    Well the future has come.
    I want to believe my PeeeeeeeeeM ahead of a foreigner. However your secrecy in dealing with the people’s asset has your back to the wall and a enormous serpent in front of you.
    Will this be a lesson for you that the people’s business is not your son’s personal business?
    Will it sink into your head that except on matters of national security, which this one is not, that you have to be transparent in doing the people’s business.
    I hope that there is a stiff price to pay.

  9. The precedent has already been set in the American Courts, by way of the RA Stanford Ponzi Scheme and the Extradition of Leroy King to answer to charges for which they were convicted and sent to prison for.
    Interesting enough, a Federal Court in the same America which you thought gave the Cabinet the rights to confiscate and later sold the Alfa Nero due to American Sanctions against Russians; these same Russians are using the same system to bring you to your knees by putting sanctions against you and your family, and the Nation to some degree.
    Please, please first let this #Make_Sense to the People; and, at the same time, make it #Make_Sense as to what UPP has to do with your CABINET decisions? There’s no way, under the Sun, moon, stars and the ether, that as a poliTRICKtan you’d not be using this type of what you’re allegedly is PROPAGANDA against your political opponents. It’s part of playing the DIRTY POLITICAL GAME.

    Regardless, of what you think about this alleged frivolous lawsuit, you’re a very astute person who knows of the power of the judiciary. Let’s just say…

    A…you’d better make sure, that you and everyone else who’re being SUBPOENAED keep their story straight from cellphone records to Alexa Spying to facial recognition.

    B.. this is the first round in the American Courts. In the next round, more of your CABINET MEMBERS may be SUBPOENAED as well.

    C…of all the Oligarchs to pick a fight with, one whose net worth could fund the Nation Public sector, by keeping up with salaries, pensions, infrastructural improvements, medical benefits etc for at least five years with ease. They are billionaires many times over. They don’t just roll over like TRAINED Marga Dawgs, ah beg food, behind Chinese Restaurants.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏾Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  10. Am not a fool, do you think the USA officials or Russian officials know little UPP? And Pringle for that matter? Is Pringle a world renowned academic or speaker? You self say he can’t read, they don’t even know your ALP organization. These white people don’t give a hoot about we little black impoverished people, only thing they think of us is they can give us shiny things and take our best jewels resources, like PLH is doing in Barbuda taking the pink sand beaches for their personal residence, nothing beneficial in that but gardeners and maids, they see we don’t have so much as an intelligent prime minister so they take advantage, even ask him for the service of the military and police to prevent any interruption in their white only bathing zone beach. And the PLH in the future will be acrimonious taking us to court like half moon bay owner and the tax payers pay them through the court. Whenever you sell white people land it become a part of their home country and not an Antiguan piece a real estate, the USA armies will bomb us for a white property.

  11. Since you have nothing to hide GB, boy I not go lie, I desperately want to believe you, but oh gosh it hard bad because you lie plenty. Solution; let the people know even in this moment, who bought the ALFA NERO nah.

    We have asked and begged under the freedom of information Act and you refuse. OK since you don’t want to tell us the citizens, then tell the US Courts nah. Is dem you work for not us. Since you don’t respect our right to know, then tell dem because they want to know.

    Since you don’t believe we are worth telling how you spent the money then go tell dem how the money was spent and by whom.

    You believe you are bigger than the people then go now and believe you bigger than the US courts nah…

    We ask and you spat in our faces they demand and you come crying to us. Since is they u answer to then go lament to dem nah, oh gosh we don’t want to hear ya.

    GB you go tell the Judge and the Judge will tell us. Since you respect him more than us. We love you GB we love you bad bad bad!!!!!

    ❤️ 😍 💖 ❣️ 💕

  12. @Audley Philips at el
    Some of the proceeds from the sale were applied to previous judgement debts.
    Tax payers are currently paying the price for bad decisions made years ago.
    HMB and Stanford judgement debts should be lessons to all.
    Should Antigua and Barbuda loose these various pieces of litigations, as a result of the actions surrounding this boat; then generations in the future will pay for this folly, which appears to be a self enrichment scheme.

