Dear President-Elect Biden
On behalf of the people and Government of Antigua and Barbuda, and on my own behalf, I congratulate you warmly on your election as the 46th President of the United States of America.
I recall our work together, while you served as Vice President, to advance the security and well-being of the United States and its neighbours in the Caribbean. I especially recall, with appreciation, the work that you had started on building security in energy and my participation with you in conferences to facilitate progress in this vital area.
Allow me also to note that today, November 7th, 2020, marks 48 years to the day when you were first elected to Congress as a 29-year old. Your stamina and energy – and most importantly your commitment to public service for the people of the United States has been exemplary and outstanding.
As you begin to plan for your assumption of office in January 2021, I know that you will be cognizant the Caribbean is the “third border” of the United States and that our governments have a joint responsibility to cooperate in economic and social development that will keep our collective neighbourhood prosperous.
I greatly look forward to our two governments working closely together to meet the great challenges of our time, including ending the COVID-19 pandemic, restoring our economies to full strength, putting our people into the fullest employment possible, tackling the existential threat posed by climate change, and making our world a safer place for all.
I wish you every success as you prepare to take up office and I pray for the success of your administration and for the well being of all people of the United States.
Yours sincerely
Gaston Browne
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda
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Leadership Matters.
Anon the 1st I am trying to figure out what in the article would prompt the comment from you “leadership matters”. Whose leadership are you talking about? If your comment is prompted because of our Prime Minister’s congratulatory message to the President elect of the USA, Mr. Biden, that is what is expected of leaders the world over. It is part of normal diplomacy and the comity of nations. In the circumstances, therefore, the congratulatory message is not a sign of great leadership, it is just the routine expectation.
I guess he stepped on your big toe by saying that. Cause you cannot take it when anyone says anything good about our prime minister. Note he didn’t say whose leadership. He just said Leadership Matters and you jump on it. Very sad behavior. Get a life.
FROM THE SIDELINE like me you know damn well he is trying to commend Gaston for sending a congratulatory message to Biden. My point is that is no big deal. It is normal diplomatic courtesy. What about that you do not understand? It would have been done by any other Prime Minister of the country so his “leadership matters” comment is irrelevant and nonsensical.The point is you people even use the most trivial matter to try to give kudos to Gaston.
And as I said, it troubles you so much that even though he/she didn’t say anything else you felt obliged to respond. Your blind hatred will kill you. Mind your presure
Don’t count your chicks before they hatch.
BIDEN isn’t president elect. He hasn’t been certified by the states. The election isn’t over yet.
Once the Democrats shenanigans are exposed in court, a lot of them participating in this FRAUD will be going to prison for TREASON.
You are delusional or just highly misinformed!
It is not a delusion or misinformation that lawsuits have been filed and the whistleblowers appear to be coming out of the woodwork, so, I would say that the intelligent thing to do would be to wait and see what the outcome is. If it is to be Biden then so be it and the same applies to Trump. BTW voter fraud is not exactly unknown in Antigua.
To “Free Antiguan”: You must be that ANTIGUAN FOR TRUMP GUY. Get out of the way. A new day has dawned, and with joy we welcome the election of President-Elect Biden. Dude, it’s over. All Trump needs to do is pack his bags, and get outta the People’s House. He’s FIRED!
If you are right, and I not saying you are, your “new day has dawned” is the beginning of the long planned globalist socialist takeover of ‘free people’ worldwide. You guys are the modern day Nazis. Y’all better start learning to speak Chinese.
Gaston Browne,he was the Vice President for 8 years under a black President,Barack Obama.What did they do for Antigua and Barbuda and the wider Caribbean as a whole.Not one damn thing.So do not look forward to get any gifts from his Administration.Because I do think he would want the USA to colonized Antigua and Barbuda.
Your philosophy is close minded.
TRANSLATION: I don’t agree with you…. Ha Ha Ha Ha
@Elsworth:That is all you could come with.You have no opinions and or ideas of your own. Criticizing is easy.Come on,come with something.Let your brain work for you,not fart.
Harvard University was there forever and Baldwin Spencer and the Upp got nothing from them but Gaston Browne became PM and he’s now able to get Assistance for UWI five island campus…. Leadership do matter….
Baldwin Spencer and Harold Lovell can’t negotiate nothing …..
I bet if it was Gaston being PM throughout Obama’s time, the Caribbean would have been better off…
“I know that you will be cognizant the Caribbean is the “third border” of the United States and that our governments have a joint responsibility to cooperate in economic and social development that will keep our collective neighborhood prosperous”.
He could not have written this with a straight face. Has he forgotten that he has invited China to control the third border, thereby mounting a serious resistance to the US stake in this part of the world? Has he forgotten that he has invited the Chinese to use Antigua as their springboard for their strategy to repel the US?
Why you never reminded him about the WTO money?
Lol I love the way this article makes it look like they are on Skype.
We need more leaders like trump in regards to not being as yes man to comply to everything, they rejoice in the fall of trump but little do they know about biden. Trump might be against alot of illegal activities with them in secret society, This is one president that has been hated from all angles ,but the ones that are love from all angles at times be the real wicked ones. “Things they dont want you to know about trump” Do some Research! Look up the difference between Democrats and Republicans and make your judgement on. For those of you who loves colours one is red and one is blue
Just watch how Gaston a grovel. “I know that you will be cognizant the Caribbean is the “third border” of the United States……” At the same time, Gaston giving away our lands to the Chinese. We will end up having to give the new dock to the Chinese because Gaston made a promise that our country will never be able to keep. Then it will be a matter of time before the Chinese start bringing their fishing fleets here and start cleaning us out.
Gaston goes on to live a luxurious lifestyle while we suffer for his actions. Gaston is in the process of making us slaves to a foreign nation. Certain folks on here will continue to back Gaston and his regime and vote for him right up until they themselves realise Gaston was nothing but a liar and a wolf in sheep’s clothing and by that time, it will be way to late.
Mr. PM All I hope is that this new administration will take a much different approach to Venezuela and Cuba. Less confrontational. We do not need any war games in the Caribbean. We have a natural disaster waiting to happen with the oil ship in front of Trinidad. And no one can help because of the USA sanctions. I really hope you can bring Caricom to dispatch a team to go and discuss these regional issues. Obama had already started to normalize relationship with Cuba. Biden can complete that. Americans for years have demonized Socialist countries while they are embracing brutal dictators and the apartheid regime. But at the same time many of their European partners are run by socialists parties. And they love their Social Security.
FROM THE SIDELINE like Obsma I am sure Biden’s approach to Cuba will be less confrontational but with respect to Venezuela there will be no change. All America wants in Venezuela is regime change. Perhaps our PM can use his diplomatic influence with the Biden administration, don’t forget leadership matters and he was the first to congratulate Biden on his victory.
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