PM Browne: Proposal To Hike Licensing Fees Will Accelerate Infrastructure Upgrades

Asphalt being applied to Road in Antigua/ GIS PHOTO

PM Browne: New Road Tax Proposal Will Accelerate Infrastructure Upgrades

Prime Minister Gaston Browne has announced plans to introduce a new road tax aimed at funding a $100 million bond for nationwide road repairs. The proposal, which would see an increase in vehicle licensing fees, is intended to accelerate much-needed infrastructure improvements across Antigua and Barbuda.

Speaking on his radio programme, Browne said the government is looking to generate approximately $8 million annually from the increased fees, which would be used to repay the bond over a period of 10 to 15 years. He argued that the investment would provide long-term benefits, reducing vehicle maintenance costs for motorists and improving traffic conditions.

“Instead of waiting for a few million dollars to trickle in each month, we are looking at a bold, comprehensive plan to fix the roads quickly and effectively,” Browne stated. He added that funds from the bond would allow the government to pave roads in historically underserved communities and implement concrete roads in flood-prone areas.

The proposal has drawn mixed reactions from the public and business stakeholders. While some motorists acknowledge the need for better roads, others have raised concerns about the financial burden of increased fees, particularly in a time of economic uncertainty.

“We all want better roads, but for many of us, an extra $100 or $200 a year could be difficult to manage,” said one vehicle owner. Others have argued that heavy-duty commercial vehicles, which cause the most damage to roads, should bear a greater share of the cost.

Transport industry representatives are expected to engage with the government in the coming weeks to discuss the proposal. Browne has said he is open to consultations but remains firm that large-scale road improvements require a sustainable funding model.

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  1. This government wicked . 100 more seriously we barely getting by with the high prices of food ,rent , our children has to eat …..poor people always a suffer by the hands of this government while he and his family are well off

  2. PM Gaston Browne and his administration, wicked, heartless, and spiteful like hell all these years of destroying our vehicles it should be at least 3 years before talking about increase

  3. Improving infrastructure is always a welcome initiative, and it’s reassuring to hear that the government is focused on addressing these upgrades. However, simply raising fees doesn’t guarantee that the funds will be used efficiently. Before implementing the hike, there should be more transparency on how previous infrastructure funds have been spent. Citizens deserve clear accountability to ensure that this increase truly benefits the people and not just government coffers.

  4. The government should consider whether there are alternative ways to raise funds without making it harder for people to afford basic necessities.

  5. Why are we always so negative when we hear about taxes. Plenty of us to worse things with money. We want everything better, but government must pay for it. We need to stop. Taxes are what run a country. I am not even nearly rich, but if this means better roads in a shorter time, so be it. It will cost us less than what we pay now to maintain our vehicles.
    I keep saying over and over. We go unto other people’s country to live and we abide by their laws, which includes payment of taxes, and we gladly pay it. Why is it so difficult to do the same here. Come on people. Stop this stupidness and let’s get this show on the road.
    We can’t ALWAYS just be negative about everything, and government cannot pay or subsidize EVERYTHING.
    Let’s do better and think about the long term effect for our own benefit.

  6. Wow wow wow why should we be paying for inferiority roads using morl as a permanent base we were told by a well known engineer that to stop the use of the material we continue to pump more money our roads will not stànd the test of time

  7. We have received so many millions of dollars in grants,and millions more in loans for the so-called Road Habilitation Program ; roads are under construction and repairs at the same time. Some are even making millions from the project through sales of limestone for the same roads and this Failure has the temerity to tell us that it’s better to pay $100 annually, than hundreds of dollars every six months for vehicular parts. Only a fool would make such statement without understanding what was really said. He probably forgot or still doesn’t understand that he recently boasted of our status in the OECS, through our growth rate that’s second only to Guyana and all because of their oil find. What about the West Indies Oil Company heavy profit and the record breaking profits at the Port? Are we all fools or is he crazy?

  8. With the effort that the ABLP administration is making on Road construction and water distribution, plus the economic growth, can’t see UPP winning more then one or two seats in the next general elections. From almost winning the last election in less then two years the APLP has widen the gap so much.
    On the other hand the UPP MP’s and party has done a poor job as the Kings opposition. They are just going from bad to worst.
    Shugy interview with FRANZ on the Observer Radio was a disaster. He should that the opposition MP’s are not serious. Flirting with the ABLP about becoming a Minister within the Gaston Brown opposition even if he was joking was a poor decision. This only shows that they are not taking their jobs seriously. As I look on the opposition bench I see few one term MP’s. If the ABLP gets a good candidate to go up against Serpent that the end of his political career. He has done a poor Job as a MP. Shadowing Agriculture he gave up on opportunity to debate the budget twice . Bowen without the government purse and the imploding UPP again if the ABLP finds a good candidate to go up against him is highly possible to use his seat. Richard Lewis is in trouble of regaining his seat against the rising ABLP star , who the PM seems to have a lot of liking for and is under the tutelage of Sir. Maulwin. Also seeing different Lamin Newton. Soon a University graduate, growing in confidence ion Point FM and the senate will also set him as a candidate that can stand toe to toe if not more intellectual than his opponent and political leader of the UPP . Although the All Saints East seat is a UPP strong hold by design, this could become a big upset in the next general elections. With the balance of power in ABLP favor, the Economy, the investment in water distribution and road construction the ALl Saints East seat is in play. Looking forward to see the changes that will take place in the constituency boundaries. With some changes in the ALl Saints East boundaries, which should be done. Can you imagine Jonas road and Old road in the same constituency.
    The only ABLP seat that could be questionable is ALL Saints West. As it stands right now the sitting MP was voted in on the UPP ticket. Still not seeing him making any in roads in the hearts of the All Saints West constituents, except for Sea View Farm proper . I will end here for now.

  9. Very good point made about paying 100.00 dollars more to license and get better and sustainable roads. I would take that any day duty free or no duty free. We have a growing tourism industry, day cruises my the thousands. The spin off effort tremendous.

  10. I hope that with the increase they’ll fix the issue with license plates fading (especially the red ones) and people being charged for new ones.

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