    The Gaston Brown Government is of the opinion that it can pass an Act to achieve it’s goals, no matter what.

    One of the claims being made by the previous boat owners, is that the Act created to take possession, was passed to enable Antigua and Barbuda to sell the boat; and it was done with criminal intent.

    Turns out this legal maneuver by Cabinet is now being claimed to be Unconstitutional. Should the claimant win
    it sets precedence to challenge other Acts created for nafarious purposes

    This will not be one of the cases where the Prime Minister cast doubt and blame others, and he gets away with it.

    He will be in real courts of law, not the hight political influenced court of the Eastern Caribbean.
    No preparation prior to disposition and interrogatory will help. Gaston and his family members will find out how good lawyers operate.
    The Attorney Generals fake cockney accent will be a laughable spectacle.
    God helps future generations that will have to bear the burden.

  13. W.hen Greed Personified “The Alpha Negro”. So: The Chickens of The “Alfa Nero” has as predicted finally come home to roost? . I a born vested Antiguan did warn that this saga would not have a happy ending for Antigua. I did advised that that Russian junk be scuttled at Cades Reef to generate a consistent revenue stream as a diving novelty. But greed and capricious avarice would not relent because of the seething vanity of those in assumptions of high office in my land. I had known that anything good in Antigua 🇦🇬 Barbuda is deemed by the Alpha Negro and hus cohorts, as too good for Antiguans 🇦🇬 Barbudans: And is better off be labeled as “High End Possessions”fit for interloping others. I’ve envisioned a lucrative cottage industry of local entrepreneurs running diving excursions to the reef and owning a piece of the tourism pie. But Nah! They won’t have it. It would be too independent and rob them of their subjective servitude. Nah! Let them drive their cabs and toil in.the air–conditioned service industry. That should be enough of an upward mobility step from the grind of cotton and sugar cane fields of England’s legacy. I even admonished them to have the Junk open to the people and charge a visitor’s fee, so as to let the view the eloquence of luxury: while we the strivers was paying for the docking, crews and ancillary services as the Junk lay dock forlorn in Falmouth Harbor. Nah! That too was toooo good for their nappy heads and wondering eyes. That too is too High Endded for nappy heads and wondering eyes. And there won’t be any finders fee to gain or surplus to cream off of as garnish to fatten the pigs pigging-out from the people’s trough. So, they preferred a legislative auction for a claim of abandonment and accept sovereignty clause saddled on our backs. Yeah Man! The proceeds was used to fix the road from Dock Yard to All Saints as an altruistic account of artful frugal transpiration. And the enumeration was for that debt. Lawd! A coo yah! A coo dey! Wha iey no see: Heart carn grieve, Eh!
    A so de “Alpha Nigar” say..And the Cohorts braided: aye, A fu den treasury. It would have been funny: if it wasn’t true.

  14. You covered your tracks Gaston “Cash Register” Browne, but that big mansion you’re building to show off, the schemes you Darwin and many others are doing at the At John’s Port will come to an end.

  15. Somebody Tag Dave Ray Gimme. He quiet bad lately. Like he fraid the Russian. Dave you have no diplomatic protection in America. Not even the cross you wear can help you. Come help out Gaston in this one . Follow him and say is Upp carry him to court for the Alfa Nero. Everything this yard dog do he shift the blame. If you have nothing to hide , be transparent and like Asot said , tell the people how you acquire your wealth i such a short time

  16. Time and time again over the years, the hardworking tax paying citizens of Antigua & Barbuda have been pleading with Gaston Browne and his administration for transparency on how our money is being used.


    It was always going to be just a matter of time before a more senior authority (from outside the country) would ask some serious questions.

    Yes, it’s in regard to the ongoing sale of the Alpha Nero – that we begged Browne not to get involved in -, but many Antiguans also knew it could also have been a raft of other non transparent financial and fiscal concerns.

    Browne may end up reaping what he’s sown by constantly ignoring the tax-paying citizens.

