PM Browne Congratulates Dr. Ralph Gonsalves on his unprecedented victory in St. Vincent elections

Kingstown (San Vicente y las Granadinas), 18 de marzo de 2013. El Canciller Ricardo Patiño se reunió con el Primer Ministro de San Vicente y las Granadinas, Ralf Gonsalves. Foto: Fernanda LeMarie - Cancillería del Ecuador.
Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne has written to express his compliments and congratulations to St. Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves and his ruling party, the Unity Labour Party, on their unprecedented win at the polls.
In his compliments to the newly re-elected Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Prime Minister Browne said, “The electorate has spoken and, has five times over, demonstrated the confidence placed in the Unity Labour Party under your leadership. They have further entrusted you with the task to manage and mitigate the economic challenges being faced regionally and globally.”
On Thursday, St. Vincent and the Grenadines Unity Labour Party made history as they won a fifth consecutive election.
In PM Browne’s congratulatory letter to Dr. Gonsalves, Browne stated that he looks forward to further strengthening their friendship, fraternal relations, and continued engagement to bolster regional connectivity and to navigate issues that affect all OECS and CARICOM members.
PM Browne extended his congratulations on behalf of the government and people of Antigua and Barbuda.

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  1. CONGRATULATIONS. This will be repeated in Antigua .Hon.Gaston Browne will be Prime Minister for the bect 30 years. UPP is finished.Bunch of UNDESIREABLES on UPP slate. UPP DONE.

    • @Carson. Ralph doesnt have an open door policy, doesnt sell St Vincent passport nor give away their lands. So he has built a nation as even St Kitts are doing now. What Gaston and ABLP have done is to destroy the fabric of whatever nationalism we had so now we are just a set of bodies from wheteever, thrown together without the right education,bas espoused by you, to even recognize BS when its fed to us.

  2. CARSON I thought the Hon. Gaston Browne in his first election campaign as leader of the ALP said he only wanted 1 term and now I see you want to give him 5 terms like Comrade Ralph. I am sorry to dampen your optimism but that will never happen. He himself will create his own destruction and that of the ALP long before that time.

    • @ TABOR and ZACKIE
      Eat your HEARTS out. Hon.Gaston Browne will be around for a LONG LONG time. He is not going anywhere. TABOR and ZACKIE next election the results will be as follows..
      ABLP 17. UPP 00. That is the fact. UPP DONE / FINISHED.

  3. Comrade Ralph, we love you. You are a solid and stable voice for justice, in the tradition of Maurice Bishop and Leonard Tim Hector. They would be so proud of you. FORWARD EVER! BACKWARD NEVER!

  4. Vote out Gaston who continues to sell our lands and livelihood to the Chinese. He continues to makes deals we will never be able to pay off while he and his family ride off into the sunset.

    Wake up before it’s too late.

    Hon. Gaston Browne will be Prime Minister until He retires. There isn’t Anyone on the UPP UNDESIREABLES Slate of Candidates that is QUALIFIED for any POLITICAL. office. The OPPOSITION Leader Jamale Pringle cannot represent Antigua on the World stage and you know that TABOR. You are backing LOSERS. UPP will be FINISHED and DNA will be the OFFICIAL OPPOSITION.

  6. Ralph said the last one was his last. Yet here he is again. Is he too working on creating a dynasty? It is not healthy for a leader to be in power for 5-5 year terms. You heard how Obama upbraided those African leaders for their 30 – 40 years reign of power. It leaves the citizen having feelings of unworthiness, and it creates politicians who feel there is no hope for them to lead in their party. Ralph has also worked the high colour, straight hair superior, privileged wand among pickyhead, poorly educated black people who still have an inferiority complex, and will vote for him just because he goes into their kitchen and dip a spoon in their pot and eat from it. He is now like an overindulged overlord wielding power over a nation of voters who show no regard for issues but for the handouts of the red shirts and paraphernalia. Sounds familiar?
    Politics in these little banana republics really suck.

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