Prime Minister Gaston Browne offered the following statement this afternoon in response to reports that former prime minister Baldwin Spencer had rejected his offer of a knighthood”
“I never offered Baldwin Spencer any knighthood. First of all, I cannot confirm a knighthood on anyone — I’m not being technical here. I’m sorry that I have to give the full details as to what happened.
Last Wednesday in Cabinet, the Attorney General reported that he had a request from former prime minister Baldwin Spencer for us to make available two police outriders to participate in the funeral of his late mother — and the Cabinet agreed.
The Attorney General reported to us that former prime minister Spencer was whining about being overlooked for an honour having served the country for 27 years as a parliamentarian and also as Prime Minister for a decade.
So I said to him, ‘Look get back on to Mr. Spencer and if it is he feels that he’s been overlooked that I will undertake to nominate him for a knighthood.’ Notice I say nominate for a knighthood.
Then I was told that he would get back to us and then next thing there was some press release saying that he declined the offer. I never offered anything to Spencer. What I offered to do was to nominate him based on the fact that he thinks that he is eligible and it seems as though he’s desirable of having the honour, and even though he’s a political opponent we have to look at the fact that he has served.
I would have said to him privately notwithstanding the fact that we have fought each other politically that I have every respect for his achievements. He’s a man who came from deep out of the bowels of the ghetto to rise to the level of Prime Minister.”
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Lord have Mercy. See why I don’t play marble. My tolerance level decrease as I mature
So, if one is nominated for Knighthood by a PM who can say “No”? This sounds strange.
This story can’t be right. You definitely don’t need to write to the cabinet or the AG in order to use police outriders
You are ‘…So Darn Right’ ‘Hmmmm.’
PM Browne is ‘…Darn Right,’ too.
Exposing ‘…Casual Cabinet Discussions.’
Though there may have been private discussions between the ‘…AG and the former PM’ on the ‘…Funeral arrangements and National Award,’ ‘…Casual Introduction’ at Cabinet may have avoided; (i) ‘…Confusion; (ii) …Public rejection; and (iii) …Public embarrassment.’
Likely to get on, but ‘…not going under any darn bus, though.’
He was well aware that ‘…no conferment power’ resides with him to ‘…CONFER’ National Awards’ upon anyone.
Now, who may have given directives to Commissioner Atlee Rodney to provide ‘Outriders’; (a) …The AG; or (b) …The Cabinet?’
Neither commands and/or controls the Police Service.
The Commissioner of Police does [Section 6: Police Act: Chapter 330].
Couldn’t say what the hell happened, but docility may have played a part.
…”Dolly House” poliTRICKS.
The difference is, they’re not playing with #Fake China plate money, but hard and fast China loans, which they cannot REPAY, on schedule, therefore they’re now officially stated, that they have to go the LOAN SHARKS route, by borrowing monies, from UNNAMED entities!
All the while, these politicians are behaving like spoiled brats, in their backyards playing Dolly House politics!
Me Garne – fu now!
Then how do you get police outriders. Just write to the Chief of Police?
From The Sideline, your God Gaston is a damn liar. The little school yard bully got his feelings hurt.
I didn’t know he was elevated to be a God. But that is how you feel what can I say. I have only one God. His name is Jesus. Not Gaston.
But calling someone a liar doesn’t make him a liar, unless you have proof that he lied. But like with everything you guys are famous in making false accusations.
WOW,WOW,WOW,is all I would say about Gaston Browne.I cannot believe you would stoop that low.Baldwin Spencer should come and make a Public statement into this matter.No more nice guy,put on your dirty gloves.Cutie told you,Spencer came to him whining.i would like to hear that from Spencer himself.Because,we the people from the Grays/Green/The Mud Communities.Do not go around begging for any darn thing.
If LIE were to see Gaston Browne it would run on water to Redonda.
To meet Harold Lovell
So why Max never just say so instead of insulting and ridiculing him for rejecting it??
Point is he was offered to be nominated. No need to get technical.
If he accepted being nominated, it likely would have been conferred so clearly what has stopped this process in its tracks is his refusing. And he done get his wud from Max on here no?