    But sadly, in the end the tax-paying public will end up paying for the Prime Minister’s mistakes …

  17. D PM need to stop blaming the opposition n take a hard look in his own yard. Plenty a dem secretly want overthrow he bad!!!

  18. @ Mr Antigua, don’t bother with Dave Ray.


    Ever since he wrote that nonsensical letter to the editor (I bet he regrets posting it now), and then followed it up with a very condescending commentary on Antiguans in regards to Gaston Browne’s 40% price gouging in vehicle licensing fees.

    He lives in Trump’s America, why on earth would we worry about what an American citizen says about Antiguans who have to live here and deal with the day to day living under Browne’s money draining histrionics.


  19. The ABLP supporters called us all kind of names when we came on ANR and called out the many foolish decisions this man has made.

    These decisions will be to the detriment of the Antiguan people for years and years to come.

    And don’t forget the Lait 2020 deal, that one is not over as yet, because that one too was done deep in secrecy.
    The 1000 Africans that were brought into Antigua, where some were lost at sea, that one is not over either. The humanitarian society has not forgotten that travesty.

    And many times I’ve come on here and referenced the Allen Sanford corruption, and many didn’t even understand where I was coming from, since they thought because Allen Sanford got over a 100 yrs in jail, that the saga is over, no it’s not.

    There were many who benefitted from that corruption, fruits of the poisonous tree, and just because they are not in jail like Allen, that it’s just forgotten.

    I happened to do good in my life, and thankful for how far I have come, because I know how money works and the temptations of it. If I myself didn’t know how to control those very temptations, I myself would probably be right where many are, doing 20 to life.

    But, “when good people stand by and do nothing, the people perish”

    So I’ve tried and tried to warn many about the trappings of money, and I know for a fact that greed has gripped this current government we have in Antiguan, and that is not some metaphor, its a living, tangible corruption that is playing out right in front y’all faces.
    I also know for a fact that’s why they Killed Asot.

    So this is not over people, and it’s necessary for it to happen so Antigua can get rid of this scourge they call the Browne Bwoi.

    The place is way too small for such corruption, and the weight will be way too heavy and has been way too heavy for this small nation.

    I sympathize with the people, but for the long term good of this beautiful island, this man has to go. We need humble servants in office that truly care for the needs of the people, and not just to get rich and powerful.

  20. The interview with the PM and unbelievably stupid boat appraiser re: Alpha Nahgo is Absolute Gold . Search & Listen carefully to what is said. The witness is unwittingly making the case. The island is brok yet ‘Antiguans & Barbudans are getting wealthier’. Which A&B’ people are getting wealthier ? That is exactly the question. They cleaned & dressed a pig in a blanket and sold it and laughed. But the case is not about a rip off boat sale, it’s about dynasty wealth accumulation and how much millions it will now cost the tax payer to defend personal accounts undisclosed, unlike us people ar high street banks. The action is taken up by an elite international lawyer practice who do not loose by taking frivolous actions. The GOAB dilemma is fully self inflicted, the PM could squash this tomorrow with full disclosure Full disclosure of personal accounts which is standard in many countries. Subpoena is music to OUR ears. Please clarify the families healthy wealth gain for the record. This will have huge ramifications for Barbuda. I hope they keep this video up, it’s a Classic.

  21. I like this trick by Gaston at ron saunders advisement they know that the USA court don’t read Antigua news room crap, but Gaston is making mass media appeals to keep the ALP stable in power right now, it’s the Antiguan public he is manipulating by even getting some white man to sit in a media broadcast where he look so desperate and uncomfortable he is nearly sweating in air condition office, I wear transition glasses which the prime minister also does, but it only darken in the sun, so to hide the fear in Gaston eyes he wore a dark shades, the people around the table keep laughing to hide the uncomfortable feeling of been infantilized by Gaston prompting them desperately to say something to incriminate themselves and exculpate himself, and you know Caucasians don’t think a black man should be in charge of them so the white laugh on mockingly. I am not no anti alpha Nero or for it, america hegemonic tentacle should not have dictated to an independent sovereign nation to seize no boat.


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