29 July, 2024
H.E. Mr. Nicolas Maduro
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Mira Flores, Caracas
Your Excellency,
I present my compliments and have the honour to extend sincerest congratulations on your recent victory at the national elections, held on July 28, 2024.
The people of the Bolivarian Republic have given you, Excellency, yet another vote of confidence to continue the Chavez revolution begun in 1998; and, to forge ahead with your Economic Recovery Programme, designed to improve the lives of all Venezuelans and to further enhance the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.
Your success at yesterday’s elections signals a strong message for an engaging democracy, a respect for sovereignty, tolerance and good political relations, not only in Venezuela but within the Caribbean and Latin America. Your determination to strengthen the bonds of friendship between Venezuela and the countries of the Caribbean Community has been remarkable.
I stand in solidarity with you, the Government and people of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Excellency, to ensure the continued improvement and growth of your economy, culture and political systems. Antigua and Barbuda will continue to resist those efforts to interfere in your state’s internal affairs.
I avail myself of this opportunity, Excellency, to renew to you the assurances of my consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Gaston Browne M.P.
Prime Minister
Antigua and Barbuda

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🇦🇬’s PM congratulating the Venezuelan President was the proper thing to do.
He’s showing that his attitude towards 🇻🇪’s leader is determined by the attitude of said leader toward A&B. Venezuela’s internal affairs must be addressed by Venezuelans.
Antiguans seems to have forgotten that Venezuela was one of the first countries to send aid to A&B after hurricane Irma.
I like this stance the Antigua government has taken to congratulate Maduro government, because the opposition is a USA waiting to give all Venezuela assets and oil resources to USA global corporation, so it’s a fight to empower the black or indigenous Venezuelan and the Caribbean, so I take the emotion and party politics out of this one with the PM, but however Gaston has been that puppet of white monopoly capital domination in his handling of Barbuda lands he is selling to white people, he is not been Maduro by protecting Barbuda resources, I dear say if he was the leader of Venezuela, Gaston would a sold off all the asset to america, well no doubt as we see him.been a puppet of the USA in the ceasing of the Russian ship, if he would have done that on his own volition it would have been praises from me, because no black man offends white people , we tip toe around them. It would have shown we grew a back bone against white entitlement.
I like this stance the Antigua government has taken to congratulate Maduro government, because the opposition is a USA puppet waiting to give all Venezuela assets and oil resources to USA global corporation, so it’s a fight to empower the black or indigenous Venezuelan and the Caribbean, so I take the emotion and party politics out of this one with the PM, but however Gaston has been that puppet of white monopoly capital domination in his handling of Barbuda lands he is selling to white people, he is not been Maduro and chevez like by protecting Barbuda resources, I dear say if he was the leader of Venezuela, Gaston would a sold off all the asset to america, well no doubt as we see him been a puppet of the USA in the ceasing of the Russian ship, if he would have done that on his own volition it would have been praises from me, because no black man offends white people , we tip toe around them. It would have shown we grew a back bone against white entitlement.
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