Prime Minister Gaston Browne has responded to a call by UPP leader Harold Lovell for there for be an inquiry into the Odebrecht Scandal.
Browne addressed the issue in parliament today under the heading statements from ministers.
Browne said there is not reason for a Commission of Inquiry because he never stated Harold Lovell took bribes.
Browne says Lovell is calling for the inquiry because he knows he did not do anything wrong and was acting in his personal capacity.
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Harold Lovell, the Political Leader of the United Progressive Party (UPP), is refuting defamatory remarks made by Prime Minister Gaston Browne during the sitting of the Lower House today, May 25, 2021, and challenging him to repeat them outside the confines of Parliament.
Browne made several slanderous and unsubstantiated claims today in response to a question posed by Opposition Leader Jamale Pringle in relation to an inquiry into the international scandal.
“These scurrilous statements were brought to my attention this afternoon,” Lovell says. “They are not only patently untrue, but Gaston Browne, himself, knows they are vicious lies.
“That is why he has chosen to utter them – not via his weekly platform – but on the floor of the House of Representatives where he enjoys the privilege of immunity. That is what cowards do!” Lovell declares.
“I challenge him – I dare him – to repeat those statements anywhere else in the public domain. And if he cannot repeat them, that fact will confirm him to be a liar,” says Lovell, an attorney at law.
“If he were interested in truth, and in clearing up the cloud that hangs over this country on account of the Odebrecht Scandal, he would man up and hold the inquiry for which I and other right-thinking citizens and nationals have
been calling.
“I have no fear of the outcome. Call the inquiry now!” the UPP Leader says.
The Party’s Executive echoes the call for an investigation into the matter and expresses its full confidence in the vindication of the Political Leader.
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A guilty face and a lying tongue can only fool few, but as people get civilised them eyes will realise the real lies.
A man that condemn corruption only because the corrupted challenge him for leadership is just as guilty for hiding the corruptness for so long, lot of them have secret for each other.
One day it all shall come to light, we need an independent body to investigate because corruption won’t condemn their own acts, I never see such perfect beings in a sinful world yet.
Pastors in churches have faults but the politicians have none?
I told you all that if he called for an enquiryfhat the evidence would lead to discovery of further corruption. This would .
expand the scope as to how the monies were from the said Brazilian bank ended up in a banker with so called knowledge of banking.
Lovell I don’t know your involvement and the scope of your activity in the procurement of Andre Gutierrez as the contractor to expand and improve the runway at VCBIA. If your hands are clean. No worries. What I do know is a former banker and a wizard of financial deception ended up in control of the said bank under the advisement of a Stuart.
And by the way you can travel into US jurisdiction because you’re a head of state. Loose that title and see what happens!
Casroy is a head of state or even just a public official? How come he has no problem traveling. Come on be logical
Gaston is a coward! Yes Gaston repeat what you say in Parliament outside Parliament. School children say you fraid? Why, because you lie.
You want Inquiry for airport runway yet you fraid Odebrecht scandal. But why? What have you got to hide.
Come on Gaston, hold the Inquiry
Gaston Browne their is no basis for the Odebrecht bribery scandal enquiry because of your possible involvement. Saying you were with security detail in Miami on your way to Disney World at the time of the bribery meeting does not absolve you. Sir, please clear your name and also the tarnished image of Antigua and Barbuda.
Yes Gaston, take the stand! Why are you afraid!
Gaston Browne: Please call the Car Wash Inquiry,now. Let the chips fall where ever.One thing I would like to know. Did Casroy James give those Euros back.
Gaston Browne said in Parliament that the Euros 3 million was sent back he yet has produced no evidence to substantiate that claim and no journalist has ever asked him about it. Either Pringle or Walker will have to ask him about that in Parliament during questions to Minister. He needs to clear his name but then again only he knows why he is mortally AFRAID of an enquiry.
*Euros 3 million sent back yet he has produced no evidence
Casroy is head of what state. Is he a President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, etc…if so, of what country?
Obviously world dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne is afraid of what the outcome will be.
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