There are always 2 sides to a story. The 3rd just might be the truth. Now If Mr. Spencer, who is considered to be a true statesman and one who cares about the people of Antigua & Barbuda, now is the right time to come to the public & shed some light as to why he chose to (1)turn down the offer for the naming of the Knuckle Block Centre in his name and (2) the acceptance of the Knighthood, if he was nominated for it….. It was quite interesting to hear the PM’s version of the story. Can it be refuted? Mr. Spencer, be a man and let us hear your side now & stop keep us in suspense!
WAIT the Cabinet does not have more important matters to deal with other than the granting of permission for out riders. Lord have mercy. The granting of permission for out riders is something I would imagine would be left to the Commissioner of Police and the Head of the Traffic Department in the Police Force. Your advice on this is needed Mr. POMPEY.
Now read your comment.
Was intrigued by the first comment.
Stayed right there and offered a response.
Hold no darn ‘Brief,’ though.
i would think you as a seasoned lawyer should know that. Why ask Mr. Pompey. Anyway lets hear from the man who was in this position. But Tabor you can pick up the phone and call the present Chief of Police yourself and ask for clarification.
From The Sideline you of all people should know that my question to Mr. Pompey was purely rhetorical. You have got his answer. This matter of the permission for out riders just underscores the issue of the Cabinet’s involvement in all aspects of the functioning of the country. Sad indeed!
As a lawyer you should know our system of government and don’t called it sad. It is part of the powers of the executive. You have many requests are coming before the Cabinet for so many things. The problem I have with persons like is that when something goes wrong you always blame the government but on the other hand you do not want them to be involve in nothing. And then the people who needs to be held accountable are never held accountable. If crime goes up is the government, yet the government cannot tell the police what to do. Baldwin knows that he had to address cabinet as he was once there in that seat. And the PM knows he cannot promise Baldwin any Knighthood he can only nominate. And even you can nominate Baldwin. Just write to the Honors Committee and state your case and get enough people to support it. Unlike the previous GG who refused to knight Sir Lester out of spite. This GG is not that bitter and political.
Good morning Mr. Spencer. Say nothing.
Doesn’t matter he is not under oath so he wouldn’t commit perjury.
Growing up in The Mud.There was a man.Whose nickname was Great Liar.In my opinion,that person in the above photo.Is a Greater Liar,than the one referred to as Great Liar,many moons ago.
This smaddy always a blow farts out he bottom.
How dum is the PM? It’s very simple Mr Prime Minister. We know you can only nominate! You offered to nominate him for knighthood and he declined! So where is the lie !?! You DID offer to nominate and it’s the nomination that gets the whole knighthood started so he doesn’t want any part of it so he declined .. simple..: there was no lie, no need for u to even say anything .., your ego will be your great downfall when the time comes
And the issue remain, was it the PM that initiated this request or was it Baldwin. I don’t think my PM would out of the blues nominate Spencer without first having talked to him about it. One fact remains, he said he fully appreciate and acknowledge the man’s achievement and what he has done for the country. Something I do not share by the way. But my PM is man enough to publicly acknowledge that. But some of us are to partisan to do such.
Even if your preferred version stands, it seems petty to stick on who initiated.
The true question is whether he is deserving. You disagree but the PM accepts that he is.
Both by a) offering to nominate him which suggestion he could have rejected and b) publicly expressing he has made significant contribution serving his country.
The PM’s version simply does not hold water especially after Max insulted Mr. Spencer so fiercely.
Why does PM Browne feel that he has to tear people down when they do not agree with him? How could he said that Spencer went whining to Cuitie? Can’t he show more class than that?
BTW, you guys need to read the daily paper before you write your nonsense. In Thursdays Observer, in an interview, Spencer said he was declining for personal reasons and he was about to send this message to PM Browne. Grow up, Mr Browne. Mr Spencer is not one of lap dogs coming begging for honor.
That’s how the dictator stop.
I am not swearing for Mr. Spencer but knowing the man, I can’t see or hear him whining to the AG about getting outriders for he mother’s funeral. I believe they don’t want their knighting of Molwyn Joseph to be so pointed so they wanted to throw in Spencer with that package. If God was like man, they tongue would swell in their head for all the lies they spill out.
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